The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 411: Incredible woman

It's easy to say that the boardwalk, Shabei, Jin Dabao and Wu Yanzu climbed a 100-meter high tower.

"Safety first! Safety first!"

This is the nightmare of Shaibe. Today the wind is a bit strong, and the air is filled with sea odor. Below, Shaibe also laughed and said, smelling the air, I feel like eating seafood. How happy it is to live in Macau, but I got on the tower. He didn't feel any happiness at all. He only said one word from beginning to end, safety first.

The three were wearing safety equipment, with metal safety buckles tied to the handrails, and were led by staff members one after the other. The photographers had waited for the key points early and chose the shooting angle. They could only hold the stairs with one hand. With the camera in the other hand, they are in more danger and hardship.

Finally, at the top of the tower, it is no longer suitable for a group of multiple people to crawl collectively. You must come one by one.

At the last rest of the ladder, PD pointed at it and asked, "Did you see that? A blue note! Just tear it off and you will see the word!"

The high-altitude levitation machine stopped nearby to take on the entire shooting task. It revolved around the top of the Macau Tower, and the surrounding scenery circled. Only the Shapi climbed on the top of the tower. The feeling of shooting was like a hero in a special movie. .

Chabe's fear of heights can only be overcome by willpower. His eyes are flushed with tears and he tears down the note with the word "field" written on it.

At this moment, he still cares whether it is environmentally friendly, throwing away the note, watching the note drift away with the wind, and groping back step by step.

It is easy to climb the ladder upwards, because people can see it, but it is not convenient to go down. You can only rely on your feet to feel it. If you are not assured, you must look down. People are like this.

Shabe forgot his place and he looked down.

The camera on his forehead shone on the ground more than 300 meters, and the familiar sense of dizziness suddenly burst out. He almost fainted on the spot. He just bit his teeth and breathed for ten seconds before he calmed down!

Shabe pale, groping down step by step, twice as slow as it went up.

After waiting for twenty minutes, he returned to the sightseeing platform, and he had become soft-footed shrimp.

In these twenty minutes, the other members of the running man created several miracles, first of all, Liu Yan's bungee jumping.

Liu Yan was only 48 kilograms. At this time, most of the people went to complete the task. No one shouted for her to cheer. She was suddenly afraid.

But looking back for a moment, she saw Guan Xiaotong waiting in the preparation area. The two women's eyes staggered and sparks burst out. Liu Yan's courage rose instantly.


The staff yelled, all the seats were ready, Liu Yan counted herself down, her voice seemed to be broken with fear, but in the end, she shouted and ran, brother, and then jumped out!

Liu Yan's scream was called a tragic one. Women are like this. Even if they are strong, they will not be controlled by the body when they encounter such exciting scenes.

Keeping in mind the experience of Peng Yuyan before, she began to look for fonts after the speed slowed down.

Sure enough, there was a huge word pasted on the bottom of the platform, which said "Title".

Liu Yan screamed and shouted, "It's so exciting! This feeling ... Can I jump again?"

When Liu Yan came down, Guan Xiaotong on the stage was ready. This time, she wanted to defend the glory of the fixed male lead. She had done enough to run, jump, and be smart, but she lacked a bit of luck. To prove herself, she was brave enough!

Everyone who walked the circular glass path here came back, and Hu Ge and Yang An encouraged her to cheer her up: "Xiao Tong, if you dare not jump, come back and take a deep breath. You can control the good timing of jumping, don't worry! Jump after the level in your heart! "

But Guan Xiaotong ignored them, stubbornly asked in English and the foreign staff: "Can I stand on the edge?"

The foreigner nodded, and Guan Xiaotong walked over without hesitation!

Everyone who was n’t disappointed to see the excitement was stunned. Guan Xiaotong was standing on the edge of the platform like this, with a few centimeters out of her toes. Her slender legs stood upright, stretched out her hands, and kept her balance. She looked away. In the lens of the levitator, shouted, "Run, brother!"

In this way, Guan Xiaotong dumped slowly forward. She looked like one of the most standard bungee movements. Her posture was very graceful, just like a diving queen. A touch of yellow fell from the sky. Guan Xiaotong jumped from the top with the clearest action. No hesitation, her courage is amazing!

Everyone in the stands was ashamed, and Zhang Yishan applauded, "It's amazing, it's too brave!"

Brother Hu wrote on his face: "This is an incredible woman!"

Yang An laughed with satisfaction. Guan Xiaotong can have such a character, and it is absolutely impossible to lose to men in the future. Then her performance in the show will definitely refresh the national television audiences and refresh their views on female stars!

After Guan Xiaotong, it was Zhang Yishan, the green team who made up the jump. Zhang Yishan was very powerful. He got the word "Yu" on the glass plank, and rushed back to queue bungee jumping behind Guan Xiaotong. The little brother could not lose to the woman, but he rushed a few steps first. , Back again, the joke was dying.

"I haven't jumped! I don't dare to jump in the 68-meter bungee jump in Qinglong Gorge, Huairou, Zhongjing! You let me jump this ..."

Zhang Yishan was crying. In fact, he was very brave. How could he be timid when practicing martial arts? But he got the word of mouth from Yang An. If he wants to be famous, he must have characteristics and impress the audience, so he chose to make a live show.

It's okay to lose to Liu Yan and Guan Xiaotong. Let the audience know him. He shouted: "My first time, this is really my first time! My blood is dedicated to Macau! Big brother, man Hello, hello, would I bounce if I jumped down? Would I hit the tower pillar? Like an angry bird, the rubber bands pulled out, flew out and crashed? "

Zhang Yishan held the arms of a foreigner and was "frightened" and did not dare to let go. When the TV broadcast was broadcast, the voice-over was definitely an angry bird. Post-production would surely turn him into a bird and make it eject.

"Enough! Zhang Yishan, do you still want to win? Hurry up!"

Peng Yuyan, who had caught up again, shouted, and his voice reminded everyone who was watching the crowd. Everyone came to see the joke and forgot to do the task!

Zhang Yishan had enough trouble, counted himself down, and rushed down. He was really lucky. He only saw the prompt in 2 seconds and yelled, "Sport! Sport! I saw it!"

I couldn't hear the shout. Liu Yan hadn't come up yet. Yang An only knew that there was a word for "education", but there were too many stadiums, sports bureaus, sports stations, education bureaus, and nurseries. He couldn't guess.

While the tower was climbing, the game black hole finally exerted its power, and Jin Dabao was stuck!

The first Shabe who got up successfully got off the tower, the second Jin Dabao climbed halfway, and his clothes were stuck. He couldn't go up and down at a height of 298 meters, and Wu Yanzu who was behind was anxious, red and yellow. The team couldn't see any words. Only the soft-footed shrimp Shabei slowly returned to the platform. He turned out to be the first.

Five minutes later, the green team arrived collectively and came up with the word "stadium". They completed the task and won the "courage" gold medal!

The feature film is almost finished here. The last stop is also the final stop of the first phase of running men, located at the Macau Stadium.

Here, the nine running men will form a running men's star team with members from the Hong Kong star team and the former national team member Li Yi from the Mainland to play a friendly match with the official Macau football team at 7pm. After 90 minutes of playing, test whether you can get the fourth gold medal "team"!

When everyone rushed to the Macau Stadium, Li Yi and others were already there, taking everyone to conduct basic football training, arrange tactics, explain the running position and so on.

Girls also play football. Guan Xiaotong and Liu Yan are no exception. They both wear team uniforms printed with the characters of running men. They are really cool, especially when Liu Yan is running, the chest is very undulating, especially good-looking. Several Players' eyes are always inadvertently glanced over there.

The Hong Kong star football team came with seven or eight people. Huang Ribao, Tan Yonglin, Zhang Jiahui, Zeng Zhiwei and others all gave their faces to the running men. The professional players in the Mainland were Li Yi and Li Tie. The game commentator was Huang Jianxiang and Liu Yuxi.

Before preparing for dinner, Yang An was pulled aside by Sun Cannon: "What do you think of the content shot today?"

Yang An said: "It's okay, look, laugh, all right."

Sun Cannon was a little hesitant: "Would you like to continue shooting for a day tomorrow? The Macau Science and Technology Museum said that it can close the library to record a program for us at any time ~ ~ I still want to make a chase of brand-name chase."

Yang An rejected this proposal: "Guide Sun, it ’s been a while since the TV show was fresh. Is n’t it gradual? Is n’t it great if the audience sees our hole cards in the beginning?”

Sun Dabao smiled a little awkwardly: "I'm not afraid that your ratings for the first show are not high ... TV viewers across the country are staring at your new show!"

Yang An waved his hand. No one was around. He whispered, "Three days later, the CCTV general election, I have been dragging several other TV stations, but I have to wait for this day. If I can go to CCTV, I do n’t have to worry about ratings. If No, let's try to adjust the order of shooting later. "

Sun Dabao heard the news for the first time. He was quite surprised. When did Yang An negotiate with CCTV again? The impact of "The Great Challenge" last year was huge. With such a high rating of 100 cities, CCTV broadcasted a set of prime time. It can only be said that although the terms of CCTV are harsh, the platform is powerful, no doubt.

Sun Cannon suddenly remembered one person: "Will Huang Jianxiang be criticized on CCTV?"

Yang An laughed: "Are we still afraid of controversy? Besides, he has resigned from CCTV for 10 years. After such a long period of time, the leadership has changed several times. Who would be willing to offend us for him? I called him over, Not only does he want to reproduce the original narration of the original sound, I also want to thoroughly promote his "Huang-Duanzi"! "


ps: I am going to have a physical examination tomorrow. Recently, I feel a little sick. I checked blood, liver, kidney, chest radiograph and the like, so the update cannot be burst. If there is more, it will owe first. Bear children start school immediately, and I will write with all my strength after school. (To be continued.)

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