The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 244: Favorite Actress

The recruitment of actors at the Golden Eagle Awards Gala was only Yang An's idea.

The effect is not good. TV viewers across the country are all curious when they see this scene. Yang An's movie? Guo Tao as the actor? Shooting this summer? Win every minute? Yes you can! Yang Geer's work must be seen, and that's it!

Hai Qing joked with a smile: "Aren't you the host? Why remember to make a movie again?"

Yang An dismissed: "Isn't Xiao Cui just now saying that some hosts are going to write books ..."

Xiao Cui and a well-known host who had published the book lay guns, all laughing and watching Yang An talk nonsense!

"... Some movie actors don't work for the industry, and some hosts run as directors ..."

Mr. He and Huang Lei laughed and carried the audience. Many people in the circle knew that the two were tossing a movie called "Xia Zi Hua Kai Ya Kai". The actor Huang Lei was the producer and the host Mr. He was The director and the two publicly stated that this film is not bad as long as it does not lose money. It is still being filmed at this stage. It will be released in May and it will be released in the summer.

"... So cross-border is the most popular this year! Why can't I make a movie? Right, everyone? Teacher Guo, you haven't answered me yet. I ask you to be the number one man. Will you come? "

Wow ~

Do you want to be so enthusiastic!

Do you want to be so exaggerated!

Having said that, where can Guo Tao refuse? He immediately nodded and promised, gave a thumbs up, and thanked him very much, regardless of whether Yang An was true or not, anyway, Guo Tao must admit it!

I don't know how many stars are getting hot in the hall! Envious and jealous to die!

Yang An's first movie, which will be filmed this summer, will feature six men! Even if the male No. 1 was taken by Guo Tao, there must be other roles. Who doesn't want to fight? Countless people started to move, waiting for the end, asked someone for directions, and Yang Anpan fell in love!

Xiao Cui raised his hand and shouted, "Yang An, Yang An, I also have a schedule for summer vacation, I am also a savage ..."

The audience laughed and Yang An resolutely shook his head: "I don't believe it. There is no truth to tell from your mouth. The savages don't need someone like you!"


Xiao Cui doesn't tell the truth? Then the people of the whole country have no truth!

Yang An blinked and said deliberately, "Huh! How dare you say I'm a savage? I have a hundred reasons to refuse you to join!"

Ouch ~

Xiao Cui sat there smirking, not knowing how much the audience laughed. This host of surfers really did not have a bottom line!

The time is long enough, if no awards are given ... Kang Jinlong is 100% willing!

Hai Qing said with a smile: "Should we draw the lottery?"

Yang An nodded, opened the envelope in his hand, and handed it over: "I don't know any of these men, here you are. Women give me!"

Hai Qing covered her mouth and smiled, and said to the envelope, "The most popular actor is-translator Zhang Jia! Congratulations!"

There was a warm applause from the audience!

The bad-looking sportsman Uncle Zhang Jiayi stood up, bowed and thanked everyone, his face was irresistibly smiling, and he waved his hands frequently. He was so excited!

Zhang Jiayi appeared on the stage to receive the award. Yang An then announced that the other person was staring at him. The audience in front of the TV did not blink. Countless netizens quickly swiped the forum: "Yang brother, give them some bombs! "

"Let the entertainment industry know what it is to be the first comedian in China!"

"The lottery is drawn! Buy big, buy small, buy and leave!"

"My mother! My mother!"

"Taoer ~~ Taoer is a good wife!"

"Goddess Gao Yuanyuan, come on! Yang Geer will definitely bring you luck!"

Yang An opened the envelope, glanced at it, and turned it over again, looking at the back, looking at it, as if looking for something.

Haiqing asked curiously, "What are you looking for?"

Yang An was puzzled: "Why didn't you see Rong Feifei's name?"

Uh ~

Rong Feifei, who was watching the live broadcast, laughed and stunned her sister Xiaoyin in her arms, crying wow.

Mom sits next to her brother Xiaole. Xiaole sees her sister crying, pouts and then cries. Mom coaxes Xiaole and blame the TV: "Yang An, you are haunted!"

The audience laughed, Yang Ye, you are so funny! Isn't Rong Feifei your wife? She is not an actor, how could she win a prize!

The three starred female stars couldn't help laughing and crying, and the tense nerves suddenly relaxed, as if out of breath.

Sun Li and Liu Tao have both won the Golden Eagle Award in the past, but after many years, Gao Yuanyuan is a newcomer who has been nominated many times but never won. She is the most nervous.

Hai Qing laughed: "Rong Feifei has not been shortlisted, of course, she is not there anymore. Wow ~~ It was her who won the award this year ..."

Who is it?

Everyone's ears were raised, staring at Yang An, only to see him smile: "Although it's not Rong Feifei, the winner's name is also da da type ..."

Huh? Rong Feifei? Everyone is confused, is it Gao Yuanyuan?

"... Gao Yuanyuan!"

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't believe Yang An's name!

She won the prize!

Everyone around her was congratulating her. She stood up excitedly, covering her mouth, covering her chest, bending down to thank everyone, and then went on stage to receive the award. Her steps were not stable, and her mind was blank.

The biennial TV Golden Eagle Awards is too difficult to obtain the highest honor. The number of stars in the entertainment industry has skyrocketed like the cpi index. I don't know how many people are fighting each year and how many people leave the field with tears. , The actress is very fast to update, a new generation to replace the old one, Gao Yuanyuan can kill a **** road to win the crown, I am afraid this opportunity in this life!

The award-winning actor gave a testimony on the stage, the awarding guests gave way, and Yang An and Hai Qing returned to the background.

Director Kang Jinlong greeted him: "The two are beautiful!"

Hai Qing kept patting her chest, panting with a big mouth, pinching a small envelope to fan her face.

She looked at Yang An and said, "I'm too nervous! Are the hosts as easy as you? Are you not afraid to say the wrong thing?"

Yang An smiled: "It's inevitable that the host will make mistakes, just get used to it! But if you have more hosts, you won't be afraid. I just said it as a comic dialogue, haha!"

Kang Jinlong came together and said excitedly, "When you were there, the instant ratings broke 4%! It's worthy of being a" watching iron ", it's amazing!"

Yang An was surprised: "Is there such a god? Will CCTV give me a bonus?"

Kang Jinlong laughed: "I'll send you a certificate of merit! When the outside testimony is over, you can go back!"

On the front stage, Gao Yuanyuan wept with excitement. She choked and thanked a lot, family, director, crew friends, and agent. She kept saying thank you, but she had two people in her heart who didn't dare to say it. One was not public. Yang's boyfriend, the other is Yang An, she should have guessed that she got such a high off-field ticket, which is likely to have Yang An's credit.

Zhang Jiayi still maintains the style of a mature, middle-aged man. He speaks calmly and is humorous. He also laughed at Xiao Cui and Song Qing a little, and joked that he did not dare to mention Yang An's name. He was afraid of the national male god. Rising too fast, angry, grabbed his male uncle's class in advance, causing the audience to laugh.

The two winners were warm and touched, so that the audience was also very emotional, and those who liked them preferred it, and there were many people who turned the road.

When the award was over, Yang An returned to her seat and was performing a show on the stage. Teacher He grabbed Yang An and said, "The two of us must communicate well."

Yang An nodded: "Required, we are both host of variety shows, both cross-border singers, both are filming for the first time, there are too many common topics. Otherwise, let ’s cut the chicken head and burn the yellow paper, and worship the brothers. how is it?"

Teacher He didn't blink: "Find someone again, get a plate of peaches, bathe and burn incense, isn't Sanjie right?"

Yang An said solemnly, "This suggestion is good. In fact, you can find a few more, and make up seven. The seven brothers are also good."

Mr. He applauded: "I suggest that worship should not only be for men, but women can also dominate half the sky. Three is enough, and then there are 105 men. I think 108 is auspicious!"

Yang An sighed: "It's a pity ~ ~ Most of the hosts are savages, it's rare to have so many like-minded comrades ..."

The two laughed loudly, and they felt very close to each other. They were both of the same type. They had quick thinking reactions, escaped humor, and humor.

After chatting for a while, everyone sat up straight and watched the performance again.

The awards party is like this, many times it is boring, but the guests are afraid to relax, because no one knows when the photographer will shoot themselves.

Xiao Cui and Song Qing returned to power, continued to award prizes, and continued to ridicule. 》 ≠ miào》 ≠ bi》 ≠ gé》 ≠ ,

Kang Jinlong saw the data in the background. There was no Yang An when performing the show. The audience rating quickly fell below 4%. He missed the minutes when Yang An stood on the stage. Yang An's feeling of controlling the rhythm of the audience It's so comfortable.

Xiao Cui is also good. Xiao Cui and Song Qing came to the stage to host, and the ratings can be stabilized at about 3.5%. It can be seen that they still have the ability. Compared with Yang An, he can only say that his "watching iron" is too evil.

Take a look at the program list. Twenty minutes later, the awards will be given for TV series and programs. Kang Jinlong was heartbroken. He has already won the list of winners. The result is ...

With the continued popularity of the show, the topic of the Golden Eagle Festival on the Internet is increasing.

Many audiences who are looking forward to Yang Anlai are particularly satisfied. Every sentence, every interaction, even the ridicule, every laugh, was dug out by him when he took the stage to present the award.

Yang An's true love fan made the animation, and even uploaded a 5-minute micro-video. Every laugh was given a pop-up prompt using post-production methods.

For example, station b is lively today, and it's unprecedented because of the golden eagle!

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