The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 692: Next time I cross, I want to save 100,000

At noon, Xiao Yueyue walked to Yang An in front of the boxed lunch, and said, "I asked the director, we have an hour's rest after dinner. Let's go and see them." How are things going? I guess Shaolin Wudang's food should be good, but they are six major factions! "

Yang An lifted chopsticks and choked on Xiao Yueyue's fat belly, causing Xiao Yueyue to hesitate and hide, laughing and cursing: "Eat and eat, you know how to eat! You have a bit of common sense, Shaolin monks are vegetarian, Wudang Emei They are all poor units. Do you think that one by one, like our Ming religion, has chicken legs every day? "

Xiaoyue Yue grunted: "How do you know so clearly? Have you seen the script?"

Yang An smiled: "Read more books, okay! What does Mingjiao do? We are the main force of rebellion against the Yuan Dynasty, okay! Originally the end of the Yuan Dynasty was a famine, you do n’t eat well, how can you have the strength to talk to others? Fighting? And the six major factions are decent, and they do n’t care much about secular affairs. The Emei faction also has to grow vegetables and raise chickens for their own medicine. When the faction has no money, they organize a group of nuns to go down the hill to treat the people. Going down the mountain to resolve the fate, the poor jingle is written in this book. "

"It sounds like it's boring!"

Xiaoyue Yue shouted her tongue and took a chance to clamp a big chopstick from the lunch box in front of Yang An: "Yang brother, I envy you for being able to recognize characters, so cultural, I admire you!"

Yang An smiled and kicked up: "Get out! Don't even think about stealing my food!"

There is still a lot of love in the Mingjiao filming. It may be because Yang An was present. Everyone was serious when experiencing the plot. During the initiation ceremony, even if they played a small cricket without even a line, everyone was very serious. , Dedicatedly stood for half an hour without moving.

However, when eating, several people asked Yang An for permission to come around and eat while chatting about variety shows. Of course, they were not sensitive personal issues, and once Yang An didn't want to answer, everyone would not force it. Full respect for Yang An.

After they ate, they were really bored. Mingjiao started to eat at 11:20 because the task was carried out very fast. Xiao Yueyue asked about this bag, and it was already clear. I heard that Shen Teng had just shot After finishing his part, he started to ask Yang An to go to the team.

Anyway, Yang An was idle, so he took out the map and followed.

At noon, the sun was a bit big. It is summer and Zhongjing is still very hot.

At this time, in Jianghu City, there were basically no people on the street. The group performances gathered in a unified place, that is, the restaurant that Yang An had visited before. He took a box lunch nearby, sat down and hid in the trees after eating. Resting in the shade, the higher-ranking group heads and group members gathered in front of high-power industrial fans to blow hair and brag.

The two walked around and finally found the position of the Wudang faction. The tricycle was delivering boxed lunch in front of Taoist Temple. Yang An's eyes were sharp and he smiled softly: "Look, who is the flamboyant boyfriend?"

"Shen Teng!"

Xiao Yueyue was excited at first, and then began to slap his sleeves: "I did n’t want to borrow 400 articles before he borrowed it, this stingy guy! Yang Geer, you beat me, I must beat him today, anyway, it is hostile forces Person, it should be taunting him! "

Yang An grinned, watching Xiao Yueyue step forward aggressively, looking for Shen Teng's stubble.

"Yo, Yueyue, why are you here?"

Shen Tengzheng got the box lunch. He raised his chopsticks: "Did you eat? Why did you change your clothes? Why did you find the organization? Which school is this?"

Xiao Yueyue saw that Shen Teng also changed something. The sword hanging around his waist seemed to be even better, and there was an extra yellow jade pendant. He was still a little envious: "Aren't you changing your clothes? Look at you This dress, how many generations of disciples in your Wudang school? "

With a smile, Shen Tengha put the box lunch back on the tricycle, took off his sword and jade display, and proudly said, "The first seat of the third generation of disciples of Wudang School, Shen Qingshu!"

Xiao Yueyue stunned, almost couldn't believe it, raised his voice and worshipped extremely: "Shen Qingshu? Wow! You turned out to be Shen Qingshu? Yeah! Yeah! Shen Qingshu! Ah ~ I don't know!"

This suddenly changed her face and laughed at the staff who sent the box lunch. Many people stood by and ate while laughing.

Xiaoyue Yue turned back for help: "Yang Yanger, who is Shen Qingshu?"

Yang An was also a little surprised, and shouted: "The son of the head of Wudang Seven Knights will wait for Zhang Sanfeng's death and the death of his father Song Yuanqiao, and he will become the helm of the future Wudang faction! Ah, change the surname, right? Shen Yuanqiao, Shen Qingshu! Not bad, promising! "

Shen Teng started eating lunch again, and asked with a smile, "Where are you two? Are you in the Huashan or Kunlun school? I don't think it is possible for this school, this school is too crap."

Xiaoyueyue just said proudly that we had entered the Ming religion, and Yang An slapped his mouth shut, explaining casually: "We enter the Kunlun pie! Slow down, let's go first, see you in the afternoon!"

Quickly pulled Xiaoyue Yue away, Xiao Yueyue didn't appreciate it: "Why pull me away? I haven't given him some color yet? Last time I talked to him on TV and he pressed me to the ground. Ah, I have seen it. Tens of millions of people have seen it. I have no face to rest. I must find my place today ... "

After walking away, Yang An then let go: "He has a problem with his identity, he is Song Qingshu! Why do we have no identity? Also, do you know the Six Schools besiege Bright Peak? Hey, you are illiterate, not even know!"

After a few minutes, Yang An quickly explained the setting, and then said his thoughts: "The four of them went to the Six Schools, and only the two of us are in Mingjiao. What does this say? The director group asked us to fight against each other. You wait, there will surely be a scene where the six major factions besiege the Bright Peak. At that time, whoever stags will depend on our performance. It is not too late for you to get revenge! "

Xiaoyue Yue also regretted: "Why didn't I supplement the martial arts novels in the past two months? I understand every word you say, but I can put it in a big environment and a big background and I can't figure it out. If we are under siege, don't leave me alone, old driver, please take the lead "

Yang Andao: "You can rest assured, Mingjiao is just the two of us. How can I not care about you? Judging from my experience of participating in variety shows, the six of us will definitely arrange an identity. Now you and I are just ordinary helpers. Look at the afternoon. There must be a series of tasks in the afternoon, and we will have our identity after completing the tasks. "

Sure enough, it is an experienced reasoning player. Yang An's speculation was realized one by one in the afternoon.

The guests who joined the three martial arts have received the task issued by their respective heads, and the two female heroes of the Emei faction received the task of making money for Shanmen.

Hai Lu's identity is a doctor of the Emei school. He goes down to treat the people. The location of the consultation is in Jishantang Pharmacy in Jianghu City. The Emei school sends people to the clinic once a month to see the people. The reputation is very good. Many people in the rivers and lakes rushed over and waited in line at the gate of Jishan Hall.

Hailu has a comprehensive guide to the treatment of the Emei faction on hand, but the patient shows various strange pulses and the symptoms are not the same. All of them have to read the book on the spot and have a consultation for two hours. Hailu is already dizzy. I accidentally misdiagnosed one, mistaken two patients with similar conditions, treated Feng Jing as Ma Liang, and the patient twitched on the spot, almost driving her crazy.

Huang Xiaolei plays incense sticks. Incense money is the largest source of economic income for the Emei sect. If the old face of the extinct Master Shi appears, pilgrims entering the incense must go for more than half, so they will send other disciples who are kind and pleasing.

Huang Xiaolei's task is to get back 10 pieces of money in one day. This task rarely made Huang Xiaolei betray the teacher. You know, most of the pilgrim money of ordinary pilgrims was 10 pieces, 20 pieces were thrown like this, 10 pieces was 10,000 pieces. This is to receive any year and month, she had to persuade one by one to donate more, and also wanted to find a wealthy son to donate and eat big dogs.

The two women were busy all afternoon. Of course, the hard work was not humane, and the two of them failed to complete the task. Hailu and Huang Xiaolei met each other. You look at me, I look at you, weird expressions.

"Why are you so ugly?"

"I saw the people today ~ ~ I accidentally killed a person and lost 2 dollars ..."

"Hmm ... Hailu, can you still kill people? They have medical trouble?"

"Why are we from the Emei sect, where do they dare to make trouble? It ’s just that I feel that the family members of the patients are pitiful, and the treatment of the disease made them miserable. When the man died, how did the orphans and widows live? Crying there with headaches, seeing my soft heart ... then I paid for it myself ... "

Huang Xiaolei heard nothing, and Hailu, the soft girl, must have been too deep into the drama. She really regarded this place as the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. She said, "Don't it be normal for a dead person to be dragged out of the city and buried? That is, I do n’t die today, and I will die tomorrow when I fight. Well, think of my side. I have a 6-way difference. What should I do? ”

Hai Lu had no choice. She was short of her own money. The two thought about it for a long time, and silently began to take out the private house money from her arms, while complaining, "The original account is used so much!"

"Fortunately, there are a few more, or we will be evicted tonight."

"The next time I cross, I will save 100,000!"

The two had a gap of dozens of pens after all the private house money was taken. They didn't say anything, and they were blamed by the extinct teacher. They were fined for not eating tonight, but the martial mission was still reluctant. Finished, gave the two disciples the identity, name and surname, as for who?

A cat and a dog have to be in front!

The two heroines of the Emei faction were locked up in a chaifang, and they were imprisoned.

The task at Shaolin Temple is not simple. Master Yuan Baoqiang is also responsible for making money. His task is to apprentice martial arts! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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