The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 641: Different sand detective

An hour ago, Shabei, a student who was napping by the window of a moving car, was photographed.

"20 Do you need to watch a movie?"

The unconscious Shabei had a great ignition, but a beautiful female flight attendant sat beside him, holding a laptop computer, smiling softly, and he couldn't afford the courage to curse.

The sense of art came, Shabe sniffed, rubbed his eyes, rubbed his face, then put down his hands, and instantly turned into a sincere smile, pretending to be deep: "Yes, I need it!"

The female flight attendant handed the laptop and left. Shabe was unsuspecting, shut down two movies that required passwords, and finally clicked on "Spy Shadow 3" which can be played normally. Sit comfortably and sit up straight and adjust Posture, smiling at the camera: "Very good, I've seen this movie before and I'm quite impressed."

Teacher Sha of the big heart just enjoyed it like this. When he arrived at the station an hour later, Shabei stepped onto the platform and was stopped by the railway staff.

"Yo, and a shuttle bus service?"

The heartless Sha teacher took the initiative to get in the car and called vj. The detective assistant at the platform also sat up with him until he joked all the way and walked back to the waiting hall. He didn't find anything wrong.

"Let's ... Will" Star Detective "not all be officially recorded, right? I haven't prepared anything yet, OK?"

Shabe was dumbfounded, he really hadn't thought about it, vj followed him and thought he was recording the footage in advance.

But no matter how anxious it is, it's no use. If you miss the clues, try to remember it yourself!

In fact, Shabei didn't miss anything. He also noticed the cleaners and was almost hit by the girl in red. He saw the brown cup. Then, he was terrified by the "stop" on the radio.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"

"Are these people petrified?"

"Oh my god! This is amazing too!"

Shabe was really scared at a loss at first, but he quickly reacted. This was acting, so he instinctively opened up the amusement aura and began to exert his funny ability.

The editor-in-chief showed him a 120-second countdown and introduced the rules of the game. I didn't expect Teacher Sha to be naughty, walked to the side of the couple holding his boyfriend's neck and showing a big smile, and touched their chins, and surrounded them with interest The two turned around.

"Mr. Sha, Mr. Sha, what I said next is very important ..."

"Well, I'm listening, you keep talking! Yeah, it's time for the two of them to stop, right? If I kiss this girl secretly, do you say she has any reaction?"

Shabe joked, focusing on the couple, this is to deliberately make a group laugh!

The little handsome director couldn't help crying: "Mr. Sha, time is running out ..."

Shabei was really surprised. He just talked to the couple on purpose. He knew that holding up an expression for 2 minutes was actually very tiring, but the expression of the couple hadn't really changed!

Shabe may never know. The production team really took great pains to set this up. There were a few professional actors in the group performance, and they brought in the best performing students from Red Maple Art School, like Zhang Luren, female staff, and red clothes. Girls, cleaners, and so on are all professional actors. Arranging them around artists, and working hard to make the environment more real, this is also a great highlight!

For professional actors, smirking is the basic skill!

"Forget it, I don't want to kiss anymore, she's petrified. It must not feel like kissing her, but I must be beaten after I kiss home!"

Shabei put away a joke and returned to the director. He just turned around. The couple couldn't help but laugh silently. This shot was just shot by vj, and then it was a funny laugh!

Everyone's personality is different, so the game process may be different.

Yang An is the kind of character who plays the game very seriously. Regardless of whether he is a running man or where his father goes, he respects the rules and strives to do his best within the rules. This is also important for his good image in the eyes of the audience. For reasons, he just followed the director's script under the rules.

But Shabe is not the same. His personality is relatively relaxed. Ever since he discovered that he was doing a variety show with Yang An, he was born with a funny halo that was very popular. Since then, he has embarked on a road of no return, whether it is great He is still a running man, and he will jump forward in all manners. This is also his unique style. He is very complementary to Yang An in the program and belongs to the complementary type.

He saw Zhang Luren falling down, cramping, and pointing at him for help. He was so scared that he slumped to the ground, and kept screaming, struggling to step back, his acting skills didn't know how exaggerated.

He also forgot to press the 60-second red pause button, making the patrol officer hesitate to pull the dog, neither running nor not running, terribly awkward.

According to the script, the artist must have pressed the button, the radio stopped, and they stopped, waiting for the artist to **** the evidence.

But Shabei's performance was extremely unbearable. He didn't press, and the dog patrol officer probably scolded his mother. As soon as he bit his teeth, Nima rushed directly to the dog, and the crowd swarmed around him directly!

The chief director looked at each other in the command car. Shabei did not play cards according to common sense at all. Is this going to heaven?

The members of Guo Lei's screenwriter also noticed this, and all laughed.

As early as this morning, standing on the second-floor escalator, he smiled and said instantly: "I knew that Mr. Sha must be wrong! With his character, he would be blameful! The little clever role in running a man is too correct, he That's who you are by nature! "

Qian Chen slowly came down from the escalator. His route was to go down the escalator, go to the bathroom and make a circle, then come out to the escalator, sit down for a while and then go down the escalator, so the cycle.

He passed by the crowd, and finally saw Shabe moving.

In fact, Chen Chen was not in a hurry, and the screenwriters were worried that the artist would be frightened. There is another set of plans, and the script must continue to act, right?

After Shabe returned to his mind, he remembered that he was recording the program. He tried to separate the crowd and saw the patrol officer and police dog crouching beside the deceased. One patrol officer examined the body and the other asked for support on the walkie-talkie.

Sabe exclaimed, "Trouble let me down. I want to check the scene. I'm a detective!"


Someone in the crowd laughed a long time ago. It was so straightforward, Teacher Sha. This is the rhythm of not beeping, and doing it directly!

The patrol officer froze, but he was the true instructor of the Armed Police Squadron, and he blurted out: "What about your credentials?"

Shabe was dumbfounded and the laughter was louder all around. How could he have any detective credentials?

The patrol officer seemed to have received instructions, but in the end he did not check the documents and allowed Shabe to come and inspect the crime scene.

Although the red light was not pressed, the 15-minute countdown started.

Shabe put on white gloves and preparatory work before the inspection. The patrolman cooperated quite well, and pulled up the cordon next to him, leaving ample space for Shabe.

The director was finally relieved. This is also a plan, but Shabei is doing something else.

"This Shabe! It was unexpected!"

"Did you know him on the first day? Anyway, I know that running the men's group is the most tiring for him to follow the vj, because his thinking reaction is too agile and his movements are fast. Most people must not keep up with his rhythm, and vj moves slightly. Slow down, the lens is gone. "

"He's the scourge of the running man, and the scourge is here again."

"Ha! He's so funny, you see, where did you find this magnifying glass?"

"I'm going! Hahahaha ..."

"My stomach is smiling ... please find the shadow area in this actor's heart!"

On the monitoring screen, I saw that Shabey found a magnifying glass from his jacket pocket, and took out a pair of black-frame glasses without lenses. Wearing white gloves and a small trench coat, the shape was indeed like a famous detective in the comics.

He squatted beside the deceased's head, fiddled with the deceased's head with one hand, and checked his mouth with a magnifying glass in one hand.

Fortunately, vj didn't look around, everyone smiled crying. Teacher Sha is going against the sky! You take a magnifying glass and check people's mouth?

The actors lying on the floor can't stand it!

The actor who played Zhang Luren was indeed professional, and his body was quite responsible. He even reduced his breathing as much as possible, but he never expected that Shabe would fiddle his head and pull his mouth apart.

"Open your mouth ~ ~ Let me see if you have symptoms of vomiting blood!"

Sharbe muttered. He talked to a dead man and couldn't hear it any more.

Don't make trouble Mr. Sha, I am a dead person, dead person, dead person! Important dead man, say it three times!

The actor who played Zhang Luren ran in tears in his heart, the two patrol officers next to him could not stand anymore, and smiled sideways. The crowd outside the cordon was even more miserable, but those who were facing the camera were still very convergent. Others were really affected. No, basically all ran into the crowd and laughed wildly.

Shabei played with the magnifying glass for a while and finally let him go, but then he began to touch the body of the dead and inspect the purse again. He reached for his underwear pocket, but he didn't listen to the call, and touched the creak.


The actor Zhang Luren didn't hold back, his arms moved a bit, but Shabei shouted two steps backwards, panting, "Frightening people, even corpses!"

Liar your uncle!

If Zhang Luren could scold someone, he would scold him!

The crowd looked around in horror, the director was sweating so much, and he was so noisy. He didn't know how to end it later. He quickly directed the broadcasting room: "There are seven minutes left!"

Shabei was just eight investigations. He is a detective holding a certificate. He doesn't need to grab evidence like Yang An. He squats beside him and sits next to the body.

Examining the briefcase, he took out a box of designer labels, and Shabe asked the body again: "Zhang Luren, is this business card yours?"

I am dead, my brother, please let me go ...

All the people nearby couldn't see it anymore, all hiding away from the camera and laughing wildly, Zhang Luren really cried, and if he continued to do so, his corpse would definitely show a charming smile. To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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