The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 282: you shut up!

Sun Li stretched out her two fingernails, picked up a little tender meat, slammed it, and twisted it again, the painful screamed and kept dodging, and she hummed, "You stupid, how can I hit him? I work hard I'll fight for you, do you have an opinion? "

The old Cui on the stage gave a simple explanation of "If You Are the One," he emphasized the female guests. He needed a lot of female guests, and various styles of female guests. Everyone is an elite in the entertainment industry. Of course, the best quality resources to know are the best, and please don't hide them and dedicate a lot! "

Cui Lao went out, and the whispering uttered a lot of excitement. He almost turned the stage into a talk show.

Yang An held aside, and the two cooperated tacitly, which caused the audience to applaud loudly. There are really many people who have high-quality resources and have signed up accordingly.

The premiere was quite lively. The last high dynasty suddenly came out, and the lights suddenly went out. Some people screamed softly. Soon, a "snap" and a spotlight turned on. The waiter pushed out the dining car with a large display on it. Multi-layered cakes, as well as champagne.

Another lamp was shining on Yang An, and Lao Cui took out a folded paper hat and put it on his head. He was really stunned. He laughed and realized that he was himself today. Birthday!

"Happy birthday ~ Happy birthday ~"

Rong Feifei applauded and sang this song softly, which soon aroused the audience's chorus and continued to cheer!

Every tenth day of October is Yang An ’s birthday. This year is twenty-six. However, the general birthday is calculated as a virtual year. A large twenty-seven appears on the big screen. The guests are all feeling emotions, twenty-seven. To get such a high honor, there is really no one before, and no one comes after. Yang An ’s performance is really too evil!

The lights finally turned on. Yang An saw the mother behind Rong Feifei, and Li Dongze, both of them hugging a child, his tears were almost falling.


This is the first time Yang An's two little treasures have made a public appearance!

The whole audience was coaxing, it depends on the baby, who cares what Yang's birthday is!

"Ah, what a lovely child ~"

"Sister wants to hug!"

"Brother Yang, let's play with our children!"

"I made a reservation for your daughter!"

"My son is mine. Don't rob me!"

The crowd laughed loudly and coquettishly, Yang An quickly protected: "It doesn't matter today, when the age of one year, will everyone hold up? Look, the ancestors are yawning!"


Like cooperating with Yang An, both children were crying and falling asleep. Everyone smiled in good faith and asked them to take the child back.

Rong Feifei stayed with Yang An to handle the scene, generous, courteous and polite, what kind of person her husband is, she was too clear, she would not say to deliberately eat anyone's vinegar, that means is too low .

There is a mother-in-law sitting in the town. There are really no women below who dare to be too presumptuous. In the end, the guests dispersed, leaving only four groups to wait for Yang An.

One by one, the first pair was Sun Li and Dunchao. The two came over. Yang An hadn't had time to talk. Sun Li scolded: "Shut up!"

A group of people smiled and watched the madness of Xiao Niangzi, Xiao Anzi frowned and listened to the instruction.

Dunchao shrugged, indicating that his mother was soaring and couldn't hold herself, showing Yang An a look of brother you ask for blessings.

Sun Li said: "Last year at the Golden Eagle Festival, you tended to take care of Gao Yuanyuan, I said nothing, right? You teased me on the stage, and I did not protest, right? You took Gao Yuanyuan to host the show again this year, would you like So biased, give her everything? You are not allowed to speak, and this palace orders you to leave a fixed guest seat for my emperor. Is n’t this demand excessive? "

Yang An hastily begged for mercy: "Not too much, not too much, Super Brother, I promise to leave a place for you, but it is not guaranteed to be" Great Challenge ", it may be a variety show in the future, you must be a regular guest, Ok?"

Really got it!

Suddenly, he was inexplicably surprised, and his admiration for his wife was even higher. Of course, he could n’t ask for it. Haha smiled and promised: "Thank you, Brother Yang! Okay, so many people look at it. How about the convergence point? He's a little better, forgive him! "

Sun Li, who had been taut, laughed, and everyone laughed. Yang An continued to act: "I really feel like shaking, really, don't scold me, I feel uncomfortable ..."

Everyone in the audience was laughing crazy. The second group was three of them. Li Jingtian brought the three women and some looked forward to it: "Yang, brother, they have all reached the standards. What do you think?"

Yang An warned: "Sister S, don't come here for fun!"

Xu Yan snorted proudly: "My mother doesn't want to play games with your stinky men!"

The other two older sisters stared at Yang An. Yang An thought for a while: "My quota is really limited. You two can only have one at most. Of course, I need to think about it. You can wait for my call!"


"Thank you, Brother Yang! How nice you are!"

Chen Yihan and Zhang Junning held hands and were overjoyed, and hugged Yang An respectively. They were quite excited. Anyway, the two had a chance to be on the show, which was a good start!

The third person was Wang Luodan. She came by alone and smiled like Jiaohua. When she met, she called everyone who was an elder sister. She was so friendly. Here she was really small, and it was almost as big as Rong Feifei.

Seeing Wang Luodan, Ning Hao's words have always echoed in Yang An's mind, give her a chance, you can get more ...

Yang An solemnly asked, "It's hard to record the show. Can you bear hardships and stand hard work?"

Wang Luodan did not hesitate: "I'm not afraid! I will coordinate the schedule, and I will continue to exercise ..."

She said very sincerely, and said a lot. Even some details and requirements that Yang An didn't mention, she guessed, saying that she was psychologically prepared.

The word "dedication" is vividly reflected on her. Before this has begun, she considers herself a member and begins to prepare in advance.

Yang An laughed: "I can give you a chance, but do n’t be nervous, just go back and wait for my phone to inform me. I will continue to strengthen physical exercise during this time. Also, you will not be thinner than Fifi You're almost there! "

Wang Luodan was embarrassed to laugh: "No way, the entertainment industry is all about thinness! Do you need me to be fatter? I can also do it! OK, I'll go back and wait for Director Yang's call!"

When she saw Wang Luodan, Rong Feifei thought of Bai Baihe, and she was a bit stupid. She knew that her husband was full of compassion, and she wanted to take care of the weak. When she left, she quietly asked: "She's so thin, doesn't she? Will you be dragged down by your crew? "

Yang An shrugged: "I will arrange a fitness coach to do an assessment before the Spring Festival. At that time, it may be a round."

Rong Feifei was a little scared: "Do you need to brush it again? Cruel!"

Yang An sighed: "How can you not be cruel? If you want to do a good show, you have to be **** yourself. If you want to be comfortable, ok, find a bunch of stars to sit at home and play cards with air-conditioning live."

Rong Feifei raised the bar: "Is this interesting?"

Yang An blinked and whispered in her ear: "Yes, lose your clothes and take them off one at a time to ensure the ratings soar!"

Rong Feifei blushed and yelled at him: "Let you talk!"

The last group of people is their own army, most of them are scattered, leaving Liu Yuxi.

"Let's go? I'll take you home!" Yang An smiled and looked at her. She didn't move, but looked at Rong Feifei next to him with a strange expression.

This stubborn little girl!

Rong Feifei sneered: "What are you doing? Just come back before 10!"

Liu Yuxi breathed a sigh of relief, saw Yang An kiss his wife, then followed him, and walked to the off-site parking lot.

Rong Feifei's generosity made many people's eyes wide open. Many people don't know why she and Yang An trust each other so much, no matter how they think, they can't explain it.

Wanda contacted the hotel. Rong Feifei took an elevator and returned to the room where she was resting. Her mother-in-law was watching Xiaoyin and Xiaole sleeping, came over lightly and asked, "What about Yang An?"

"He went to send Liu Yuxi home."

The mother looked intently: "He alone?"

Rong Feifei nodded, his mother hesitated, and asked, "Aren't you worried about him?"

Rong Feifei motioned to speak outside, half-covered the door, and then came out and said, "Fortunately, he explained something to me. To be honest, I think I have an obligation to help him."

The mother felt inexplicable, and asked a few words, but could not get the answer. Seeing Rong Feifei refused to explain too deeply, she had to say: "In marriage, the trust of the husband and wife is the most important, I hope you two can trust each other, don't Concealing ~ ~ It is best to work together. "

Rong Feifei smiled: "Mom, don't worry, Yang An and I will work hard."

Yang An drove Liu Yuxi, and ten minutes later, Liu Yuxi said, "You put me down at the intersection ahead."

Yang An turned her face and looked up and down: "Why, do you want to run back at night? Your equipment is not right!"

Liu Yuxi was like a grumpy: "Well, you go back early, and you don't have to worry about it."

Yang An laughed: "What are you talking about, Fifi is not such a stingy person. Do you know that in the second season of" Great Challenge ", I plan to choose four female guests, one of which is you, recommend Yours is Rong Feifei. "

Liu Yu regretted: "She recommended me? How could she recommend me ... And, you choose four female guests at once, why are there so many?"

Yang An explained: "No, in the end I only need one person. This is a test. You will also face three other powerful competitors. Who performs best and who is qualified to be my long-term partner ... "(To be continued.)

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