The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 236: Pinch door

() On the TV was a late supplementary interview, Xiaodongbei said to the camera: "To be honest, after hearing the 40-meter diving relay mission, my first thought was not to be afraid, but to think of the theme of the first period The choice of the theater of life. My life, from receiving an invitation call from Yang An, has changed dramatically. S-or-no? I chose s, so I joined the men ’s gang, and today I must not Not directly facing the things I fear most in my life! "

Five minutes ago, there was a continuous stream of crusade against Xiaodongbei on the Internet.

The old hen's official website and official Weibo account have been swiped by netizens, scolding Xiaodongbei for not being a man, and losing the faces of the northeastern men, even daring to escape!

Many netizens blamed and said, "Since Xiaodongbei cannot afford to play this game, you quit early and you are not worthy of being a man to help!"

But Xiaodongbei wept and vowed to the camera, struggling to overcome her timidity, and shouting "I want to go into the water", the anger of netizens finally subsided.

Xiaodongbei said to the camera: "I was drowned in the river when I was 8 years old. At that time, I drank a lot of water and struggled hard. My consciousness was still sober. That was my closest feeling to death. How do you say? That kind of feeling really, I dare not recall ... my dad took an iron piece to pull me, and I knelt down on the ground all night, I was scared, that was the scariest thing in my life ... "

Everyone in the living room is lamenting that anyone who has had the same experience can experience the fear of Xiaodongbei.

Who has nothing to fear?

For example, thunder, dark shadows in the corridor, sleeping with the lights off, a dark closet, and phobia of confined space. Not all people have a happy nature. Many people have more or less personality and mental defects.

Xiao Dongbei defeated the fear in his heart, and his true feelings made everyone forgive him. He worked hard to challenge himself and achieved 4 meters, which made everyone congratulate.

Finally, when Shabei played at a super level and completed this amazing challenge, the living room of Ning Hao's house all applauded.

Father-in-law admired: "Very good show, Ning Hao, your production team is very good! It is full of positive energy and very educational!"

The mother-in-law also said, "Six of you guys will definitely become ≈⊥dǐng≈⊥diǎn≈⊥ 小 ≈⊥ said.... O∞ s _ (); The idols of young people now have to play a leading role. Every decision you make will affect thousands of young people and be imitated by them. "

Ning Hao laughed: "So we trembled and didn't dare to talk casually. Our personal Weibo was taken over by the production team, and we couldn't say a word!"

Everyone laughed, and the daughter said timidly, "Dad, since you are so dangerous in filming, don't go there in the future, okay? Would you like to write with me at home?"

Ning Hao hugged his daughter lovingly and kissed him softly, "Baby, dad is doing something meaningful, can't help but do it, rest assured, dad will protect himself, wait for me to finish the program, the rest Spend time with my baby, okay? "

The daughter kissed Ning Hao on the cheek, and Ning Hao held her tighter.

Old Liu asked the opportunity: "Xiao Ning, are you going to shoot this show in May?"

Ning Hao said, "In June, Yang An will host the second season of" The Voice of China ", and the" Amazing Challenge "will stop. Then we plan to make a play in the second season of the old hen. I'll wait until next year. "

Old Liu's ears were raised: "What kind of film do you do?"

Ning Hao couldn't disclose this. This is what he and Yang An discussed. How can it be convenient to talk to outsiders?

Old Liu Xingwu came over and laughed: "Well, is the actor selected? Can you give Yuxi a role?"

Ning Hao looked at Liu Yuxi. The young girl is also young and aggressive. She can be called the most beautiful anchor of CCTV Sports Channel. She is still very special, looks good, has a good temperament, is cute, and has a cheerful personality. .

Ning Hao shouted and smiled, "We haven't decided on the book yet, let's say ..."

Before the voice fell, Ning Hao's phone rang. It was Yang An. He gladly stood up and walked out. After answering, he said, "Oh, Yang, how are you free to call ..."

Watching Ning Hao closed the door to the room, the atmosphere in the living room changed again, Liu Yuxi raised his ears but could not hear anything, his heart was messy, and Old Liu didn't care about watching the show.

Instead, my father-in-law and daughter continued to watch. I saw six men going out to fish, experiencing fisherman careers, marveling, screaming, scared, working together, and rescuing each other without fear of sacrifice. They shared a life with the men Baptism, felt what is called courage!

Ning Hao came out with a smile, red face, and how old Lao Liu was. He stood up and asked, "Is Yang An coming? Well ... can we see him, yes, we also chase the stars!"

Ning Hao thought for a while, agreed to Yang An, and laughed: "Okay, I'll pick him up, mom, you quickly collect the family, the VIPs are here."

Yang An came with Shabei. The two are like good friends now. Yang An has been persuading Shabei to leave from CCTV and follow him to develop into the entertainment industry. Looking for Ning Hao today is the last advice.

Ning Hao brought the two into their new home. The room was applauded and welcomed in line.

Yang An and Sha Bei did not adapt, but the two had rich experience. Yang An raised his hand: "Hello comrades!"

Shabei waved, "Comrades are working hard!"

Seeing Ning Hao's daughter, Yang An joked: "Yo, there are young pioneers to send flowers!"

The room was full of laughter. I didn't expect to be funny when I saw a real person than on TV.

Yang An handed over the presents, and Ning Hao introduced everyone one by one. When it was Lao Liu's turn, Ning Hao laughed: "Bo Liu and his niece."

Shabei's eyes lit up: "It turned out to be a pity, I've heard your good name for a long time, but I didn't dare to make appointments, because I was afraid of being hit by your sports channel ..."

Liu Yuxi had already heard of Shabei, knowing that this person was a teaser. At this time, he was exaggerated, and his heart was full of joy. He hid his mouth and smiled, "Hello Mr. Formosa, Hello Yang An!"

After the guest settled down, Lao Liu found a reason to play chess with Ning Hao's father-in-law. His wife and mother-in-law took the children back to their old home to sleep. The remaining four were sitting on the living room sofa and drinking tea and chatting.

Speaking of the second episode that just ended, Shabe fiddled with his mobile phone: "Colleagues sent data, and the ratings of Fifty Cities were 3.9%, which is 10% higher than the previous issue. Let ’s ride in a similar program!"

Liu Yuxi came together to see the screenshots, and I was envious of it: "If only our" nba frontline "had such a high rating!"

Shabei said: "Did you not broadcast so high in the finals?"

Liu Yuxi was discouraged: "No, I'm afraid that only Sports Channel can compete with you on the Sports Channel! Sure enough, the entertainment industry is so mixed up!"

The three big men laughed and laughed: "The entertainment industry is so mixed? Classmate Liu Xiao, are you joking?"

"Do you think we can attract the audience to watch the show with our tongues? We are joking with our lives!"

"Look at Xiaodongbei, what has been scolded on the Internet!"

The three found a tablet, searched the Internet, and the keyword "Xiaodongbei" rose on the popular search page, refreshed every five minutes, and his ranking rose a few places. You know, this is the top Hundreds can be on the list!

Look at Xiaobeidong ’s Weibo, which has a mixed reputation. Some people scold him for humiliating the Northeast, and some encourage him to comfort him.

Yang An introduced: "The fans of Xiaodongbei started with more than 9.3 million followers. The show just finished, adding more than 600,000 people, breaking through 10 million, and going up tomorrow. This is the power of the show. But this issue After the broadcast of the show, how much has it affected his reputation, no one knows, look at these swearing remarks, do you think the entertainment industry is so confusing? "

Liu Yuxi didn't want to read these abusive words. She also had Weibo herself, knowing how annoying the fans would be when they got into trouble, sometimes deleting it was too soft and could not stop it.

This is the case of her pinch door event. The fans themselves said that she had a big gossip, and she released it as many times as possible. As a result, the fan did it. In the end, she put out a big gossip picture, and the fans went on. Began to say "pinch your milk", a fan said that it was not enough, thousands of fans lined up to say so, forming a pinch milk legion, she was about to collapse!

After a few jokes, Yang An and Ning Hao made an excuse to go to the study to find something, and talked privately.

Yang An asked: "How about letting Liu Yuxi play Bao Shihong's wife?"

Ning Hao laughed softly: "Did you see her?"

Yang An laughed: "Brother Ha, are you kidding me, am I the kind of person? Bao Shihong's wife is an ordinary bus ticket seller, a flat-headed little common people, has no big ambitions, and does not ask her husband to have much fight, just an ordinary woman It's okay to let her put on makeup and look old-fashioned. I agree to let her go. The most important thing is that now that everyone is a crew, the relationship will be close in the future. I will probably ask her to enter a new variety show. "

Yang An noticed that Liu Yuxi seemed to be interested in playing with them, and "Mad Stone" Female No. 1 was still quite suitable for her ~ ~ Who should I play? As long as the fat and water do not flow outsiders' fields, if Liu Yuxi can be tied together and the sports goddess joins, it can also add a fresh air to the old men, such as "Adventure with Pei Ye", even running men can let him Go find the bab, let's go, what else does the husband have to play official p, the little cheetah is awkward, he is even more awkward!

Out of the study, Ning Hao said: "Brother Sha, even Brother Yang is willing to play a role in the play, what are you hesitating about? You are busier than him in summer vacation?"

Sabe hesitated, "I'm afraid the impact will be bad!"

Yang An said: "Is it interesting to hug the CCTV tree? Am I a CCTV person? Why can I still show up on CCTV and still act as the host?"

Ning Hao has no mouth: "Will you join with Yu Xi! You play Feng Dong, Yu Xi plays the number one girl!"

Liu Yuxi exclaimed, "What's the matter with me?"

Ning Hao laughed: "Do you want to play with us? There is only one chance! The choice of your life theater begins, s-or-no?" (To be continued.)

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