The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 629: Come to my show as a vase!

Imperfection is also an unforgettable beauty. This remark came out of Yang An's mouth, and made everyone stunned: "It makes good sense to speak, I am speechless!"

Although Chen Jindong regretted it, he expressed his understanding that he should be the person who understands the Dream of the Red Mansion on the scene best. Xue Baozhen's aria is not written. In case the literary level of the song is not enough, it will become a superfluous one, and it will certainly laugh and be generous.

But the other thirteen songs are definitely describing Yuanchun, Xiangyun, Wang Xifeng and others. Will Yang An write them all? Everyone stared at Yang An expectantly, hoping that he would be fascinated again and amazing again.

"I really ca n’t provide the barrel package for the whole family. I have no inspiration for the other 13 songs, but it ’s not Teacher Liu! Oh yes, there are n’t two other famous arranger masters, Director Chen, you also Find them! "

Yang An laughed and kicked the ball back, and everyone sneered!

Qi Jiangong's face couldn't be fixed, but no one gave him a step. He couldn't jump down from the second floor. Yang An still chased after him: "I'm really not high in culture, just a vulgar person. It ’s all shit, upstarts who act in movies, and the three vulgar content that I do in programs. I do n’t know a few big characters. I ca n’t write songs or anything. It ’s a straw bag! ”

The faces of the three people of Qi Jiangong all became red and swollen, and there was nowhere to hide. Let Yang An speak with this mouth, and even more uncomfortable words were spoken.

Fighting with the talk show host and arguing with the comic actor, I do n’t know how to die!

Qi Jiangong's clothes were soft, others would not give him steps, not to mention the second floor, and the cliff asked him to jump on his own: "Mr. Yang, don't say it," Ning Ning Mei "is so good, the theme song is it!"

Yang An waved his hand: "I didn't write" Ning Ning Mei ". I dare not live for the credit of Mr. Cao Xueqin. How can I write such a powerful Chinese style lyrics? I'm a big straw bag! Big! Grass! package!"

In the end, Yang An stretched her face and spoke out word by word, screaming loudly, heart to heart!

Song Zongliang and Zhu Xiao were frightened and trembled, knowing that Yang An had moved a real fire, and now they were finished, really finished, there were the managers of China Film Group, the director of the TV station, and the entertainment company. The boss, as well as the singer Liu Feng, was offended in all aspects of the entertainment industry. Both of them were shaking and had to hold the table to avoid fainting on the spot.

"Huh! Even the least respect!" Liu Feng disdain to talk to this group of people.

"That's right, this is the eighth day of the first month. Didn't you sing" Where's Dad "for the Spring Festival Gala for a few days? You are from Mars, and you don't even know" Daddy's Where "is Yang Dao's song? Can you? As a colleague, you do n’t even have this quality. When you come up, you say you ca n’t do it, and I say you really do n’t! ”Said the manager of China Film Group, mockingly.

"General Qi, these two people are you looking for? I think the level is very high, our temple is small and cannot afford these two Bodhisattvas!" Chen Jindong's tone was a bit bad.

Qi Jiangong whispered in his heart, and whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm a layman, I really don't understand and may be deceived. Sorry everyone, let me take a step."

"Hey, don't go, President Qi, stay and have a drink!" Rong Xinda's Vice President Qian toasted and quipped, causing a few people here to laugh and watch the three men leave slumped, before the door was closed Congratulations in unison, the sound was so harsh in Qi Jiangong!

When I went out, I walked through the two corridors. Qi Jiangong stopped suddenly, watching the sincere Song Zongliang and Zhu Xiao behind him, and my heart became horrible, that is, you made me despise and hurt me. Paying for your arrogance? Really abominable, it's time to fight!

Slap on the face of Song Zongliang, and slap on the back with another slap on Zhu Xiao's face, and then pull out an envelope from his pocket and throw them at the feet, angry: "Go! I don't want to see it again you guys!"

Hit someone, throw two money, Qi Jiangong no longer wants to have any intersection with these two people!

Laughing and laughing in the private room of Tianzi No.1, everyone said that they were just deflated. No one likes this kind of arrogant man who doesn't know the heights and heights of the land. He said you want to pick soft persimmons, but don't pick Yang An to pinch. Trouble coming to Yang An, this IQ is really not saved!

Liu Feng sighed: "In all fairness, the domestic song industry has their names, and they are really a little talented, but the character is really not good, so let them learn something. But Yang An, I have one of the remaining 13 songs You ca n’t figure it out, you have to help! Dao Chen, you have to continue to find someone to arrange. My idea is to use a style similar to "Ning Ning Mei". The result is the best suite and the style of the whole play is uniform. complete!"

"That's a good idea." Ning Ning Mei "is the core theme song, and the other suite styles should move closer to it."

Chen Jindong said: "Our shooting plan is 8 months. Yang Dao should have enough time to create slowly."

Yang An still refused: "It's difficult for 8 months. I really can't make a call! Teacher Liu said that Chen Dao asked me to invite a song. I said he was busy. It ’s very difficult. Teacher Liu should know the most, writing songs is about inspiration, especially this kind of proposition composition, but this is the theme song of "A Dream of Red Mansions". The four famous classics, the general songs are not on the stage, I am really I dare not agree easily. "Ning Ning Mei" is a wonderful hand, the other thirteen, I am afraid that it is difficult to generate such inspiration again, I can only say as much as possible! "

Seeing Yang An's repeated excuses, the crowd must have been very frustrated, and Liu Feng had to give up: "Inspiration is really something you can't find. Come and come and stop worrying. Today is worth a drink for "Ning Ning Mei!"


The guests at the table are full of joy, and many parties have their own needs. The Red Chamber Dream Team got good songs and owed Yang An a favor. Although the money for buying songs was not much, they would focus on publicizing Yang An's talents and make Yang An a good one. Fame Rong of China Beijing Satellite TV acknowledged Yang An's mistakes in public, and promised that the television station would fully cooperate with Yang An in the future. The manager even made it clear. If Yang An has a friend who wants to participate in the Dream of the Red Mansion, it ’s still not enough to plug in one or two to run. Question, everyone is happy!

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Yang An drank a lot and walked upside down. Guan Xiaotong was worried that he could not help him by himself. He called Yang Yang for help. Yang Yang deliberately pulled on Li Yan. The four were sitting in Yang Yang's car. Leave.

Before he walked for 200 meters, Yang An who was drunk was awake. He sat upright so scared that Li Yan beside him screamed. Guan Xiaotong, who drove, made a sudden brake, and everyone in the car turned over.

"What's going on? Seeing a ghost, am I so scary?"

Yang An touched her head and couldn't laugh or cry.

Fortunately, Yang Yang fastened his seat belt. He turned back from the co-pilot and was slightly dissatisfied: "Li Li, don't be suspicious. Guide Yang has been helping you!"

Li Yan is dumbfounded, what the **** is going on?

Yang An didn't pretend to be drunk, and directly sent an invitation to Li Yan: "I have a new variety show to do in April. I want to invite you to participate. As for regular guests, it depends on your performance."

Li Yan's heartbeat accelerated, and Yang Yang was even more nervous than her. Guan Xiaotong, who drove her car, opened her mouth. She wanted to ask why she was not invited to participate, but she closed her mouth and did not dare to disturb Yang An.

"But ... I'm still new ... I can't do anything ..."

Before Li Yan finished, Yang An interrupted her: "It doesn't matter, I need a lively and cheerful vase. If you perform very well, then you may be the most beautiful vase on this show, forgive me I speak so straight, but that's my style. "

Uh ...

Guan Xiaotong smiled and smirked in front of him, Yang Yang lifted his forehead, smiled helplessly, they both appeared in variety shows under Yang An, Yang An said nothing wrong, he really spoke so straight Alone!

Li Yan is stupid, want a vase? There are beautiful vases everywhere in the entertainment industry. Why does Yang An come to harm her? She was a little angry, which was almost insulting, and he ... he was even plotting against himself! Li Yan always thought that Yang An was trying to seduce her, including the set, sending songs or something.

Yang Yang, who was sitting in front, finally spoke: "Li Suona, Director Yang has long known that you have a close relationship with me ~ ~ I have been teasing you for a while, so whether I can grasp this opportunity or not depends on you Hey! "

Li Yan's face turned red, Guan Xiaotong's gossip soul was burning: "Oh my God, Yang Yang, you and Sister Li Yan are in love? My gosh, this day can't go by, no matter how good the men are taken away, Don't leave me one ... "

Guan Xiaotong's sigh sighed down the embarrassing atmosphere in the car. Li Zhi figured everything out. She also guessed what caused Yang An to dig her for a job change. It must be creating the illusion of "seeing her." Rong Xin Da company is willing to be an adult beauty. After all, she is a contracted artist of Rong Xinda company, and it will pay a premium price to dig a foot.

Li Yan sneaked a glance at Yang An through the light on the side of the road and found that his eyes were full of clear smiles, and she blushed again, and said in a low voice, "Sorry Yang, I misunderstood you."

Yang An really likes this kind of pure little girl, and laughed: "It goes without saying that I'm sorry, you just need to follow me on the show and be the most beautiful vase."

Li Yan laughed. How could the boss speak like this, she is really not used to it!

There should be no problem with Li Yan, but Yang Yang and Guan Xiaotong are very enthusiastic. However, no one of Yang An's majesty dares to offend. He said that he will wait for anyone to come in. If he does n’t mention it, it ’s better not to ask. May be counterproductive.

Yang An was relieved. After Li Ye was settled, there was another female guest. He already had a suitable candidate in his heart, so the guest camp for his next show was basically organized. Each period also invites a rotating guest, and the mode is tentatively set first.

Well, this variety show is called "Star Detective", and he is going to play a fun brainstorm variety show! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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