The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 652: 1 double regulation, others are afraid!

It was another Monday, and Mr. Cai, as one of the leaders of the General Administration, attended a regular meeting.

The meeting room was smoky. Two hours had passed and all the discussion had been finished. The chairman asked, "Do you have any more to say? Then we will adjourn the meeting!"

"Wait a minute, I have one more thing."

"Lao Cai, you say."

Cai Tai said: "We have a long-term producer in CCTV. His name is Yang An. He is a host in the TV industry who specializes in variety shows." Great Challenge "," China Voice "," Running Brothers " "," Where's Dad? ", And many other shows, all of which are his works. Should everyone have heard of this person?"

The chairman's heart stunned, why was he? Is this ready to make an effort for Yang Anqiang?

The others nodded and nodded.

"Taiwan's new variety show this year, a high IQ show of detective reasoning type, has been stuck in our bureau."

A deputy director was upset: "What is stuck in our bureau? Haven't we just completed the reform and decentralized?"

Another explained: "Lao Luo, I know his situation is a bit special. He has been an independent producer. We used to approve it. Now, although decentralization, our content review department still retains a few corporate units. He has the right to review. However, Lao Cai and the content review department are all working in accordance with laws and regulations. If there is a problem with the review, there is a problem. However, there is no card or card. We deliberately made it difficult for him. "

Director Cai Tai smiled, it was the Deputy Director Ma who put pressure on the content review department, and he knew very well!

"Then I'm wondering, which rule does not meet the requirements?"

"It's bloody, violent, and easy to mislead minors. Is that enough?"

"The programs that are more serious than him have passed the review. Why did he catch him?"

"His influence in minors is too great. Let's relax a little, maybe it will bring irreparable consequences!"

This is the same set, Mr. Cai Tai sneered and argued, the other party came back politely, and said sarcastically, "Chairman Cai, have you forgotten Director Qu's business? The company still wants to influence the formulation of the policy? The world is not messed up! "

Uh ...

A man laughed next to him. This one was neutral. He said, "Trump became the president of the United States. Isn't the Wall Street consortium behind him all businesses? They also made policies, and they didn't see the world mess up!"

Laughing in the conference room, it was a tit-for-tat quarrel, but it turned into a farce.

The chairman took the opportunity to announce: "Don't say this at the meeting. How can radio and television serve personal businesses? Don't be afraid of jokes when spreading it!"

Everyone else stood up, Tsai Choi did not fight, dragged to the end, and sneered in the ears of the deputy director Ma: "Paris spring 4 1803!"


The other side was panic-stricken, and screamed like Flam, causing the people who had left to turn their heads back, but they were embarrassed to return to the conference room.

Cai Taichang's look remains unchanged: "Two sets of 15 buildings of Olympic Sports Garden City, 1201 and 1202!"

"You're crazy!"

Deputy Commissioner Ma backed up in fright, his eyes were fierce, and he gasped, "What do you want to do?"

It was easier for Cai Taichang to see that they were only two of them. "Should I ask you, what do you want to do? Yes, I still have a lot of similar addresses, such as blue sky and green water houses, overseas Chinese town shops ... OK, I still have something in the stage. Let ’s take a step first. Well, at this time the Discipline Inspection Commission must be at work. Good luck. "

Deputy Commissioner Ma took the director Cai and forbid him to leave, his face was stubborn, and he said fiercely, "Do you dare to oversell me?"

Mr. Cai Tai coldly knocked off his hand: "Do yourself a favor, and don't live! If you don't know, unless you don't know how to do it. I overwhelm you? What's the evidence?"

Deputy Director Ma was sweating, his heart was like death, but he yelled, "You are no better than me!"

Cai Taichang smiled and laughed: "So old, IQ is okay! You are a big tiger, and I am still the director!"

Deputy Director Ma was finally crushed, his legs were soft, holding Cai Tai's long thigh, and begging: "Lao Cai, Lao Cai, I was wrong, everyone, a colleague, can you save me? What do you want, I can give it to you, everything to you ... "

Mr. Cai Tai raised his leg strongly, kicked Deputy Director Ma to the side, patted the ashes of his pants, and hummed coldly: "It has nothing to do with me. It is you who offend the wrong person by yourself, and eat the bitter fruits you brew! "

The door of the conference room was closed, and Cai Tai heard faint shouts from behind. He saw four uniformed disciplinary staff members walking away from the corridor and finally laughed and left here happily.

The news of Deputy Director Ma was quickly spread throughout the radio and television system. After preliminary investigation, in Zhongjing, he and his wife, brother, aunt, son, father-in-law, etc. have a total of fourteen houses, residential villas, and various business formats. Both have assets of more than 100 million!

During the next three days, Mr. Cai's office was always visited, and many people were asking what had happened, and Mr. Cai did not explain.

Finally, after the call from the chairman, the two sides finally showed up.

At the high level of them, it is absolutely fatal to directly attack the old Thunder Thunder. No one wants to see this happen to themselves. In a big environment with few people clean, everyone Dangerous.

How did Cai Tai master so much information, no one knows, but from the top to the bottom knows that Cai Tai grows up and pulls down Deputy Director Ma, and it is for Yang An to take the lead!

The chairman was also scared. In the past few months after the general election, he had not found the handle of Cai Tai, and he could not move the person. As a result, the other party bit back and killed a person around the chairman. Who is not afraid of such a sharp counterattack?

Soon, both Yang An and Su Rui's programs were released. This was approved by the General Administration, which means that it can be unimpeded in any star TV station in the country.

At this point in the broadcast of radio and television, there are still those interests exchanged, and no one knows.

But Yang An saw the answer from Cai Taichang's face. What is the spirit? This is!

Before the Spring Festival, Cai Taichang's face was obviously tired, dark circles were very obvious, and his spirit was very debilitating. Now, like a red sunset in the second spring, the whole person looks full of energy. Cai Taichang these The biggest troubles of the day must be cleared together!

"Xiao Yang, you can go back and do your show with peace of mind!"

Mr. Cai Tai handed a document to Yang An. This is the application form for the "Star Detective" project. It is stamped with the blue seal "passed" by the General Administration. This is a special document. Radio and television has rarely supervised it in person. Already.

Yang Anxi took over: "Thank you, Mr. Cai, you've really helped!"

Cai Taichang waved his hand and smiled to indicate that he could go: "After going back to the show, do you want to broadcast it on CCTV?"

Yang An laughed: "No more trouble, I just need a local station!"

CCTV broadcasts well, and the ratings are really high, but it is better not to make an inch. This kind of rubbing program can be broadcasted at most somewhere. Yang An is very clear about this.

Leaving the CCTV building, Shabei waited in the parking lot. When she saw Yang An with a cheerful face, she looked forward to asking, "Pass?"

Yang An nodded: "Passed. I already told my family. They told me to go to the Red Mansion Theatre of Prince Gong's Mansion. Let's go to Li Li. The casting of the first stage of" Star Detective "can begin. You drive And I have to notify one more person. "

What Yang An wants to notify is Su Rui. This drama is due to the cooperation of the two. He obtained the list of all the people who deliberately opposed his project from the content review department, and asked the family's work unit and name.

Using his network in China and Beijing, as well as his connections in the real estate industry, Su Rui did take some thoughts and money to get some real estate information from Deputy Commissioner Ma and others.

Only killing the chicken of Deputy Director Ma ~ ~ is enough to shock Xiao Xiao, and can hold the handles of other people, Tai Cai owes Yang An a great deal of friendship, and he is more politically more Stable.

Su Rui voted for the five-body body that Yang An admired. The Huang Shao he had previously commissioned had no use for farts. The key is that although the Huang family had influence, they were not clean, and they could n’t do anything like Yang An's. Deputy Director Ma forced a dead end. Even if other people wanted to fight back, they could not fight back against a large real estate company with 200 billion assets and a small private company!

"Brother Yang, you friend, I made it!"

Su Ruifei wanted to invite Yang An to dinner, but Yang An declined, and said with a smile: "We are the only independent production company with great achievements. I am also very optimistic about your" Criminal Scene Investigation ". Wait for the day when your premiere is popular, then Invite me to dinner! "

When Yang An hung up the phone, Shabe laughed: "Do you really want to carry him? Are we going to give him soft advertisements on the show?"

Yang An laughed: "Do you think it's possible? As long as I don't take the initiative to suppress, I just carry him. I find that the tastes of the audience have changed, and I can't help but use us as the scoring standard and criticize other shows for fun. Well, I really ca n’t stop you. Whether Crime Scene Investigation can survive the criticism of the audience is up to them. It ’s not good to be a master, it ’s too cold and too lonely. Ah ... "

Shabe laughed so badly that the car was almost unavailable!

The crew of the new version of "Dream of Red Mansions" learned that Yang An and Shabe were visiting. Of course, they turned on the green light and let Li Yan and them record the show alone.

Li Yan took off her makeup, and vj on the side of Regguli was also in place. The multi-party video call opened and the program officially started recording! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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