The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 464: I'm so popular

? Shabe turned over and looked at Mo Wen and said, "Sister Mo, are you going back to the hotel after the award?"

Mowen reluctantly said, "Which hotel are you going to return to? After the award is awarded, I will go to the airport, take the latest flight to Hongfeng, and record a good voice tomorrow. What do you ask?"

Shabe rubbed his hands, hey he said, "Can you take me to a plane? Cao Kefan he refused to reimburse the fare, saying that I didn't have enough coffee, I will also record the program tomorrow, but I have a bit tight recently ..."

Hehe ~ You are so poor that you can't even afford a plane ticket? This is a serious nonsense!

The audience chuckled, and Cao Kefan didn't expect the fire to burn on his head. He choked on the spot and couldn't help crying and laughing. Chen Rong beside him even covered his mouth and chuckled. Everyone knows that the variety show host started to tease again Compared.

Mowen couldn't believe it, and he was surprised: "Lao Cao, they can still reimburse the ticket? Who did you hear, why don't I know that there is this benefit?"

"You do not know?"

Shabe froze for a moment, and suddenly realized: "Because you are like me, there is not enough coffee!"


连 Even Chen Rong laughed and laughed this time, this grandson's mouth is too damaged. The Magnolia Organizing Committee still sent you some money? When did you say you would not be reimbursed for guest tickets? She also dragged Mo Wen together to make trouble, Shabei, do you want to confuse?

He Mowen didn't mind, he grinned and said, "I don't care, anyway, my voice is reimbursed. By the way, did you buy a house or a car? How could you be tight?"

Shabe sighed: "Recently, the variety industry has been sluggish, and the ratings have not been high. The company hasn't paid any wages for three months. Study hard." Every day goes up. " It costs a lot of money to charge it. "

Wang Han and others smiled and applauded. Xiao Amao was the naughty costume primary school student. In each issue of "Everyday Up", there will be a funny comparison, always tossing the old master, childlike, very funny.

"Buying a book is only the first step. I need to pay not only for IQ, but also to strengthen my body. Sister Mo, you do n’t know. The running man is too tired. I ran out of six pairs of shoes in three months. There is also a lot of money on these equipment! "

The running men's show group was named, and they also laughed and applauded, but they were chuckling in their hearts. Where do I need you to buy shoes? Any shoes, hats, clothing, sports equipment in the running man, provided the sponsorship fee is paid, the equipment is provided free of charge. Only those brands that do not pay will be mosaicized, or the labels will be covered with vinyl stickers. You need to buy things yourself.

"" Happy Comedy "will not start until the end of the year. I am not sure whether I will be the host this time." I am a singer "also refused to let me go, saying that I am not a singer. In fact, I sing pretty good, before CCTV colleagues praised me as CCTV Pavarotti. You judge me, Sister Mo. Is Pavarotti a singer? These are not the key points. The point is, you ca n’t get the subsidy without participating in the show. Sister Mo, you ’re right wrong?"

Shabe was so gagging, and each of the named finalists laughed. This series of talk shows can only be strung by comedians who are more comedic, and serious orthodoxy such as Cao Kefan and Chen Rong. I really can't play with this style.

Mo Wen couldn't believe it: "Are you CCTV Pavarotti?"

Wu Shabei was innocent: "Well! I do n’t believe you to ask them in the" Chinese Idioms ". I was in the CCTV internal song king competition.

CCTV's ten science and education channel idioms Daquan program group people laughed back and forth, Shabey's singing is really good, CCTV Pavarotti's reputation is also well-deserved, but what is the idiom "one man is the key, the other is not open"? Is it appropriate to use here? Shameful, right?

While everyone was still laughing, Shabey made a listening gesture to the audience again: "What or what? Who said that my idiom was wrong? Li Dao, come up to me, let's practice it? Sister Mo, don't stop Look at me, don't look at my 'no choice of words', in fact I understand it very well! Li Dao, this period of "Chinese Idioms", I want to sign up, the strengths of other players are 'good and bad,' and I must be 'chuck in the fire' Win the championship! How about, I just said four or five idioms in a paragraph, is it very good? "

I have a level of hair! Many people were so amused by him that this product must be on sale today!

Li Dao from the Idiom Daquan program group also smiled and bent over. She raised her hands and made a gesture of worship, begging Shabe to let go.

"One husband must be closed and one can't be avoided" was originally used in an unreasonable way. "No word" is used to describe the speech is particularly correct, instead of not paying attention to the occasion and the object. And achievements, "take chestnuts from the fire" refers to being used by others to take risks for others, but he found nothing. Shabei is completely messy, but it is particularly funny.

Shabei spoke sharply: "Doesn't you want me in" The Complete Chinese Idioms "? It doesn't matter, in fact, my ancient poems are also quite good.

Yu Beibei TV's "Chinese Good Poems" program group laughed and finally it was their turn. They were also happy to be named by the guests!

Shabe made a poetic outburst, took a deep breath, waved his hand, sighed, and began to chant with ample emotions: "Ah ..."

Mo Wen quickly grabbed him and interrupted: "Fuck, Shabei, pay attention to your image. This is a live awards show, and Yang An is still sitting underneath. If you jump up and down like this, you are not afraid of him. Dissatisfied with you? "

Shabei was obviously excited, shrugged, sorted out his white suit, and grinned broadly: "It's okay, if Yang An is on stage, it will be even more fierce than me! And jumping up and down is the self-cultivation of the variety host, I said Right, Teacher Guoli? "

国 Zhang Guoli, who was sitting in the first row of the jury members, looked up at the ceiling and couldn't shut up with a smile, he knew that today he would definitely be named and spoofed, but it wasn't Yang An, but Shabe!

In addition to Zhang Guoli, the big shot was also given to Yang An, but Yang An couldn't see a bit of unhappiness on his face. He was very happy to see this. The host of the variety show should be active and humorous. In the small section, dare to sell cute, debase yourself, and make fun of others. At this point, Shabei is more and more liberal, and he must be planning to enter the black all his life.

Mo Wen finally asked: "What if Yang An is going to fire you?"

Shabei said, "Then I sign up for" China Good Voice ", and be your student, Sister Mo! Oh no, the good voice is also Yang Geer's show. So, Mr. He, your" Happy Camp "is also a finalist in the variety show. Show, can you keep me? "

Teacher He and Sister Po finally laughed. In the section just described by Shabe just now, almost all the programs capable of competing for the Variety Awards were clicked. I never heard the name of their show. I thought Shabe had forgotten it. Well, I didn't expect to wait for them here!

Teacher He He put his hands near his mouth, made a trumpet shape, and shouted to the stage, "No problem!"

Shabei clapped her hands, patted her chest proudly, and raised her thumbs to boast, and introduced Mo Wen: "Look, I'm so popular! The premier variety show host in China!"

The audience laughed. This shameless Brother Sha was so funny, he wasted a few minutes preparing for an award, and I didn't know what the organizing committee thought.

In fact, the on-site director really had no idea. If it was n’t for the big rules and regulations that killed him, he could n’t wait to replace Cao Kefan and Chen Rong, and called Yang An and Shabe to take the stage to host, how happy this party should be. Earth gas?

There is a table of real-time ratings in the background. Since the documentary unit and the tip of the tongue won, the audience rating of the party has skyrocketed. The award for this variety unit was originally planned to be controlled within five minutes, but now it looks like it has expanded to ten. No problem in minutes!

让 "Let them play on their own, I believe Shabe is an excellent host!"

The on-site director instructed the walkie-talkie, did not ask the staff to give the front desk a reminder, and all the reminder boards and the like were removed, and they were not taken out for the time being.

Mo Wen, who is good at watching and watching, noticed the expressions of the two hosts and knew them almost, so he laughed: "Okay, I admit that you are welcome, but let's unveil the winner list first, unless the variety show you participated in was selected the most Best, otherwise I wo n’t admit that you are 'second to none'! "

Shabe applauded: "The lottery draw!"

The sound engineer changed the live sound effect in time, BGM turned into an exciting rushing sound, and it felt like a chasing order for the ignition line.

At this moment, countless viewers all smiled, and their hearts were agitated.

All the winners of the variety unit on the scene are all dignified, and their faces no longer have smiles. This is the first revision of the Magnolia TV Festival. There are only two awards for the variety unit, and the gold content is not heavy. Who is the grand prize?

Shabei unfolded the envelope in his hand ~ ~ looked down, wow Oh, the expression on his face is particularly rich, the photographer gave a recent photo, Sha Keji emperor smiled again on my face.

"What won the Magnolia 'Best Variety Column' award ..."

Shabe deliberately paused, looked up to the stage, he finally felt the bad taste of announcing the award, that feeling is really good!

Yang An has three selections. If you are honest, do n’t disturb, deformity meter, and super change, including business, humanities, and innovation, the biggest win is that you do n’t know what the tastes and tendencies of the jury are.

Mr. He's "Happy Camp", Wang Han's "Everyday Up", Yubei TV "Chinese Good Poems", CCTV's "Set of Chinese Idioms", some are old-style variety shows, some have deep backgrounds, these are not equal Strong opponent.

Everyone is staring nervously on the stage, my heart is uneasy!

Come on, bastard!

Countless people cursed in their hearts. (To be continued.)

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