The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 287: Sensible, considerate, and good at technology

"Shocking and peeing, Yang An doesn't love men, but loves elder sisters! Those young and beautiful celebrities, wash and sleep early, you have no chance!"

"After reading this news, I can only hehe. Sure enough, the women on the TV station are all selling!"

"How do I feel that Yang An doesn't like new things, and still loves the old? This gossip hostess was a producer whom Yang An knew when she debuted two years ago. Favorite **** type! "

"That's because the mature woman is enough! Sensible, considerate, and good technology, Yang Geer is really an old driver, he can really play, like one!"

"A scumbag like Nima wants to host a blind date show? Old lady, I'm not happy when I see the news, and it turns black immediately!"

When some gossip websites posted photos of Yao Ning holding Yang An's arm, many friends circled them. There were a large number of marketing numbers and professional black numbers. They quickly picked out Yao Ning's personal information and even found it. She took a group photo with Yang An in the past to prove that what she said was true.

There are a large number of vests in this incident, leading netizens who do not know the truth to yell at Yang An, and the entertainment industry is so furious.

If a star has not been hacked, it is definitely not a good star.

But the good man with the positive image was hacked, and only the brainless sunspots would coax.

Moreover, the true **** fan of Yang An either dismissed it or looked at Ling Ran, and took the initiative to find Yang An's rumor posts online. By the way, the management staff of @ 安 杨安公 司 will handle it as soon as possible.

If you don't actively make rumors, don't believe in making rumors, you can't afford to coax, and think about each piece of information. If you can do these four things, you will be a good Chinese fan!

Two hours later, the official Weibo of Enron Film and Television Company issued a righteous lawyer's letter, which strongly warned those who made rumors to converge. Do n’t overdo it, and proactively revoke the source of the rumor as soon as possible. Blindly forward, otherwise there may be Internet police to check the water meter after forwarding 500 articles.

The first wave of rebuttal power came from the "Crazy Stone" crew. The eight main actors updated Weibo at the same time, proving that the day when the photo was taken, everyone had a dinner party. It was definitely not rumored that "Yang An and the old lover are at Secret retreat of a private villa in Zhongjing. "

With witnesses and testimonies, the storm on the Internet was immediately reduced by half, and many unnamed net names calmed down and watched the changes.

The second wave of strength came from the client himself. Yang An didn't speak, but Rong Feifei said: "Although our couple and sister Ning are not related, they are as close as their loved ones. Two years ago, we recorded" Happy Comedy 1 "on Blue Ocean TV. Sister Ning joined the production group, and we worked together for several months. All the staff knew how good our relationship was. The clear self-clear, I don't want to explain too much, I just want to warn some people, malicious detractors. There must be no good news! "

That said, like a thunder, it blew the whole network!

Many netizens are distressed, and cursed Rong Feifei's curse on the rumors, showing that the rumors are too much!

However, as a public figure, it is not appropriate to say such things. On the one hand, online praises Rong Feifei's true disposition, while others think she is too much.

But when people saw the third wave of counterattack forces, their dissatisfaction with Rong Feifei flew out of the clouds. At the same time, almost everyone became angry, swearing and making rumors, and the family crematorium!

The third wave of counterattack came from Yao Ning. She only said one thing: "In order to invite" If You Are the One "to be broadcast on Blue Ocean TV, our team of fifteen people prepared carefully and worked hard for this. Yang An showed the best sincerity of Blue Ocean TV. Unfortunately, on the day of negotiation, all efforts were put into practice! On November 18, I will always remember this day. I and Yang An walked together to discuss the issue of broadcasting rights. Colleagues rushed out of shame, and ten minutes later, Ziyu Satellite TV got the broadcast right of "If You Are the One", I'm speechless! "

This news was released, and netizens were uproar!

Big reversal, super reversal!

This plot is too exciting, more exciting than the novel, and almost all the people involved vomited blood when they saw it!

The angry viewers of Blue Ocean TV immediately picked up the phone, called the Blue Ocean TV public service number, and scolded, "Is Blue Ocean TV really stupid! Who is that stupid person? Exposing his name, I want to send him a kitchen knife ! "

"Pig teammates! Too he? Pig teammates! Really serve your blue ocean TV, so sad!"

"Finding a dog to be the station leader is better than you!"

"Stupid TV, I didn't save you!"

Within an hour, the Blue Ocean TV phone was blasted, and the official website forum was blasted, all of which were against the voices of rumors.

Xiong Hao was also a client and immediately proved this. He said on Weibo: "I have contacted Ms. Yao many times over the years because of my job needs, and I have won and lost in competing for high-quality programs. Although she is my competitor, but This time, I must support her in fighting rumors. I respect her opponents very much, and I despise her counterparts. After "The Honesty" is released, let us speak with ratings! "

Wow ~

Xiong Hao secretly pointed out that he named a similar program of Blue Ocean TV, then there is only the "Love War" program group!

The leaders of Blue Ocean TV were very angry when they saw this scene.

The Internet is full of negative news from Blue Ocean TV. In the era of extremely developed information, if it is not controlled in time, these negative news will quickly spread to every corner of the country, and it will not be finished by then!

Seeing these endless counterattacks, Zhuo Feng was almost frightened. He was a general of the director, and rushed to the director's house immediately, crying and crying on the knees: "Director, I really don't pass the rumors!"

The director did not even allow him to come in, kicked over the gifts brought by him, and said furiously, "It wasn't you that passed it, it has become yours now! You lost a show in a word, you After such a terrible disaster, and with a face coming over to ask me? The **** of Ziyu Satellite TV do n’t know what it ’s like to laugh at this time. How can you let me see people on TV? ”

Zhuo Feng crawled and rolled, trying to hug the long leg of the desk, choked and said, "I took a picture, but it wasn't sent at all. I didn't know that the turtle grandson secretly sent it. I was wronged ..."

"Did I go to you! Who told you to be cheap and take a picture!"

The director rummaged through the goods, and was annoyed at seeing that the phone rang again. It was the direct leader of the provincial radio and television station: "What's going on on the Internet? Can you let me rest for a while?"

"Yes, yes, I know how to deal with it! This kind of black horse must be made public, fired, and held accountable ..."

Director Wei Wenuonuo pleased to hang up the phone, his eyes narrowed, Zhuo Feng's unsmiling expression was even more disgusting!

Zhuo Feng murmured: "Fired ... Legal liability ... Fired ... Legal liability ..."

He was really wronged, so he just took a picture, and after thinking about it, he restored the entire scene. Yang An didn't say a word to him. How can this small thing that cannot be too small become? The result?

"I didn't know that they were negotiating the show that day ... I was wronged by the director ... why ... why do you want me to carry this gangster ... why am I so miserable ..."

Zhuo Feng was kicked out of the house by the director and burst into tears. After decades of hard work, he became the deputy director of the production department. Several programs were cut and robbed, and he was fired because he said something wrong. It is also possible to receive a court complaint that he was guilty of eating lard, ran to provoke Yang An, and even ridiculed ...

Zhuo Feng's apology statement was soon posted on the Internet. The apology in thousands of words was very sincere.

The parties Yao Ning and Yang An each posted a blog post with similar content. The main idea is "I accept your apology. I hope you don't make the same mistake next time. If you make a mistake, you will recognize it as a good comrade. Now you can go, I don't want to see you again. "

This farce was really exciting and made the online audience laugh.

The well-known UP host "A Ghost" at station A. This little rotten girl made a 5 minute video that wonderfully restored the antecedents and consequences of the rumor incident. It was pushed by the homepage of station A and caused countless netizens to laugh and praise.

First of all, Yang An, a birdie, was led by domineering Yao Ning. Like a pair of mothers and children, just out of the overcrowded private room, he was photographed by a wretched uncle.

The uncle's expressive expression was particularly ecstasy, and the bubble in his heart wrote: "Little smash, thinking that if you follow the wild man to sleep, can you sleep out of a clear blue sky?"

Many viewers laughed and laughed at the time. The clear blue sky was extremely blue. This is the slogan of Blue Ocean TV.

Next, the lens is divided into two parts. The left part is the room. Shabei, Lao Cui and others are righteous. In the form of news webcast, they discuss in earnestly how to make "Faithful and Do Not Disturb" before the blue ocean TV reaches the ancient times. Visitors' viewing records.

On the other side, uncles appeared in the mouth with various symbols, plus various thoughts. They rumored on their mobile phones, smirked, and the bubble circle wrote: "I ca n’t get what I ca n’t get. No one wants to take it from me! "

Then the two sides tore down, the uncle spread rumors, and the parties either cried or complained about grievances, or protested with righteousness ~ ~ After the truth was finally presented to the world, the most wonderful scene appeared.

The autumn wind rolled with fallen leaves and blew past the uncle Uncle, and a pile of money was swept away by the wind.

The bubble circle wrote lonely: "A rumor, Blue Ocean TV missed 200 million programs ..."

When the leaders of Blue Ocean TV saw this, their stomachs started to hurt.

200 million?

No, this is definitely not a 200 million thing, this brand of Yang An is definitely more than 200 million!

Note that this is a brand, a long-term show brand, and it will take five years and ten years to do it!

Hundreds of millions ... I was ruined by this grandson in one word. What should I do?

Just firing is not enough to dispel hate, and blue ocean TV and radio and television executives exploded: "Let this **** go to jail!"

Zhuo Feng's last regret in this life must be him to provoke Yang An! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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