The Last Apostle

Vol 5 Chapter 115: Scarlet Whisperer

Immediately afterwards, it was said that Waterley had used her secret technique. The little blue rays enveloped the three together, and then quickly walked through the gap. This mystery is also very powerful. Although the giant corpse whisperer has a hundred heads staring at the gap here, it is useless at all, and the three are regarded as transparent.

After all the people joined, they continued to move forward, but the more they walked back, they found that the damage of the passageway began to get serious. Fortunately, they had the experience of being attacked before, so Du Yuqi and their staff were extremely careful, especially Xi, It is the convergence of the overflowing light breath, and the need to wear dark gloves to suppress it. This is considered to be able to continue for five or six miles.

But then they noticed that there was something going on the way.

Because the passage in front was completely damaged, leaving only some incomplete ruins on the ground, this passage broke a distance of more than 500 meters, and then re-entered the intact passage beyond 500 meters.

If in normal times, the distance of 500 meters is only a few minutes, but now it is in the abyss of the ground, the crisis is perilous, and even more terrible is that on the broken channel wreck, there is still a huge corpse By!

This giant corporal looks similar to the previous one, the only difference is that the surface of the body is reddish, it looks as if blood has penetrated into it, and this guy does not look like he is sleeping. Instead, he was very alert, his head floated to the surface of the body, and then he looked around incomparably.

There is no doubt that Du Yuqi did not dare to approach this monster, but when they were thinking of a way to detour, they noticed a violent shock on the ground, and then the earth burst open, and they looked like monsters covered with thick armor. Leaping out, this monster looks like a beetle, and has a long single horn on its head. It stabs into the body of the Scarlet Whisperer with a force, and then lifts it with a force. A fifty-six-meter-long wound was torn from the surface of its body, and the pus and mucus inside it burst out, and the volume of the Scarlet Giant Whisperer shrank by half.

Only at the same time, all the heads in the giant corporal whisper began to sing at the same time, and then the light flashed in the air. At least two dozen spells were cast out in an instant. What cursing arrow, shadow night Cat......

The carapace on the surface of the mutant beetle monster is very strong. It actually kept flying these first- and second-order spells, but it was unavoidable that it would hit successfully under the bombardment of more than twenty consecutive spells, although it would not cause too much. The wound, however, also suffocated his body and greatly reduced his moving speed.

But this is just the beginning! !!

Because there are at least a hundred heads in this giant corpse whisperer! These first- and second-order spells issued before just used more than 20 heads!

Immediately after waiting for the mutant beetle, after singing, a series of dark spells from the roar flew, there were more than thirty, and because of the singing for a period of time, death among these spells appeared. Claws, Void Balls, Night Walk of Hundred Ghosts and more! !!

After this round of middle-order dark spell bombing was completed, the mutant beetle had already been severely damaged, even its own carapace was torn apart, and a terrible wound appeared on the belly, and a disgusting yellow flowed out of it. Green organs and sap.

And just as it waved its claws to barely restore balance, a giant spell that was jointly chanted by twenty-four heads to the present was cast out.

Black hole! !! !!

This huge black hole appeared behind the mutant giant beetle, swallowed it in an instant, and the black hole disappeared after a few seconds. This mutant giant beetle crackled and cracked into more than twenty pieces, rotten meat, carapace, And yellow-green body fluids flowed everywhere, looking extremely disgusting.

At this time, the scarlet giant whisperer slowly squirmed over, came to the fragmented corpse of the mutant giant beetle, covered the huge body, and then started to make a "grumbling" sound and inhaled it. Inside the body, start eating.

At this time, Du Yuqi and others had already retreated into the channel long ago. At this time, they really felt lucky today. Both Lin Xi and Lin felt cold sweats on their backs, and the giant whisperer of emotions was divided. There are different types, one is a physical attack class, and the other is a magic attack class. If the giant corpse whisperer encountered in the previous gap is a magic attack, it is really difficult to say whether this group of people can escape this catastrophe.

This guy is really too perverted, it seems obese and clumsy. In fact, every head in the body is equivalent to a low-level magician. He can pour out a lot of magic in a short time, forming an overwhelming bombing mode. At the same time, these heads It has the ability to sing large magics in conjunction with casting, and to put it bluntly, a monster of this guy is estimated to be equivalent to the combat power of two or three great wizards.

Of course, this guy is an out-of-the-box chaotic mutant creature, and can only survive here. Once on the ground, it is equivalent to a fish that has left the water and cannot survive for a long time. At the same time, it only Understand some dark magic, there is absolutely no knowledgeable and rich.

After waiting for this giant corpse talker to be full, many heads in the body closed their eyes and started to sleep, while its body was creeping slowly toward the distance, it seemed that it did not like long time. Staying at the wreckage of this passage made Du Yuqi breathe a sigh of relief. After the guy completely disappeared into sight, Du Yuqi immediately stood up and hurried:

"While the smell of this monster is still left here, let's hurry and go, once its deterrent power disappears, then there will soon be rotten monsters coming!"

Du Yuqi said this, a group of people immediately followed in a hurry, and for the first time left the protection tunnel built by the White Sacrifice and set foot on the ground of the abyss. The mood was also very tense. The black and gray layer on the ground was very soft. A clear footprint will appear when you step on it.

The air has a pungent smell. It feels hot when inhaled in the lungs and will not dissipate for a long time. For ordinary people, this level of air is like a toxic gas during a fire. . Even if Du Yuqi and others are professionals, they feel very uncomfortable to breathe. It is much better to wear the gas mask Du Yuqi brought from the earth ~ ~ At the same time, everyone consciously avoided it Those weird plants are known in such an environment. If they are not good, they are highly lethal and threatening. Otherwise, it is impossible to survive in this nightmare-like environment.

About half of the way, I heard a rustling sound in the rear. Everyone looked back and saw the death of the mutated giant beetle, and there was a well-spouting "black spring". If you look carefully, you will find that This "black spring" is composed of thousands of beetles. After these beetles flooded the ground, they submerged the land where the mutant giant beetle died like black tide, and then it felt like Du Yuqi and others The breath was like this, rushing in this direction.

It can be seen that the ground where the mutant giant beetle died was soaked and absorbed by the body fluid of the mutant giant beetle, so even the ground was scraped off a layer, at least 30 centimeters of depression, which is really true. Scraping the ground.

It is not difficult to see that these scary black beetles play the role of hyenas on the earth in the food chain. They have extremely sensitive olfactory and sensing systems. Once they smell the blood / body fluids, they will come from a distance and eat. The residue left after the hunt is cold, and if the predator is too injured, it is expected to be swallowed together.

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