The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 435: Art school girls with wine

Xiao Zhang has already introduced to He Jianship just now. One of the two judges is Song Keke, the editor-in-chief of Zhongjing Entertainment Express, and the other is Ye Yuqing, a senior producer of Songhua TV. Watermark ad test watermark ad test watermark ad test watermark ad test

Ye Yuqing acted as a screenwriter for the judges of the Bai Yulan Award TV series three years ago. Song Keke was the primary judge of last year's TV series. Their status in the television circle is still very convincing- Although they are all judges of TV series, they have nothing to do with variety shows.

After taking his seat, Song Keke didn't even look at the princesses. Instead, he put it in the ear of the ship, and whispered, "I heard that Xuanhuang Entertainment has a good relationship with some art school students in Beijing. Waiting in line for the show? Can you introduce some to us today? "

He Jianchuan's heart seemed to turn up a huge wave, and for a while she couldn't answer, and groaned.

He prepared the money and card in advance, but never expected that the two would be interested in the girls in the art school, and they were so straightforward that they made no demands to avoid taboos, this is a ghost in color!

Actually, he was very persuasive.

Everyone is a well-known leader in the entertainment industry. Girls in art schools are also serious children. Let ’s sit together, talk and learn, talk about ideals, explore the true meaning of open art, and find common exciting topics in the blending of water and milk. Climbing the pinnacle of happiness together, wouldn't you be quick, right?

Seeing that Director He was slow to speak, Song Keke's voice faded immediately. He leaned back and said to Ye Yuqing deliberately, "Lead guide, why not let these princesses go back first?"

Ye Yuqing smiled and nodded: "Let's be busy for a day too, just sit back and leave. Haha, don't make it too complicated!"

Seeing that it was going to be yellow, He Jianchuan gritted his teeth: "The two are out of company, I'll go out and take a call!"

The princesses left, and the room began to laugh again. Xiao Zhang was really a wonderful person, comforting the two leaders in wait.

After he thought about it, He Jianchuan decided to do this. He first called Wang Chusheng and asked him to bring some art school girls to accompany him.

Time is too tight, and Wang Chusheng has no good way. He can only find his old lover in a hurry, and he looks for relationships with some clients. You bring one, and I call one. He lied to each girl with lies, saying It was to help introduce the director to meet him. In the end, I actually found three girls. Two of them were female students at the University of Nortel. He personally drove to pick them up.

When the three girls walked into the heavenly world, they were still doubtful.

But out of their trust in Xuanhuang Entertainment and their worship of famous producers, directors, and editor-in-chief, they still came with beautiful dreams.

After entering the private room, Wang Chusheng entrusted the three girls to his boss and colleagues, and waited outside for instructions.

But the question comes, how do four men and three girls divide?

Ye Yuqing and Song Keke are both experienced and Yan Shanmu. They first stabilized the girls with language, and inquired about their department in a few words.

That little Zhang would come, and asked excitedly: "Is Nortel Performing Class 1? Is Guan Xiaotong your classmate? Yes, right? See, I know that only people with the same temperament and appearance can play Come together! "

Who is Guan Xiaotong? Nowadays, the actress with the strongest rising momentum in the new generation is unmatched by her peers. Even in the actress group in their 20s, Guan Xiaotong, 19, is one of the best.

Is it even possible to play Guan Xiaotong?

Ye Dao and Editor-in-Chief were a little excited, exchanged glances with each other, hinted at Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang slammed and blew the two distinguished guests to the top of the country, mastered the power of killing the whole world, and thought It's just a sentence to hold anyone who wants it, and the ultimate goal is to persuade them to call Guan Xiaotong. Let's meet each other and see if there is any opportunity to cooperate in the filming.

The three girls are not the opponents of this group of old men at all. He Jianchuan and Xiao Zhang help each other. They are also holding the attitude of Guan Xiaotong, and they are committed to winning some of them. Anyway, Guan Xiaotong is Yang An's. If this time, It's best to be dead at once!

When Ye Dao and editor Song saw a play, they also put away the set of wind and moon means, pretending to be a big tail wolf, and watched the two girls call Guan Xiaotong with a smile.

Danger comes unknowingly.

Today is Friday, Guan Xiaotong was picked up by his dad. At this time, it was only 9 o'clock in the evening. She was playing back the second episode of the running man, listening carefully to her parents' explanation of her acting skills, and summing up the gains and losses.

"Xiaotong, in the future, you must never openly say that your luck is bad. You are so unlucky or something. Even if you are torn off by a sneak attack or you are eliminated because of a low-level mistake, you have to face it calmly, you know? Don't complain, the more you complain, the more disgusting the audience ... "

Dad was giving a lecture, Guan Xiaotong nodded honestly, she knew that at some point she was susceptible to emotions and lost her state.

"My baby ~ baby ~ I give you a little sweet ~~"

The cute "Baby" ringtone rang, Guan Xiaotong probed to go to the corner of the sofa to pick up the mobile phone, and curiously said, "It's my classmate, Li Nier! Dad, please wait a minute ... Hey, why do you call me? I'm at home, why? Oh? Uh ... oh ... like this ... "

Guan Xiaotong's strange behavior made her parents notice her, and her mother even came over to listen, she simply changed to hands-free.

"Wait a while, I'm ... bathing, hee hee ~ I'll call you back later!"

Guan Xiaotong was hinted by his mother, he just drew a reason, and hung up.

Dad Guan thought about it. This was an invitation call. The female classmate called her to meet two people in the circle, saying that it was Ye Yuqing, the director of the TV drama producer Songhuatai. Dad Guan had heard of this and was a judge of the Bai Yulan Award It must be a well-known figure in the domestic television circle. It became famous ten years ago. The TV series "Wen Zhe People" was well received by the people and won numerous awards.

"Xiao Tong is now doing a variety show with Yang An. In fact, he can take a TV series in the summer. Laoguan, I think this is an opportunity. After all, Yang An does not involve TV series."

Guan Ma thought very simple. The other party was a person with a last name, and listening to the tone of the classmates, everyone was very formal, unlike the unspoken female students in the entertainment industry.

Dad Guan thinks more deeply: "The doubt is very serious. First, cast a cast. Why not go to the school to make a public selection? Do you have to meet alone at this time? Second, Xiaotong's classmate just mentioned Xuanhuang Entertainment. Right? This is Yang An's deadly opponent. They called Xiaotong to meet in the past. This is not reliable. Third, Xiaotong, call back at this time and ask them where they are now. Then you say that you are taxiing. , How could I let you go out alone so late? I will stay with you. "

Guan Xiaotong was assured of his father, and called back to Nier, and finished speaking truthfully.

Dad Guan snorted: "Heaven on earth! These people are not at ease! Let's not go!"

Guan Xiaotong is still a little bit embarrassed. She simply doesn't think of anything, but Dad Guan has already made up the sound scene in the private room. It is no accident that Xiaotong's two female classmates will be ruined tonight.

Guan Ma's face was not good-looking either. She was embarrassed. She didn't say much in front of her daughter, and said implicitly, "Dad Guan, should we call the school?"

This is another kind of alarm, but this kind of thing, Dad is a bit hesitant!

The competition in the entertainment industry is too fierce. Beautiful girls are like Jiang Zhiqing. There is no shortage of beauties in the entertainment industry. Female students are often accompanied by alcohol. Many girls voluntarily accompany alcohol to get their roles. Catch it, even if the police come.

Once this happened, the person who reported to the police would sit on the wax. Maybe the girl would hate Guan Xiaotong for destroying her good things. The man would also hate it and wear small shoes for Xiaotong in the future.

But for humanitarian reasons, Dad Guan said: "I think I can inform Yang An and see what he thinks. By the way, I can talk to Zhang Yishan, he is a senior at Nortel, maybe he has his own relationship. . "

Guan Ma could only do this, and was a little angry and complained: "Now the girls don't know self-esteem and self-love, they are clean and good! They are not responsible for themselves!"

Guan Xiaotong understood, and obediently returned to the room to rest.

Dad Guan called out and called Yang An first.

Yang An's phone was not answered. It is estimated that it may be with the wife at home with the children and the like.

Call Zhang Yishan again. He picked it up very quickly. When he heard what Dad said, he immediately said: "Uncle Guan, thank you for this call. Can you tell me her phone number? I will call a few people over Look at the situation! "

Zhang Yishan is drinking with an old friend ~ ~ Several of them have graduated from Nortel.

On hearing, our primary school sister at Nortel is accompanied by wine? Still heaven? Fuck, is that place a serious occasion?

"Grass and mud, the idea hit our schoolgirl?"

"What Wang Bajiao, a **** director, just wants to sneak up on a girl?"

"Let ’s go and drink a fart! Protecting school girls is everyone's responsibility!"

"Kill the old caesium ghosts! Break their legs!"

A group of hot-blooded youths took a taxi to the heavenly world, and Zhang Yishan also got a phone number, but no matter how he called, the other party did not answer, and it turned out to be out of the service area!

Everyone is dumbfounded now. Several people can't talk to each other and they can't call the police. No one knows what happened. It's even more impossible to search in the heavens. It's a well-known golden cave. Broken leg!

How to do? These people blew for more than half an hour on the opposite side of the earth. They didn't wait until the phone was out of power. The trainers of the girls also came to hear the news, but everyone could not contact anyone, everyone. People who do not know Xuanhuang have no good way, and in the end they can only go home.

That night, Zhang Yishan turned around and couldn't fall asleep, finally fell asleep, and had a big nightmare!


p: The addition of "The First Missing Moon Near the Water Tower" started, 5/6. (To be continued.)

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