The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 607: Daddy's War

The competition between children is a joke. You can see the pure heart of children through games. e 小 Δ 说 ん

The competition between dads is a real war. It is full of adult strategies. You can also see the different personalities of dads and their influence on their children in the family. The impact is huge.

The other dad was holding the child in one hand and dragging the box in one hand. The first thing was to ask people and ask for the address on the postcard.

Only Yang An had the most pressure. He had to bring two 4-year-olds to work twice as hard as others. Any physical task was doubled for him, and he suffered most.

But Yang An's strength is not physical fitness, but wisdom.

This time he did not act lightly, but quietly instructed Xiaoyin and Xiaole to follow him, holding Mori in the other hand, and the four of them quietly dragged their luggage towards the airport exit. Obviously, he and Tian just now The amount of talking is not just a gossip, but an alliance!

Tian Liang, a sports star with an athlete background, rushed into the waiting crowd first and took out a postcard to ask these passengers who picked up the plane.

This is the smartest method. The vast majority of the pick-up passengers are locals in Bingcheng. It is the fastest to ask the locals.

"Sister, do you know where this place is? Hey, yes, yes, I'm Tian Liang, please tell me quickly, okay? Ah don't know, thank you very much! Brother, look at ..."

Tian Liang drilled in the crowd, vj followed him, many people came around curiously, many people made suggestions and made suggestions.

At this time, Lin Zhiying and Kimi asked the waiter in the VIP service station of Air China. Guo Tao and Huang Bo asked along the commercial street of the airport, city, bookstore, and coffee shop. They would ask whoever they caught, passers-by would also ask, waiter. Also asked, they will inevitably be recognized by passers-by as stars. Without affecting the progress, they will still meet the group photo requirements.

"Ask the locals? Tian Liang is so smart, why didn't I think of it?"

Hearing the sound of laughter in the exit crowd, Lin Zhiying, who had found nothing at the VIP service station, looked over there and said to his son lying on his shoulders, "Kimi, Dad, please go there with you, right?"

Kimi has never seen so many people watching, and at this time many young girls have noticed them. When they saw Lin Zhiying who was young, the girls all cheered and screamed. Kimi was a little timid: "Too many people, I Afraid ... "

Lin Zhiying was prepared for the onlooking, but he did not expect that the mainland fans would be so enthusiastic. He could only protect kimi as much as possible, and did not forget to show others postcards to get this task done as soon as possible, but the plan to follow Tian Liang only Stranded.

"Here is an old alarm bell in Binjiang Village. I am from the next village. I am too familiar!"

A 4o-year-old middle-aged man vowed, Tian Liang was overjoyed, "Binjiang Village, right? How can I get there?"

The middle-aged man was a little hesitant: "The airport is southwest of Bingcheng, Binjiang Village is northeast, and beside Songhua River, you are 6 kilometers away!"

"The city must be advanced and then changed at the coach station, but I don't know if there is a direct bus to Binjiang Village."

"It was a heavy snowfall yesterday, and this small village is probably closed?"

"Who knows, but I suggest that this weather is either a taxi or a check for a ride."

Everyone was arrogant, and Tian Liang was not a good suggestion at all. He could only open the task envelope in his hand, and said: "I only have 1oo dollars in my whole body, and I don't even have a mobile phone, and I have to rush Time ca n’t be slower than others. Please think about it. What else can I do to get there? Ah yes, we ’re recording the game. In addition to me, my daughter, Yang An, and Yang An ’s One son and one daughter, all five of us will go to Binjiang Village! "

"Ah? Are you teaming with Brother Yang? Is this Yang An's new variety show?"

"Emma, ​​I always like him!"

"I just saw Huang Bo and Guo Tao over there!"

Tian Liang quickly said, "Yes, yes, Huang Bo, Guo Tao, and Lin Zhiying! Ah, Lin Zhiying is here!"

Lin Zhiying just got rid of the two female fans, and when she saw it, she was about to come over. A guy next to him quickly said to Tian Liang, "I'll drive you over! Come on, it's not about twenty or thirty kilometers. We don't care about people in Northeast China. Come with me, you take me to pick up the children! "

Tian Liang was overjoyed and thanked everyone around him. Everyone grinned and motioned to hurry away, then watched Lin Zhiying hurriedly, and flickered collectively.

No way, handsome Lin is really cool, but have you been so cool that Yang Yeer and the Olympic champion teamed up?

Yang An stood at the door and looked after the three children. When he saw Tian Liang rushing around with a young man, he was overjoyed, knowing that he would succeed.

"Go to the parking lot! Go to the parking lot! We have a free ride!"

Tian Liang shouted loudly and signaled Yang An to leave, but this voice was heard by Huang Bo and Guo Tao. The two rushed out of the commercial street and shouted anxiously: "Hey! What do you two mean? Alliance Is that right? For the sake of the party state, pull the brothers and tell us the specific address!

Tian Liang turned a deaf ear. He picked up his daughter, resisted on his shoulders, and dragged the box and ran. The driver brother also helped to drag Yang An's box and ran, Yang An picked up his children and did not forget to look back. Hehe laughed and ran fast!

Guo Tao and Huang Bo were dumbfounded, Stone followed in a pant, panting and asked, "Dad ... what are we looking for?"

Yoyo dragged the suitcase, too tired to breathe out: "Dad, I can't drag the suitcase ..."

Guo Tao and Huang Bo, both distressing their sons and daughters and complaining about Yang An and Tian Liang, muttered, "Why are these two so insidious?"

"Let's also join hands. Two hundred yuan should be enough for a taxi!"

"Yes, let's ask the taxi driver, they must know more!"

Let ’s do it. The two joined hands. Guo Tao took the postcard and asked the driver one by one. Huang Bo entrusted the two children and luggage to the airport security. They also went to the other side and asked for a taxi. They saw a suv from the parking lot. Opened out, whistling in front of them, the people inside shook the window and waved at them, haha ​​laughed and left, who are not Yang An and Tian Liang?

The brutal game began when we got off the plane, which caught everyone off guard. The old driver Yang An gave a good lesson to everyone with rich experience. The other new students could only sigh with regret.

Tian Liang and Yang An gave a high-five in the car. The three children each sat in one position, fastened their seat belts, and laughed and joked with each other. Fortunately, this is a 7-seater SUV, plus vj together. Just sat full.

Tian Liang said with emotion: "Oh, you still have your brain moving fast!"

Yang An laughed: "Did I fight you hard enough? If I don't use my brain, I will definitely lose to you."

Lin Zhiying accidentally plunged into the ocean of the people, and a group of people vowed to say that the place on the postcard was the ice and snow world playground in the city. At first he thought it was true.

But kimi's eyes were sharp. He lay on his father's shoulders and said anxiously, "A lot of uncles and aunts are secretly laughing!"

Lin Zhiying took a closer look at the faces around him, and indeed saw a hidden smile. Whether he was lying to him or deliberately dragging his time, he knew that the game could not be played. Take up.

Fortunately, there was one of his **** fans in the crowd. After he left disappointed, he quietly followed up and told him the name of the riverside village. After all his thanks, he hurried to the taxi stop.

But he seemed to be one step behind. He saw Guo Tao and Huang Bo just got in a taxi, and waved at him before leaving, laughing and whistling away.

"This guy!"

Lin Zhiying was a little annoyed. He was holding kimi, anxious, and sad, standing in the taxi waiting place in an embarrassing way, condensing into a picture, quite a feeling of happiness and helpless father and son knocking on the door!

In fact, the production team has already calculated it. If you take a taxi from the airport to Binjiang Village and walk around the city highway, you have to walk about 7o kilometers. The taxi fare is exactly 2oo yuan. It can be reached in less than an hour. However, although it is only 6o kilometers ~ ~, it has to go through 4o traffic lights, the taxi fare is 16o yuan, and it takes two hours.

After getting off the bus, Yang An handed over two hundred dollars to the helping driver, saying thank you, and taking off the luggage with Tian Liang, looked at the old big bell in front of him and sighed.

It was almost a fore and aft effort. The taxi that Guo Tao and Huang Bo took also arrived. It can only be said that these masters were really good. They were obviously behind for nearly ten minutes, and they could catch up. Embarrassed them.

"Are they all there?"

As soon as Huang Bo got out of the car, he asked loudly, and Tian Liang waved and shouted, "Lin Zhiying hasn't arrived yet!"

Everyone is happy now, hehe laughed, high-five each other to celebrate, it seems that the first failure must be Lin Zhiying.

Lin Zhiying was also sitting in a taxi at this time, but he was delayed too much at the airport. He didn't ask the right person at first because the taxis that knew the answer had been called away by other passengers. His luck was really bad. No one knew even after asking more than ten cars.

After waiting for five minutes, I finally found a master who knew the place, but I was afraid that it would not be enough oil for 1oo, and it took a long time to come and go. The taxi driver was also very difficult. What about the star, and the star could not eat.

What else can I do? Carpool? The car to Binjiang Village is basically impossible, and it is not realistic to go to the city center.

Since today's loss is definitely a loss, then Lin Zhiying accepted this result generously.

After that, his thinking changed flexibly. Instead of looking for a taxi, he instead searched for a private car at the temporary drop-off at the front desk entrance. After a while with the traffic police, Kimi kissed the traffic police and finally found a small car. The truck got on and got the traffic police's side of the net. There was no penalty for detaining passengers.

Ten minutes later, Lin Zhiying took a free ride to Binjiang Village.

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