The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 255: There are TV stations to grab students!

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Song Yiming and Li Chenfeng are the field staff of the good sound production team. There are 15 field teams like them. Their daily work is a business trip. Based on a population of 500,000, they will stay in a county with a population of 500,000 for a day. A small town with a population of 1 million stays for two days, visits local singing experts, and then strives to collect these people to join the good voice singer selection database. |

On March 20th, they braved the heavy rain and came to a remote place called “Xiangxiang County” in the Sichuan Yi Autonomous Region. They lived in a small hotel for 40 yuan a day, opened their laptops, and wirelessly connected to the Internet.

"I'll go take a shower first and see if there are any updates in the company's system."

Song Yiming accidentally stepped on the water when he walked, and both legs of his pants got wet. He was most afraid of traveling on such a rainy day, and he felt quite uncomfortable without taking a bath.

Li Chenfeng was connected to the Internet and logged into the "Good Voice Special Screening System". This system covered 80% of the students' registration and screening work. The company has a network support team dedicated to this matter.

"There is no response from posting posts in the Tongxiang area. The recommended number of regional music circles is 0 ... The total population of Tongxiang County is only over 300,000, and most of them are ethnic minorities. If there is a singer in this place, that's really a hell!"

Looking at the empty system, Li Chenfeng shook his head and complained that the influence of good-sound programs is difficult to penetrate in areas like this underdeveloped economy. The company could not help and had to dig it out by itself.


There was news from other groups. He noticed that in today's task, four singer files were uploaded in the twelfth group of fieldworkers in the Northwest Loess Plateau, and he was jealous.

"Song Yiming, twelve groups they found four new singers today!"

"No, aren't they in the northwest? Are they people who sing Tianyou and Qinqiang?"

"Surely those styles. In addition to this, there can be other types of folk songs in that place! Southwest too, let's go to Chuanshu hinterland to find folk songs and folk songs. I go, I really don't know what is thinking in the head of General Liang!"

The two shouted across the bathroom door. Song Yiming wiped out the towel after a while, took out the hairdryer from the trunk and slammed into the wet clothes, saying, "Don't complain, this is not necessarily Liang's request. I suspect it is Yang. Brother directly ordered. "

Li Chenfeng sighed, his expression became cautious: "Does Yang Geer want to dig out folk singers of folk songs?"

Song Yiming hesitated a bit: "I'm not a senior leader, this is just my guess."

The good sound production team began to prepare for the second season last October. Originally, all work was normal, but since the Spring Festival, the atmosphere has changed slightly.

During the Spring Festival, Lu Xun found Yang An and proposed that he would suspend the season. This year, he will hold a three-month Asian tour during the summer vacation, which conflicts with the schedule of good voice.

Yang An agreed, after all, the iron camp, the flowing mentor, a good voice can't tie the mentor for a lifetime, even if Lu Xun and his relationship is good, he can't help the other party to make money by himself.

Lu Xun left, Yang An found another queen of Hong Kong singers to join, Fei Jie, this incident was notified to all staff of the good sound production team, everyone knows.

Fei Jie made her debut eighteen years ago and has released fifteen albums. Five of them have sold hundreds of gold. Her voice is high-pitched, sweet and stable, especially good at English songs.

Because she is from Hong Kong and speaks fluent English, she preferred to develop in the overseas Chinese circle when she debuted. She won the BBC World Music Awards Asia ’s first female singer three years ago and was nominated for several Grammy music. It should be regarded as the Chinese singer with the deepest European and American pop music circles.

Yang An chose Fei Jie, then there were two female mentors with good voices. Due to the needs of the program, the corresponding sea-selected students will change accordingly. There will be fewer rap songs that match Lu Xun's taste, and English songs will be less. , As well as distinctive Chinese-style songs, will be recommended by the production team.

Grass-roots staffers like Song Yiming and Li Chenfeng may not understand Yang An's intention of choosing a mentor. They only know that if it is not particularly good, singers who sing domestic pop songs will find it difficult to pass the second round of election and lie in the first round The number of singers Curry is endless. How many are there? Or hundreds of thousands? In fact, everyone knows that 99% of these people are cannon fodder!

Song Yiming said the result of his speculation: "This year, folk songs should be valued, and ethnic original songs should be supported. Even Yang Geer singing, he will support traditional folk art. Why can't a singer come for a good voice? "

Li Chenfeng suddenly realized: "It makes a little sense to say," Feng Mo Life "," Acacia "," Goku ", Yang Geer seems to sing with opera flavor, do you think there will be a large group of followers this year, especially Are the young people of the opera family integrating opera aria into popular songs? "

Song Yiming controlled the mouse with his mouth wide open: "There must be, someone will definitely do what he likes. Even if the four mentors don't turn around, Yang Geer will sign him for training, maybe he will write songs for him! Wow! Nine groups also uploaded one! "

Li Chenfeng looked carefully. Group Nine is a field group sent to the Xiangjiang River Basin. That area is also a gathering place for ethnic minorities, mainly Tu Miao, Yao and Bai Huizhuang, etc., especially the Tujia and Miao people, with a population of more than one million. The Qiang, Yao, Yao, and Bai people are also on the scale of hundreds of thousands of people. Folk songs and folk songs in these places are very distinctive.

Seeing the gains of other groups, Song Yiming was anxious: "If we still want to compete for outstanding employees this year, we must cheer! Can't be compared by their students!"

Li Chenfeng was stunned: "I'll go out and ask."

Song Yiming looked out the window: "What are you doing out under such a heavy rain?"

Li Chenfeng picked up the rain gear and put on rubber shoes: "It's okay. I'll ask nearby. There is a small supermarket next to it. I ask the locals. Maybe I can inquire."

Song Yiming said: "Go ahead, I search the Internet."

Starting from the good sound of the second season, there are four main recruitment channels, one is online registration, the singer uploads a sample by himself, and the program group reviews it. This is the most common channel.

The second is the cooperation of local enterprises. Wanda Group has become the official partner of Good Voice. All Wanda commercial real estate nationwide and real estate companies related to Wanda will become the regional name election and organizer. Good regional voice It became a feast for the whole people, benefiting many parties and everyone was happy.

The third method is industry recommendation, and professional college recruitment is also a conventional method.

The last one is Song Yiming, who took the initiative to attack and dig deep.

Song Yiming didn't want to make a splash in Tongxiang. He kept searching for news about Tongxiang and songs, and wanted to find clues from the vast network.

A piece of news six years ago appeared before him: "... Tongxiang County held an elderly singing contest in response to the national policy of art to the countryside ..."

Song Yiming wrote down this clue and planned to go to the county government tomorrow to ask about it. Older singers are also OK. Older singers like Simon ’s are good at singing and topical. They can also be noticed when they are 60 years old. The singers continue to play rock and roll, the better the singer is.

"Furthermore, singing talent can also be inherited. Old singers can also have little singers, and their children can also be considered." Song Yiming thought to himself.

Li Chenfeng walked out of the small hotel, holding an umbrella, and walked into the small supermarket next to it.

In the field, under normal circumstances, as long as Li Chenfeng mentions "Good Voice of China" to others, and then passes his work permit, he can gain the trust of the other party. When talking about finding a local singing master, many locals will be enthusiastic to provide clues. .

The supermarket owner took Li Chenfeng's business card and said in a small amount of Mandarin: "Yes, we Yi people can sing the most.

Ah ~~ Fine fragrance is waiting, friends from afar, come quickly ~

Ah ~~ The flowers in Manshan are in full bloom, please don't leave in a hurry ~

... "

The Yi people are hospitable and able to sing and dance. A small boss of a supermarket sings openly, and has also attracted the attention of several customers.

The boss joked: "Little brother, can I have a good voice in this voice?"

Li Chenfeng said with a smile: "We are looking for the Yi people who can sing the most. If you have the confidence to represent the Yi people, I will register you immediately!"

The boss lady gave him a sip, the boss laughed, and a customer next to him took the things to check out, glanced at Li Chenfeng, and asked casually, "Have you guys been here last week? Haven't found anyone yet?"

Li Chenfeng had an ominous hunch: "What came once last week? I came here for the first time today."

The man was also puzzled: "Last week, at the gate of Jiale Supermarket? Are you a good voice person?"

Li Chenfeng knew that the matter was serious. He took out his ID card, work permit, and the official letter of certification issued by the Hongfeng Municipal Government, and showed it to that person. Then he gained the trust of the other party and informed him of everything.

Ten minutes later, Li Chenfeng returned to the hostel with a somber face and saw Song Yiming working at his desk.

"Something is wrong ~ ~ Someone is calling us with a good voice, and come and scan once in advance!"

"what's the situation?"

After the two exchanged information, they felt serious, and Song Yiming felt inappropriate: "We must report this situation and notify President Liang!"

Li Chenfeng agreed: "Tomorrow we will go to the county government. If this group of people cheats with our signboard, we must be punished severely by law!"

The next day, the two found the county government to respond to the incident. The responsible person called the chief of arts, took them to the Jiajiale Supermarket, and got the relevant publicity materials left over.

When they saw it, they did not dare to neglect, and immediately informed Liang Xu that this preemptive TV station turned out to be Huangmang Satellite TV!


ps: Fei Jie has no corresponding prototype (to be continued.)

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