The Kyoto Bubble Era: It started with selling off hundreds of millions of property

Chapter 79 The beginning of darkness (13, I feel sorry for the stock investors for a second)

"It's over."

Naoto Asano's eyes were a little dull. He walked back to the branch step by step with Mitsuo Oshima's support. It was the first time for the staff on the first floor to see the president like this. They all looked sideways and secretly observed, guessing what happened to him. It became like this.

Fujiwara Norika, who was busy handling the new year's business of the three series with Saeko Sakurai, saw Asano Naoto, who had no master, and almost thought he was under a spell. He blinked his big eyes and looked to the side who was carefully sorting out special financing. Sakurai Saeko for project planning information.

The latter shook his head slightly at her, said nothing, and continued to focus on the information in his hand.

During this period, Kitahara Sosuke took the time to make detailed future plans for the three Takeuchi Rubber companies. It can be seen that he was particularly concerned about the new shock-absorbing material. Sakurai Saeko was convinced of his judgment after witnessing the stock market crash. No doubt.

Even if the consortium comes to rescue the market, the Nikkei Index is still far from its peak at the end of last year. She really escaped the disaster because of Kitahara Sosuke.

Now, she is very curious about everything Sosuke Kitahara does.

It felt like she suddenly had voyeurism. Sakurai Saeko smiled bitterly in her heart, still facing a man.

On the other side, Mitsuo Oshima, who had lost all his wealth in the stock market and was locked up, was feeling anxious. He followed Naoto Asano into the office and closed the door.

It doesn’t matter if the money is swindled, after all, a promotion and a salary increase are in sight, and you can always get back what you lose.

"President Asano, what happened?" he asked anxiously.

Naoto Asano sat back on the boss's chair, his body a little limp. Looking at Mitsuo Oshima who looked eager, he didn't even have the energy to laugh at him.

"Vice President Kishimoto hasn't told you yet?"

Hearing that something was wrong with his tone, Oshima Mitsuo's heart sank.

"I haven't received any notification."

With this tone of voice, was he being treated as an outcast? Oshima Mitsuo had a bad guess. Could it be that even the best employees couldn't let themselves go further?

Is it because Yu Kuroda refuses to leave, or does the superiors have other plans for the position of section chief?

His mind was so messed up that he didn't even react for a moment when Asano Naoto said those words later.

"The Bank of Japan has issued important instructions and will raise interest rates to 6% this afternoon."

"What is the position of section chief besides me? President Asano, what did you just say?" Oshima Mitsuo muttered to himself, and then woke up suddenly.

"The interest rate is going up, you idiot! It needs to be adjusted to 6%!!!"

A roar came faintly from the office, and the staff outside were startled and looked over there, curious about what was going on inside.


Oshima Mitsuo's legs softened and he sat down on the ground.

"How, how is it possible that the Bank of Japan can't do it? It absolutely can't be done. The Ministry of Finance and the consortium will not allow President Mie Noyasu to do this!"

"President, did you hear the wrong news?" He stood up suddenly from the ground and flew in front of Naoto Asano, his voice trembling and fearful.


This interest rate is not very high, but the problem is that not long ago, Japan's interest rate was only 2.5%, the lowest in the world. Almost countless hot money is flowing outside, and the level of national consumption and investment is at an all-time high!

Such a sudden adjustment in interest rates will reduce hot money by at least half. Coupled with the inevitable divestment actions of overseas consortiums, Japan's stock market will almost certainly collapse.

Everyone can now understand the stock market bubble, but understanding does not mean that they can escape. Too many people have been trapped in it. They only hope that the consortium can delay the bursting of the bubble, so that they can gradually retreat and finally harvest the leeks at the bottom.

Mie Noyasu's move was equivalent to completely ignoring the rules when playing cards and directly overturning the card table, so that no one could play!

"Did you hear that wrong? Didn't you wake up? Idiot!" Asano Naoto's body heaved violently, and he finally regained his breath, and then slumped down again, "The stock market is over."

The news that the Bank of Japan suddenly raised interest rates to 6% began to spread everywhere before the afternoon.

Bank employees who were extremely sensitive to economic figures suddenly felt that the sky was falling.

The entire Tosan Osaka Chuo-ku branch was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

Saeko Sakurai opened her little cherry mouth wide with an expression of disbelief.

The method of hard landing is too tough!

Everyone generally believes that the best way to squeeze out the stock market bubble is to slowly squeeze it out. This time it burst, hiss.

"The department head guessed it right again." Fujiwara Norika looked dull and ate hot pot again. The department head laughed when she was drunk and said that the interest rate will definitely return to around 6%, and in the near future, the three of them will Still laughing that the department head drank too much and couldn't even do math.

It turns out that the clown is actually me?

The shocked Yu Kuroda collapsed on his seat. After a long time, he slowly stood up. Then he smiled bitterly and said to everyone in the financing class: "Everyone, the severe winter is coming. Please tell me that the real purpose of the loan is stock trading." The business is all sorted out.”

Everyone's expressions changed. Which department doesn't have a lot of stock and housing market loans under its name?

That night, the whole of Japan was sleepless.

That afternoon, the Bank of Japan strongly adjusted interest rates to 6% on the grounds that the upcoming Gulf War would affect the rise in crude oil prices. Mie Noyasu looked serious and tired. This time, even he was no longer impassioned.

He knew what this decision meant, and he might become a sinner for the ages.

But he really couldn't wait any longer.

If this continues, consortiums and overseas hot money will carve up the entire Japanese economy. Even if Japan is lucky enough to survive, Japan may fall into a century-long slump!

The bursting of the stock market bubble was something he had to do personally.

This time, Hashimoto Ryutaro, the Tibetan Prime Minister, did not object again. Representatives of the six major consortiums came to him one after another, and they were not as aggressive as expected.

Because all overseas consortiums have withdrawn before today, Japan's economy has long been sucked out of the United States. The overseas consortiums that have returned with a full load are eyeing them. If they continue to delay, they will not mind continuing to act and completely destroy the Japanese economy.

The U.S. government had made all preparations before the Plaza Accord was signed. Regardless of whether they calculated it mentally or not, they failed miserably.

That night, representatives of Mitsubishi and Sanwa came forward to plead guilty, saying that they were powerless to do anything about the stock market and that they were preparing to withdraw their capital and leave the stock market one after another, completely giving up on the stock market.

When the market opened at 9 o'clock the next day, the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges were crowded with people, their expressions were dull, and there was a trace of luck and expectation in their eyes.

Even if they die, they have to watch everything pass away with their own eyes!

This is the last dignity!

Inoue Hiko, who was crowded in the crowd, felt his heart go cold. There were more than one billion in funds, and he had blocked Inoue's logistics and everything for this opportunity. If it was completely finished, I believe that banks and the Yakuza would come to collect debts soon.

Maybe it won't be long before he can see a video on the market with his wife as the heroine.

The key is that after sending Inoue Logistics out, he no longer even had the chance to file for bankruptcy. All the debts were on him personally, so what if he went bankrupt personally.

The Yakuza kid in the wheelchair also came and said hello to him. He still remembered the Yakuza kid's roar at the end of last year.

Increase the position by 2 billion.

The frontmost stock scrolling display lights up.

The dazzling Nikkei index then jumped instantly.

The whole screen is blood red!

It was as if something was broken in their hearts.

On January 31, 1990, compared with the end of last year, the Nikkei Index plummeted by more than 18,000 points, leaving less than 20,000 points.

And this is just the beginning.

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