Marquis of Xinyang? Her father? As a father, he treats her very well whenever he meets her, but he usually can't think of a daughter like her. If something happened to her, he would hide as far away as possible for fear of getting involved and getting into trouble.

However, after all, Ye Yuxiao is not the original biological child, so I can't say I hate him, at most I have no feelings for him.

What's interesting is that maybe because she grew up in Pingnan Prince's Mansion, everyone from the emperor to the patients in the medical center classified her as a member of the Gu family, and almost never mentioned the Xinyang Marquis Mansion or her father. This shows how low the presence of this Marquis of Xinyang is.

Ye Yuxiao silently thought about her cheap father, and Xiaozhan thought she didn't want to go: "Madam, did you reject them?"

"No, no, no, my dad misses me, how can I not go?" Ye Yuxiao said hurriedly.

"When Marquis Xinyang asks you to go at this juncture, he must be asking about Marquis Yingchuan." Xiaozhan complained.

Needless to say? One hundred percent yes. But after all, she is a good young man with extremely upright views. She adheres to the principle that since she has taken over someone else's body, she must fulfill her filial piety for them. This trip to the Xinyang Marquis Mansion is a must. However, Xiaozhan's complaint... Ye Yuxiao glanced at her: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid of my stepmother? Or are you afraid of the sons born by Mrs. Hu?"

"Are you afraid of them?!" Xiao Zuan jumped three feet high.

Isn’t this the end? Ye Yuxiao was happy to see her like this.

"Madam, if Mrs. Xinyang Marquis makes things difficult for you tomorrow, don't spoil her. Also, please bring more guards. The sons she gave birth to are all violent..." Xiaozhan was aroused to fight. I immediately helped her prepare clothes and jewelry for going out tomorrow.

The weather was bad the next day. Before I went out, there was lightning and thunder, and it started pouring rain.

Xiaozhan stood under the eaves in front of the gate, looking at the rain in the sky and asked Ye Yuxiao: "Madam, it's raining so hard, why don't we go?"

Ye Yuxiao shook his head: "If you go early, it will be too early. I still have to go to the medical clinic."

It seemed that she was planning to make a quick decision. Xiao Zuan nodded and took the umbrella from the maid's hand.

But before she could open the umbrella, a big umbrella appeared out of thin air and stopped steadily right in front of Ye Yuxiao.

Xiaozhan looked up and quickly saluted: "Master Hou."

The visitor was none other than Ouyang Sheng. He was holding a light blue oil-paper umbrella and wearing a brocade robe of the same color. He wore a jade belt around his waist, but his sleeves were wide and large. The wind blew over him, making his clothes flutter.

This kind of attire makes his face more like a crown jewel, his eyes like paint, and he is indescribably suave and charming.

However, Ye Yuxiao glanced at him a few times, but his face was full of disgust: "It's raining so hard, you are wearing such light-colored clothes, aren't you afraid that they will get stained as soon as you move?"

"Dirty?" Ouyang Sheng lowered his head.

Ye Yuxiao looked him up and down twice. He was spotless from head to toe, not even a speck of dirt.

"How did you do it?" Ye Yuxiao looked up, not quite believing it. With the length of his robe, even if he only walked from the carriage to the gate, he would be stained.

"Wouldn't it be clear if you walk a few steps with me?" Ouyang Sheng turned slightly to the side and motioned for her to get under the umbrella.

Ye Yuxiao crossed his arms and squinted at him: "I just kicked you away the day before yesterday, and you come again the next day? Come here, get a broom and blow him out!"

So cruel? It's raining heavily. Xiao Zuan hesitated in his heart, but did not dare to be slow with his hands. He raised the unopened umbrella in his hand and greeted Ouyang Sheng.

Although it was an appointment to do a show, since I had already beaten him the first time, could my attitude change a little bit the second time? Is she acting like this to make him "sentimental" for the rest of his life? Ouyang Sheng shook his head helplessly, but Xiao Zuan's sweeping umbrella did not allow him to think about it, so he quickly dodged and avoided it.

Xiaozhan glanced at Ye Yuxiao and saw that she had no intention of shouting to stop, so he had to lead a group of servants and maids to chase and beat Ouyang Sheng in the rain until he drove Ouyang Sheng out of Ye Yuxiao's sight.

Ye Yuxiao waited for them to come back, then waited for them to change into clean clothes. After a lot of trouble, she finally boarded the carriage.

The carriage slowly drove out of the alley. Xiao Zuan squinted his eyes and stared at the translucent window for a while, then turned around and said to Ye Yuxiao: "Madam, how come that man at the entrance of the alley looks like the Marquis of Yingchuan?"

"Didn't the Marquis of Yingchuan get kicked away by you a long time ago?" Ye Yuxiao didn't believe it and asked her to open the car window a small crack and take a look outside.

In the rainy sky, a person was soaked with semen, holding his arms and shivering, but it wasn't Ouyang Sheng!

The wind carried the rain and blew it towards him, making his soaked robe cling to his body, making him look even more pitiful.

Why didn't he leave? Why is it still raining? Where is his umbrella? Where is his entourage? Ye Yuxiao was so anxious that he pushed the car door open, jumped out and rushed into the rain.

"Madam! Madam!" Xiaozhan was anxious. He quickly grabbed the umbrella, got out of the car and chased after her.

Ye Yuxiao rushed to Ouyang Sheng and pushed him hard: "Why are you standing here in the rain? Are you stupid?"

Ouyang Sheng blinked, rain splashing on his eyelashes: "Why did you come without an umbrella?"

Ye Yuxiao was stunned for a moment and slapped himself. She also said that Ouyang Sheng was stupid, and she was even stupider. Why did she run over without even holding an umbrella? Fortunately, Ouyang Sheng was the only one who got wet originally, but now they are in pairs.

Xiaozhan happened to catch up at this time, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help it and laughed unkindly.

Ye Yuxiao turned to glare at her, took the umbrella, opened it, stood on tiptoes and covered it with Ouyang Sheng.

Ouyang Sheng lowered his head and looked at the top of her head: "Is it because you don't eat enough every day? Why don't you feel better?"

Does this mean she is short? But her height is estimated to be at least 165, and she has not even passed her sixteenth birthday yet. She may be taller than 1.7 meters in the future. How is she short? Ye Yuxiao thought angrily, but looked up at Ouyang Sheng's size and decided not to argue with him.

Ouyang Sheng took the umbrella, tilted it toward Ye Yuxiao, and put his free hand around her shoulder.

Ye Yuxiao subconsciously looked around and saw that the streets were deserted in the heavy rain. Then she leaned towards him with confidence and hugged his waist.

The two of them were dripping wet and unable to get into the car, so they had to go back the way they came.

Ye Yuxiao was a little worried: "I don't have men's clothes at home, what do you want to exchange for them?"

Ouyang Sheng tilted his head slightly, and immediately a follower came forward and raised the bundle in his hand to show it to Ye Yuxiao.

It turned out that he had brought spare clothes with him. Ye Yuxiao felt relieved and asked someone to take him to change it.

After the two of them changed their clothes, dried their hair, and gathered together again, Ye Yuxiao suddenly felt something was wrong. It's late spring and early summer now. Even if it's windy and rainy, it's not cold outside. Why was Ouyang Sheng shivering in the rain just now?

She waved to him with confusion, "Come here, I'll take your pulse."

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