The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 234: Challenge success!

The hardest thing to overcome is

, This sentence is nothing wrong.

After a period of running in, the men's gang has felt that everyone has become a whole, and they must work together to complete the challenging tasks that are impossible for the audience.

Xiaodongbei wiped away the tears in the corner of his eyes and said to everyone that I want to go into the water! "

Shabei helped him, lamenting that it didn't matter, I could do it at 16 meters. "

No one believes this statement. Li Jingtian's best condition is 17 meters deep. Diving more than 18 meters is called deep diving. It is possible for Sabine who has not played diving to dive 16 meters by himself. Maybe?

Xiaodongbei pushed him away, walked in front of the camera, choked and said to the camera that I was going to launch! I want to beat me! I'm not afraid of water! "

It was really embarrassing to force a middle-aged man to this share.

Everyone stood up, formed a circle, and pressed their hands. Everyone's face was marked by the sea water and the wind and frost of the years. His error-free novel www.quled shouted in unison to the camera and we never give up, fear of difficulties , Challenge impossible missions! "

The slogan shouted, and morale was high!

Yang An told Xiaodongbei that I would accompany you, and you should not be too reluctant! "

Xiaodongbei finally returned to normal, and said to the camera that if I do n’t do this today, I may never dare to go into the water alone, and I will always regret today ’s escape. Yangyang, Dad wants to set an example for you, Dad wants to overcome fear! "

"Good job!"

"Little Northeast Come on!"

In front of the camera, in the name of his daughter Yangyang, he swears that Xiaodongbei has no retreat anymore. He refuses to be accompanied by anyone and insists that he swim to the life-saving raft by himself.

I saw that he nodded to the coach, raised one hand, and roared at the speedboat to challenge! "

"Challenge is impossible!"

The man helped to fist and roared with it!

Xiaodongbei went into the water, he really worked hard.

Water phobia is a very serious mental illness. Some experts say that it is a genetic defect, and some medical professors say that it may be related to the patient's childhood. Xiaodongbei is the latter. He almost fell into the river and drowned when he was in elementary school. From then on, he was particularly afraid. , Dare not to enter the water for decades.

In such a short time, Xiaodongbei can overcome his inner fear, and he has to say that he is really strong.

He didn't do ear pressure balance, took a sigh of breath to the downstream, 2 meters, 3 meters, and finally saw the 5 meter marker area. He looked at the bottomless ocean, as if a huge mouth was about to devour him. That was The shadow of his childhood, he closed his eyes, and wanted to push the thoughts out of his brain, but his body was dead, and there was insufficient oxygen, and he had to float up!


Xiaodongbei surfaced smoothly and heard their cheers and celebrations.

He took off his mask and saw the diving watch on his left wrist. He cried in surprise and shouted 4 meters! "


Yang An and Sha Bei high five on board!

The three of Li Jingtian hug!

He overcomes fear, overcomes water phobia, and completes a significant challenge!

There was tears of joy on Xiaodongbei's face. To him, the ocean was no longer a huge black hole that could not be touched. He had overcome the demon. From now on, he would never be able to walk without a heart!

There is another 12 meters, which is also a difficult record for Shabey.

In the encouragement of everyone, Shabei stood on the side of the ship and made the classic sign POSS facing the camera.

He aimed at the camera and fired, blowing the green smoke from the muzzle of his fingers, pretending to be deep and saying that for Formosa, it would not be possible without it! "


This burning bag turned straight backwards, and a beautiful backflip was planted into the sea, causing his companions to boo.

Sabay did not swim fast, with short arms and short legs, but he had a large lung capacity, and he was left to sit in town for a while.

Shabe was naked, wearing short black shorts, and dived like a shell with a safety rope.

3 meters, 5 meters, quickly passed the first marked area.

Sabbe paused, made an ear pressure balance, and continued down.

6 meters, 7 meters, 8 meters, the descent speed is getting slower and slower.

At this time, the ear pressure balance was done more and more frequently, and one atmosphere was unbearable.

9 meters, 10 meters ...

Before Shabei gave up, the rescue frogman turned on the submarine searchlight, a Y-shaped auxiliary rope appeared, and the node was 15 meters away. Shabey rushed to that place!

He passed 10 meters!

12 meters!

He felt less than a meter from the node!

But at this time, the pressure was so high that he couldn't stand it. If he dived again, his body might be damaged!

Shabei began to reverse, and the humorous nature of his nature allowed him to make a V at the frogman's deep dive camera, then quickly floated up and returned to the sea.

"How many?"

Five men shouted together.

Shabei was lying on the backstroke of the sea, holding his head up and laughing. His fins hit the water, splashing a lot of water, and the coach couldn't help hiding.

Yang An cursed this guy with a smile and deliberately drank his appetite. He was sure that this was the time when the ratings were highest. "

Everyone laughed, Yang An continued to say yes, Shabei, you won. If you do not exceed 12 meters today, you will lose face in front of the people of the country! Come on, let us reveal the answer! "

Shabei tour, attracted the camera all the way, he was pulled into the boat by Xiaodongbei and Li Jingtian, stretched out his hand, proudly displayed 14.3 meters, so admire me! "


"I'm going! You're super god!"

"Fake, right? You have dived to 14.3 meters in many words?"

The crowd was pleasantly surprised, but there was also great skepticism.

If Shabei smiles and doesn't believe it, she can check the video. I have touched the safety rope node within half a meter, and there are frogmen to prove it! "

This time, no one doubts that the cumulative relay of six people reached 42.3 meters, exceeding the requirement of 40 meters!

Yang An loudly announced the great challenge of the 40m diving relay, the challenge was successful! "

Everyone cheered, and even the crew on the speedboat and lifeboat applauded.

It's too difficult!

But very meaningful!


After the fear of water was gone, on the eighth day, the men joined the ranks of an offshore fishing boat.

Yayu 399 is a small and medium-sized fishing boat purchased by two people. Usually ten people go to sea. This time, a man assists six people, and three cameramen are almost crowded.

Xiaodongbei and Zhou Jinci, who had overcome the fear of water, worked hardest. On the bumpy sea, the two were hard-working and hard-working. They took the initiative to undertake the hardest work.

At sea, it became another documentary blockbuster. For six people, this experience can't be said for three days and three nights. It has become the most memorable memory in the life of six people, and it will be unforgettable.

The second phase of the marine-related career challenge came to a successful conclusion. When the show group disbanded and went home, it was March 15.

This day happened to be Friday. There was not much left for Yang An. The production team worked overtime and submitted the final version of the program for review on Saturday.

Back at home, Yang Anlei fell asleep on the bed, but the child's wows woke him up.

"That's right! I'll bring you a gift. All three of you have a share!"

Yang An found a small jewelry box from the trunk and sent it to Rong Feifei to open it.

The three pearls are not large, nor are they particularly round, with a hint of matte in the white.

Rong Feifei looked at the lights and laughed. Do you want to perfuse us with inferior products? Well, Yang An, even a two-month-old child can be tricked ~ "

Yang An kissed her and sighed that it was obtained from the seashell I dragged up by myself. Do you think pearls are well obtained? We are really ... "

He did not dare to say the word Nine Dead, and was worried that Rong Feifei was afraid.

At that time they were sitting on a fishing boat. When the first net of 800 kilograms was dragged up, everyone shouted in excitement. When the winch moved, the excited little Northeast was hit by the boat and fell into the sea.

In order to facilitate the operation on the ship, Xiaodongbei took off his life jacket in violation of the rules. Zhou Jinci jumped first regardless of the danger, and the captain and the chief officer all jumped to the rescue collectively.

Although the three pearls are not good-looking, they are of great significance. The couple laughed for a while, Rong Feifei decided to send them to the jewelry store to decorate them, and the three carried them next to each other.

"When you went to Sanya to record the show, that Dongshan TV was the first TV station to follow the trend and make a reality show of similar stars. The mother asked about it and said that there are still a few in the country. Follow-up is estimated to be the day after tomorrow or broadcast next week. "

Rong Feifei said with a smile that TV circles now say that you are an old driver ~ ~ As long as you choose a topic, you will be able to follow the trend and not be wrong. "

Yang An sat at the crib watching the sleeping pair of children, and said with a smile that they would succeed in choosing the topic with me? If following suit leads to success, who else is willing to innovate? Dongshan Satellite TV's "Star Challenge Show" broadcast a response? What is the audience rating? "

Speaking of which, Rong Feifei only laughed at you searching online. "

Yang An became interested and turned on the computer to search for keywords.

Everyone shot in Sanya more than ten days ago. In order to avoid a collision, Dongshan Satellite TV rushed to play first, and the ratings of the first broadcast ... 1.2%!

"The first broadcast is 1.2%. That's good. If you insist on it, you can break 2%! For a local TV station, this program should be a success."

Yang An said in his mouth, continued to comment on netizens in the Cape Forum, opened two posts, and laughed out loud.

After watching the premiere of "Star Challenge Show", netizens joked and commented that they hope to invite Mr. Zhang Ya as a guest in the second program! I am a big fan of Dongshan Satellite TV and Teacher Zhang Ya, and I am willing to give her ten thousand years! "

"After watching the show, I politely stiffened for an hour, a bit uncomfortable!"

"Hurry up and help your husband ... a bottle of nutrition ..."

"Dongshan Satellite TV, you're doing hair, those three men are worth watching? The next issue will continue to use female guests! Continue to take off!"

"Is this changing from the water playground to Sanya's" Brave Challenge "? Still a familiar feeling, or a familiar taste, my trousers have never been pulled up!"

Online "praise" keeps on, all hope that Dongshan Satellite TV will make persistent efforts and continue to be vulgar! (To be continued.)

Chapter 234 Challenge Success!

Chapter 234 Challenge Success! [No * wrong] [Small-speak-net] members play by hand, please visit the website for more chapters:

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