The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 290: Welcome to "If You Are the One",

Old Cui Yueyue wanted to try: "Junuo is a bit like a distant relative of my wife. Say she's smart. What can you say or not? She's stupid, as if she doesn't have a concept at all. Come out and blurt out. She knows what she wants and what she can bring to us. She is only 22 years old this year. She is a professional model. She has run through the movie Xiaolongtao and has appeared on other variety shows. She has a good sense of art. Smart and terrible. I see, this girl! "

Everyone agrees. Girls like Juno are nirvana. It depends on how the three hosts control the field. Only when they are detonated at the most appropriate time can they produce the most powerful power.

Finally it was the recording day. In the early morning, all the female guests who were left were called to the public hall and divided into three groups. Several professional mentors each took 12 students. They walked, stood, and even smiled. Explained and corrected.

After having lunch at noon, they were taken to the company in the city center. There were two large houses, which were divided into categories, at least a thousand sets of clothes, two professional shopping guide ladies from Hongfeng Shopping Center, and the chief of the program group. Clothing designers and stylists perform in-depth packaging on each female guest and choose the clothing that best matches their temperament and body.

Su Yiyi chose an off-the-shoulder evening dress, purple flash diamonds, noble and elegant. She put on a lucky necklace, attached two decorative ear diamonds, and had not done her hair, but just turned around a little and turned the work around her. The staff and companions turned beautiful.

"Wow! Yiyi, you are really the most beautiful of us! Born to be beautiful and beautiful!" Juno praised Su Yiyi, and strangled his own chest with his hands. He wanted to put in a chest pad. The ditch is already deeply invisible.

Another person interjected: "Yiyi is the most beautiful, Juno you are the busiest ..."

Hahaha ~

Everyone around me heard it, giggled, Juno was not angry, but proudly, with his chest and abdomen pulled up by his assistant, said, "Sister, I don't think this dress looks good enough. Suitable for me? Well, I want this kind of open collar, of course, girls have to show their strengths, right? "

Women are so entangled that they can't work all day.

No one knows where the male guests are. Before the program was recorded, the men and women were strictly separated. They did not live in the same base, and there was no rehearsal. In the evening, the recording was performed in one step.

At 7 pm, the 30 female guests who had put on beautiful makeup were all ready. The audience at the scene entered the studio from the side entrance of Hongfeng Satellite TV, and the staff was methodically guided and everything was ready.

The Red Maple TV Studio 10 is a bit special. This is a stage that the TV station has specially transformed for "If You Are the One". A lift is set up near the exit, and the double-layer transparent glass door is used to make the outer wall of the elevator. People and male guests appeared, deliberately creating a sense of mystery.

At 6:30, all the audience entered, and the lighting dance was being tested. The director of the scene cheered the audience a few times, applauded and mobilized the atmosphere. The large screen in front of the stage began to play VCR promotional videos, and the audience watched it with interest.

A long-haired girl with a sweet smile, Qi Liu Hai said, "I'm a doctor, and I'm a health doctor who gives vaccinations to infants and young children! See if I laugh so sweetly, does it cure your doctors? What about phobia? Like me, take me! "

A two-dimensional girl dressed in a maid costume said coyly: "Since I was a child, I especially liked the heroines in the comics. Courage, love, kindness, and gentleness. These excellent attributes are also in me. Dear MrRight, please come soon Take me! "

The next one is a white-collar woman who is well-dressed and mature in appearance: "I'm an IT programmer, a rare female science and technology fighter. Although I look mature and stable on the outside, I still have a young girl's heart ~"

More and more girls with different styles are either cute and cute, or playful, or serious, or laughing, showing different selves in promotional videos.

Attentive audiences found that all the girls who appeared were the kind of people common in society. The commonality is ordinary, the public, usually busy with work, and occasionally feeling a little lonely in life. They all issued their own declaration of love. Hope You can find your ideal half through "If You Are the One".

The soft guitar sounded, and Yang An appeared holding the guitar on the screen. He was sitting at the door of a quiet coffee bar, looking out the glass window, and the rain was dripping.

As the picture shifts, a boy stands under the eaves of the cafe door and looks sadly at the heavy rain outside. His shirt is already half wet, holding his briefcase tightly in his arms, for fear that it will be wet by the heavy rain.

Suddenly, a girl rushed over from the bus stop sign in front. She was wearing a floral skirt, holding a sleeveless sleeveless shoulder to cover the rain, trotting all the way, rushing over in the heavy rain, her clothes were almost soaked, The horn tickled into the water and stood one meter away from the boy.

"I haven't seen you again since that day,

But every time I encounter such heavy rain,

I will think of you, smile and say, ‘Hey! Nice to meet you'! "

Inside the glass door behind the two, Yang An played the guitar, said this prelude, and then whistled and sang, "

Suddenly a heavy rain met us by chance

You are also wet here by the rain,

So the little eaves become your umbrella.

Pingshui meets us are still very strange,

You say people have a fate,

Much like the evening wind gently blows the faces of people on the street,

So easy

... "

The off-court boy took out a pack of tissue paper from his briefcase and handed it to the girl.

Perhaps his fate has changed since this move.

The girl thanked very shyly, wiping the rain on her forehead with a tissue, the boy peeked aside shyly, unknowingly, the closer the distance between the two, the two started talking, joking, the girl laughed and turned At the waist, the boy was embarrassingly digging his back, and it was pouring rain outside, but the small world under the eaves was very warm.


You make me believe that you are destined, you ask me if there is a rainbow after rain,

This heavy rain and such an encounter, you are so innocent, I was moved,

Everyone has a child in their heart, and it's especially easy to get close to innocence,

It ’s strange that there are hundreds of millions of people on the planet, I miss you especially

... "

Yang An sang this gentle and decisive "Destiny", and became the background accompaniment of the entire MV.

Yang An's voiceover appeared: "The fast-paced life of modern society has left many young people out of control. Every day is two points and one line in the company's home. There are few opportunities to meet new friends. The circle of friends is getting smaller and smaller. This society Contradictions cannot be resolved in a short time. When the marriage and dating market is getting more and more popular, and the topic of blind dates is getting more and more lively, I think it is necessary to produce such a blind date program to create a chance for everyone to encounter and also to those audiences who are troubled by blind dates A little bit of tips from friends, let everyone see how to open the blind war properly! "

After his introduction, the song was not over yet, and the style of painting suddenly changed. Some boys and girls looked at each other's eyes, then left with shy hands, went to eat, went to the movies, and even had a proposal to propose.

This very warm MV came to an end. Driven by the on-site director, the audience cheered, the lights flickered, and the on-site director shouted, "Welcome host Cui Yongyuan!"

There was thunderous applause, the elevator slowly landed, and Lao Cui came out wearing a casual suit and said to the main camera: "Hello everyone, I am Lao Cui, welcome to" If You Are the One "!"

The loudest cheers sounded, and the audience all stood up and applauded, shouting the program slogan: "If you are not sincere, don't bother, fate is good!"

Lao Cui went on to introduce: "If You Are the One, Don't Disturb" only offers 邂逅, not arranged love. If you are single now and looking forward to an unforgettable 邂逅, then follow the contact information on the screen to sign up for our show. Please everyone Tell me together that the producer of "If You Are the One" is ... "

"Yang An!"

The audience shouted neatly, the sound was huge and shocking enough, Yang An's name has become a well-known brand of TV shows, there is absolutely nothing wrong!

Lao Cui smiled very satisfied: "In order to make the men and women guests present more accurate and better choices, we have specially invited two observers, one of whom we are particularly familiar with, is a hit TV show The heroine of "Let's Get Married", Golden Eagle Award's most popular actress Gao Yuanyuan! "

The shot was given to Gao Yuanyuan on the observation table. She was wearing a white sweater, an elegant long dress, and leaned sideways on her legs very ladylike. She smiled and waved to the camera: "Dear friends, dear friends! OK! When I filmed "Let's Get Married" this year ~ ~ I was very impressed. I have many and many ideas about marriage and love, and I am willing to share with you on the show! "

Gao Yuanyuan's cuteness was beyond the expectations of the audience. It turned out that the national goddess was so friendly and cute, she had no shelf at all, and was very approachable.

Lao Cui continued: "Another guest is the producer of" If You Are the One ", Yang An, who is known as a good husband of the country!"

Yang An stood up, bowed to the audience in front, shook hands with the audience behind him and left and right, and thanked Lao Cui after sitting down: "Although I am a producer, Lao Cui is the true month old and Gao Yuanyuan is the real Matchmaker, I have only one purpose in this show. In case of a cold show, I am responsible for funny and active atmosphere! "


The audience laughed, this brother Yang is so funny, this is really your usual program style!

Because it was recording and there was no rehearsal, everyone was very relaxed at the beginning. Old Cui said a few jokes and listened to Duan Haishan's voice from the channel: "Everything is normal, continue recording." (To be continued.) Find Please search for "" or enter the URL:

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