The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 602: How about a brain hole program after the start of the year?

He Jiong has always wanted to be original after ending the China Talent Show. Yang An assigned him a group of four, all experienced producers. Everyone played brainstorming, designed new shows, filmed samples, and lived through. Very fulfilling.

But today, Li Weijia gave him a text message without a thought, and he almost frowned after watching it!

Mountain City TV's new variety show was the first time in life, a parent-child travel show, three groups of guests, and three families. Isn't this exactly the same as the plan he proposed at Huangmang TV at the time?

He Jiong called Li Weijia over, but Li Weijia could not say clearly. He only knew that Huang Mang TV was making a fuss. The power struggle above the group was very fierce. Someone was messing around with a batch of garbage programs. You know, it must be very low.

"When I was here, I did n’t approve this, and I did n’t agree. I said it was a garbage solution. Oh, I sold it as soon as I walked away, and it turned into a good original solution for others. Chuanfu Satellite TV must have spent a lot of money digging the corners of their entire team. Doesn't this prove the value of my solution? Oh, I can see it! "

"Okay, Mr. He, you're all gone, angry at this and not used to that, why not?"

Li Weijia kept persuading on the phone that He Jiong was angry. He only felt that the world was cold and the routine was deep. He, a person who has been in the entertainment circle for decades, will have a day in the pit.

He Jiong said, "Don't treat others as someone, sooner or later you will be despised! Wei Jia, I suggest you, if you can jump out, hurry up, so as not to take my old path!"

At the end of the phone, Li Weijia smiled bitterly: "Where can I jump? I'm not as hot as you, I still have a three-year contract ..."

He Jiong knew that Li Weijia's shackles were not much lighter than him, but he was grateful that Yang An had given him far more than a show, but a lot.

Few people in the circle are aware of this. After all, this was an internal matter of Huang Mang TV itself.

But Yang An knew it. When he was in the company's final preparations for filming where Dad went, Song Xiaomei reported this to him, and his heart moved.

Song Xiaomei handed over a simple report, about four pages in length, introducing: "Our entire team of parent-child travel has been dug to Mountain City TV, with 12 core staff members, and the offer is an annual salary of 380,000 yuan. As for the new program We do n’t know how much the first episode of the life is commissioned, it ’s probably not very high, after all, Mountain City TV can solve the compilation, and there are many hidden benefits. ”

Yang Anrao asked with interest: "They are not afraid that Sichuan TV will fight a lawsuit with them?"

Song Xiaomei pouted with a smile: "Originally, Chuanfu and Shancheng were not far apart. They were still a family fifteen years ago. The relationship between them was intricate. It is not too much to say that they are connected to each other. What is it about digging a few people? Hit it, but the result must be nothing, but if we switch to our Red Maple TV to dig a corner, Chuanfu TV will definitely carry a knife! "

Yang An laughed, and the words were not rough. Mountain City was originally a tourist city. It is estimated that there are no shortage of materials for the first time in my life to shoot for three or five seasons. In fact, mountain city is used to drive tourism in the southwest. OK, so this lawsuit, wait for their respective leaders and competent departments to have a headache.

However, He Jiong was a pity. Yang An, who had read the first plan of his life, rejected the word, saying that it was not in line with the typhoon of Huang Mang Satellite TV, and then conquered He Jiong with a Chinese talent show.

Yang An said, "Go and contact He Jiong and let him come here for me. By the way, Shabei also called and had lunch together at noon!"

He Jiong and Shabei met Yang An in the radio and television canteen, and they both laughed.

After so many years, Yang An has not picked up the shelf. When he was working at the Red Maple Satellite TV, he sat in the cafeteria for work meals. Now he is a billionaire. He still eats work meals in the cafeteria. He is not picky about the environment. It ’s just that the quality of the food has become better, and a royal chef has been prepared to cook it for him.

Shabei came with a plate full of food: "Thank you, you can eat Master Lu's gold dishes again today!"

He Jiong also applauded, put down the plate and sat across from Yang An, saying with emotion: "You go to the field to record running men, Master Lu would rather not do it for us. No one would say hello, nor would Li Tai's face Good job! "

Yang An grinned, "I don't have a good stomach. I know this Shabei, and of course I want to eat something good."

Shabei nodded: "One of my deepest impressions was to take a risk with Bell. For the effect of the show, we both ate a scorpion in our lives and went to lavage after eating. You still have a stomach all day."

He Jiong remembered, put down his chopsticks and gave a thumbs up: "I watched that issue, I really admire you, ha, did not expect such a story behind it?"

Yang An blinked: "We are also dedicated to art!"

Everyone laughed and chatted for a while while eating, Yang An said, "I'm going to record the show the day after tomorrow, at most it will be three days. If you have any urgent matters, you can call me. I will talk to you in December. It was said that before the Spring Festival this year, you two take care of things in the company. After starting the year, when my dad is done, let's play some new tricks. "

Shabe stunned: "What about me and Jingjing's documentary?"

Yang Andao: "Keep doing it, don't worry about this film, what about one year, if you want to win an Oscar, you will have the patience to do it. With so many award-winning films in bbc, which is not two or three years?

He Jiong interrupted, "Envy the one who can win Oscar ..."

Shabe smiled, and was very satisfied. There was really the carrot of the Oscar documentary of the year hanging on his head. He was not interested in any shows, not to mention the ratings, what ratings did the documentaries talk about? This is mainly "a sense of career accomplishment". For the purest top TV people, winning is sometimes more important than the fire show.

Yang Andao: "The prize is just a big goal. I haven't seen the film yet! By the way, I heard that this is the first time in my life. However, the past is gone, and we still have to look forward. "

He Jiong was a little bit aggrieved. He really wanted to give a few words, otherwise he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Shabedo's savvy person asked the question and got the topic out. The three sighed for a long time and were indignant. At last, Qi Qi was grateful that at least there was no such black-handed Yang An as the boss who led by example. Creativity under the hood? No need at all, he can't finish his own ideas!

At the end of the meal, He Jiong helped collect the plates and take them away. Shabela stopped Yang An from allowing him to leave, and quietly asked, "Where will my dad finish after finishing, what new tricks do you want to play?"

Yang An grinned: "Open a brain hole program, you, me, and teacher He, let's have some hapi hapi together, who is the best to see, how?"

Shabei took a sigh of relief: "Brainhole show! No, you have to give me a thorough understanding. What is it?"

Yang An deliberately choked not to say, "Of course I can't tell you, otherwise how can I abuse you? Brother Sha, eat and drink well in the Spring Festival, take care of my body, wash it in vain and wait for me to abuse! Wow ha ha"

Shabey is going to kneel: "Brother, brother, are you my brother? Okay, I only did a show a few years ago, can you give me a decent character? I don't want to be a harlequin! Hey, hey, boss, Is there a way to live ... "

Watching Yang An float away, Shabey was about to cry, He Jiong returned from the plate, curious: "What's wrong? So many people watching outside, what are you doing on your knees? Cry like a child In the same way, what if he wants to deduct your year-end award? I know. He must be forcing you to get married. What about your marriage promise? Haha! "

Marriage vows can be let go, brotherhood can also be thrown aside, secrets can never be disclosed at will, Shabei is still thinking about using information not equal, when the time comes to go to the new show fiercely!

I ca n’t play Brother Yang, can I still play with you?

Shabe hugged He Jiong's shoulder with a smile and went out: "I thought of a good way. Let's go find someone, look for a cruel person, and pit Shancheng Satellite TV for the first time in life. It's too shameful of them. This tone, we Can't stand it! "

He Jiong's uncontrollable provocation may be because he was really broken by Huang Mang TV at the beginning ~ ~ Sabbie was broken by an impulse and went straight to Song Xiaomei's office to find the backing It's up!


The company is big, Yang An can't cover everything. How can these children toss in private? He can't control it, and he doesn't want to control it. Some people don't want Bilian. What about him being a bully?

But the normal work still has to be done. The day before the day of departure, the production team contacted Yang An and agreed to the time for the on-site shooting.

Hu Hao is a photographer who joined Enron only this summer. He previously worked in the news channel of Shancheng Broadcasting and Television Group for three years. He is an alumnus of the smiling brother Ma Xin, a young master of the third junior journalism department, and a hometown of Ma Xin. Because of this relationship, he is eligible to get Enron's internal recommendation indicators.

Hu Hao was also selected for another simple reason. His physical fitness was good. There was no way. He ran the news in the mountain city. There were mountains. The door of the hotel opened at the top of the mountain. The guest room was on the eighteenth floor. This The city is very interesting. Hu Hao ran on the fifth floor without a break, so he stayed, and ran as a trainee photographer for six months with the running male show crew. His master was Yang An's vj Xiaochen, the royal scenery.

Today, Hu Hao and Master Chen got into the car and drove into a quiet and beautiful residential area. They slowly stopped in front of a beautifully decorated villa, which is Yang's home.

Where did Dad go out before the show, officially started shooting!


ps: I'm guilty. Most of the month is 2 months. I'm not as diligent as I used to be. Some book friends said that the monthly ticket is reserved for me. However, I suggest that you can grab the red envelope Android system if you can grab the red envelope. Give me the ios that ca n’t be found or the red envelope, ah yes, do n’t sign up for the daily coin, please do n’t subscribe to my book. Income.

Today 3 more, I'm so ashamed of shame

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