The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 547 Do you still remember the duke with a long name?

In fact, at this time, the Duke of Cappadocia only discovered that he was dizzy with blood.

It was only a few days before the spell took effect, and the blood dizziness of these few days made the Duke have no romantic thoughts.

Otherwise, if he knew that he was going to be a saint of asceticism, no matter how much he tried to endure, he would not be able to be so friendly to Jinli.

The Duke swallowed his anger: "Miss Jinli, I am really sorry for the offense my subordinates and I have offended you, and I want to ask for your forgiveness. It is said that the people of Huaguo have always been tolerant and friendly to their friends. Can you, too? Shall we be nicer?"

Jinli: "I can understand every word you said, but I don't quite understand the meaning together."

She continued to pretend to be stupid with her eyes open: "I still said that, I don't know what you are talking about."

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone with a "snap".

The Duke of Cappadocia far away in the country of white pigeons: "..."

very angry!

I was so angry that I started to dizzy again!

The confidant waiter beside him leaned over cautiously: "Your Excellency, otherwise, this subordinate will cover your eyes with cloth and satin."

In fact, this trick is useless. After all, as long as you take a sip and taste the taste of blood, the curse in the Duke's body will take effect, and you will pass out—but no matter what, you can take a sip of blood before passing out. .

Most of the blood clan's power comes from their blood, and blood sucking is their daily way of replenishing their strength.

If he does not drink blood for a long time, the Duke will not starve to death, but his strength will be greatly weakened, and he will even fall into a long-term deep sleep.

The Duke said angrily: "I am the Duke of Cappadocia, do I have to bear such humiliation?"

The subordinate knelt before his eyes, not daring to speak out.

After a long time, the Duke sighed softly, "Bring me the brocade."

He thought for a while, and then said, "I want the golden one."

Since you can't resist, you can always feel better by covering your eyes with your favorite color.

The Duke comforted himself in his heart.


flower country.

Jinli hung up the phone and burst out laughing.

She admits she is happy.

She called Lu Zhengya: "Are you at home?"

The boss is not at home.

Boss Ba followed Jinli willfully to Baige Guolang last time, and when he came back, he was almost overwhelmed by a mountain of affairs.

He has been sleeping in the company's exclusive lounge for the president for two days.

When he received Jinli's call, he was conducting a video conference while he was dual-tasking, holding a pen in one hand, and processing the accumulated documents at an inhuman speed.

As the saying goes: travel for a while, crematorium afterwards.

Lu Zhengya signaled for the suspension of the meeting, picked up his phone, got up, and walked to the opposite place where Lu's senior executives would never hear.

"Jinli, what's the matter?"

Jinli smiled: "Do you remember the duke with a long name?"

Lu Zhengya remembered, but the reason he remembered was different from what Jinli thought.

He remembered the duke because Jinli said he was very good-looking and very pleasing to the eye.

Lu Zhengya knew Jinli, such an insignificant person, Jinli had been back for so long, logically speaking, he should have forgotten it long ago.

His eyes turned cold: "Did he find you?"

Across the phone, Jinli didn't realize his emotional changes, she nodded: "Yes, didn't I tell you that I put two little curses on him?"

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