The Lady's Code for Raising Her Husband

Chapter 302 I’m better at quarreling

Xue Jingyu saw Li Zan's reaction and became more aggressive: "Prince Li used death row prisoners to test the medicine. It's really a good idea. You probably think that as long as it can be proven that Guo Fu did not die from penicillin allergy, Mrs. Ning Hui can escape." Are you taking all the responsibilities? It’s a pity that I’m not a fool, you can’t fool me.”

Ding Mengze's words were even more bizarre: "For what purpose did Prince Li want to help Mrs. Ning Hui to verify the cause of Guo Fu's death? Was he ordered by Mrs. Ning Hui, or did he have feelings for her?"

When Li Zan heard the word "affection", his expression suddenly changed, and he sternly scolded: "Envoy Ding, this is a matter of honor for Mrs. Ning Hui, so I hope you will be careful with what you say!"

Li Zan was a true gentleman, but it was a pity that he didn't know how to quarrel. Such an elegant rebuttal would not hurt Ding Mengze.

Ding Mengze sneered, and he seemed to be getting braver as he fought: "Prince Li, it's useless for you to defend Mrs. Ning Hui. She died in Mingche Medical Center, and she has to take responsibility——"

Before he finished speaking, a careless voice suddenly came from behind: "If the doctor is responsible for everything, what should the yamen do?"

Ding Mengze turned around and saw Ye Yuxiao holding a cup of tea and blowing it slowly, as leisurely as if she were at home.

She only started her words, but did not continue. It was not until she finished blowing the tea slowly and took a sip that she continued: "The doctor is only responsible for medical accidents. If Guo Fu was killed in the hospital, or If I can't think of it, I commit suicide in the hospital, can't I be held responsible?"

Ding Mengze opened his mouth to refute, but Ye Yuxiao stood up first and threw a cup of tea over his face: "I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you interrupting?"

Her movements were not fast, but they were accurate and ruthless. The tea hit Ding Mengze right in the face. The tea was mixed with tea leaves and dripped down. After a while, it flowed down his neck and into his collar.

Ding Mengze was instantly embarrassed, shocked and angry: "Mrs. Ning Hui, in front of the emperor, do you dare to be violent?!"

Disobeying the king is a serious crime. The emperor's face had darkened. The Queen Mother and Princess Lingnan were shocked, while Kong Mingyue secretly sweated for Ye Yuxiao.

But Ye Yuxiao was not afraid at all: "If it wasn't in front of the emperor, I wouldn't dare to be violent. Only with the emperor's support can I be so bold. I am the first-class Mrs. Ning Hui who has been personally sealed by the emperor. You You are just a fifth-grade imperial doctor, but you dare to yell in front of me. Why do you take the emperor seriously? Are you dissatisfied with the emperor's appointment of me as Mrs. Ning Hui, so you are so arrogant?"

Ye Yuxiao usually doesn't use his status to pressure others, but if he doesn't suppress Ding Mengze today, he might not be able to pass this test.

Ding Mengze's arrogance was indeed much lower, and his voice also dropped: "Mrs. Ning Hui, please don't distort the topic. We are talking about your responsibility for Guo Fu's death. Why do you care about my attitude? I am just because I couldn’t stand it anymore, and I was filled with righteous indignation, so I got a little excited.”

Come on, if she didn't throw tea in his face, would he be able to speak calmly? Ye Yuxiao glanced at the funny tea leaf on the tip of his nose and said, "Okay, let's get down to business."

She told Ding Mengze to get back to the business, but after saying that, she turned to the emperor and ignored him: "Your Majesty, Guo Fu died in Mingche Medical Center for no reason. It has been proven that the cause of death was not penicillin allergy. So I think what happens next, It's time to hand it over to the Yamen." She still remembered Ouyang Sheng's instructions that the person she wanted to convince was the emperor, not Ding Mengze.

The emperor seemed to be thinking about it and did not answer her immediately.

Ding Mengze snorted: "Is Mrs. Ning Hui trying to escape punishment through this? Who doesn't know that you are backed by Prince Pingnan's palace, and you are powerful and capable. If Guo Fu's matter is handed over to the Yamen, you won't have the final say in everything. "

When these words were brought to Prince Pingnan's palace, things became serious. Just saying "great power, high means" is enough to make the emperor suspicious.

And what he means is that the Pingnan Palace covers the sky with only one hand, and can it even influence the cases taken over by the Yamen? Ye Yuxiao looked at the emperor's face and felt that he had to argue with Ding Mengze: "The state has national laws, and the family has family rules. I just act according to the law, why does it involve Prince Pingnan's palace?"

"I think this person with his hands covering the sky is actually you, the Ding Yuan envoy? You keep asking me to take responsibility and sentence me even though you keep bringing cases? Do you dare to be more powerful than Jing Zhaoyin in the Yamen?"

"Since you keep saying it's all my fault, then tell me how I killed Guo Fu? As long as you can tell me why, I'll do whatever you want without saying a word!"

Ye Yuxiao said one sentence after another, making Ding Mengze speechless. He kept silent for a long time with a dark face, and then said: "How did Guo Fu die? Of course you did it secretly."

"Mr. Ding, can you think twice before speaking?" Ye Yuxiao immediately caught the flaw in his words, "Guo Fu has always been under the nose of her own mother, how can I do anything? Besides, I will By killing her, I was harming myself. How stupid do I have to be to do such a thing?"

Ding Mengze deeply regretted his unwise words, which gave Ye Yuxiao the upper hand. He must have been so angry at Ye Yuxiao before that he became confused.

But still, who can argue clearly with a cup of tea on their face?

I don't know what the emperor and the queen mother were thinking, but they didn't let him go down to change clothes.

Hey, yes, why didn't the Emperor and the Queen Mother let him go down to change clothes? Moreover, the emperor did not investigate Ye Yuxiao's behavior in front of the emperor anymore. Does this mean that the emperor also thinks that there is something wrong with his attitude towards Ye Yuxiao? ? Ding Mengze thought too much at the moment, and the remaining tea on his face was mixed with cold sweat.

The emperor remained silent and allowed them to quarrel until both parties stopped making any noise, then he said: "Mrs. Yi Ninghui will hand over the case to the government and Jing Zhaoyin will be in charge."

The emperor made the final decision, and Ding Mengze did not dare to object. Xue Jingyu was unwilling to give up, but after thinking about it carefully, although Ye Yuxiao was not directly punished, the emperor did not say that Mingche Medical Center should be reopened, and penicillin was still illegal, so they did not suffer a loss, so they felt happy again.

However, before she could finish her joy, Li Zan, who had been silent for a long time, spoke again: "Your Majesty, in my humble opinion, since Guo Fu did not die from penicillin allergy, can Mrs. Ning Hui be allowed to continue using penicillin?"

Xue Jingyu was suddenly startled and winked at Ding Mengze desperately.

Ding Mengze immediately said: "Your Majesty, penicillin is risky. Otherwise, how could Mrs. Ning Hui sign the 'Treatment Informed Consent' with Guo Fu's mother? How can such a risky drug be made legal?"

Li Zan immediately retorted: "Legality does not mean letting the emperor tell the world. The so-called Zhou Yu slaps the yellow cover, one is willing to hit, and the other is willing to suffer. As long as the patient is willing, so what if he uses penicillin?"

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