There were a lot of giant eggs, and the disappearance of some mutant beasts suddenly attracted the attention of some eighth mutant beasts.

"The Leopard Emperor didn't seem to have any reaction lately, what's the matter with it?" The Crocodile Emperor asked his descendants.

The relationship between the crocodile emperor and the leopard emperor is pretty good, and the gathering place of the two is relatively close. They have always liked to communicate with each other at intervals, usually talking about human intelligence.

But this time when it was time, the Crocodile Emperor found that the Leopard Emperor had no voice, which made it a little strange.

The Crocodile Emperor sent his men over, and after waiting for a while, his men returned and reported with horror.

"Ancestor, I went to the territory of the Leopard Clan, but I didn't find the Leopard Clan. The Leopard Clan disappeared."

When he first heard the news, the Crocodile Emperor didn’t believe it. The Leopard Clan was a royal family. How could the Leopard Emperor be a Tier 8 mutant beast, how could it suddenly disappear?

But when the crocodile emperor went there, he knew that what his men were telling was the fact that the leopard clan was really gone.

This news soon reached the ears of other eighth-order mutant beasts. The disappearance of a royal family was no small matter, and they immediately alerted them.

"Emperor Crocodile, what is the situation? How could the Leopard Clan disappear? Is there no trace?" an eighth-order mutant beast asked.

This is a unique ability of the eighth-order mutant beasts. No matter how far apart they are, they can communicate in this way. However, in this way of communication, each word requires a considerable amount of energy. Under normal circumstances, they rarely use.

There is another limitation to this ability, and it must be the eighth-order mutant beasts that oneself have seen to leave a mark on each other.

Otherwise, the lizard dragon would not only seek the help of an eighth-order mutant beast of Jinpeng. It should be known that the lizard dragon is an eighth-order mutant beast that just broke through, and it has only seen Jinpeng one.

"I don't know, I went to the Leopard Emperor, but I didn't even see a leopard from the Leopard Clan. It might have migrated quietly." The Crocodile Emperor was also puzzled.

"Impossible, I know the character of the Leopard King. There is its old nest. It is absolutely impossible to leave the group quietly. By the way, the materials of the Leopard tribe are still there."

This is a very important matter. If the Leopard Clan's supplies are gone, then the matter will be serious. Maybe a powerful mutant beast will attack the Leopard Clan, and the Leopard Emperor will not even have time to call for help.

There are only a few people or mutant beasts that can do this.

"All the supplies are still in their original places, it doesn't seem to be the leopard clan being shot because of the problem of supplies." The Crocodile Emperor said.

This is strange. The purpose of killing the Leopard King is not the material of the Leopard Clan. What is this for? I simply want to kill the Leopard Clan.

Several 8th-order mutant beasts exchanged news, and at this moment an 8th-order mutant suddenly said, "Is there a giant egg more than ten meters high in your clan?"

"What, old bear, you will actually lay eggs." The King Crocodile stared, unable to believe it.

Isn't the bear born viviparous? How did it become an egg

I read few books, don't lie to me.

"It's not Lao Tzu's egg, it's an egg that popped up suddenly. I let someone try it, but I couldn't touch the shell of this egg." Old Xiong cursed.

The King Crocodile was very surprised, an egg that popped up suddenly, what is this?

Why does the old bear have it here?

"Hurry up and ask, who else has this dome at home."

A group of 8th-order mutant beasts asked each other, and finally discovered that several groups had discovered such a dome. They were very cautious and did not do anything with the dome, but let their subordinates conduct research.

However, there is a mutant beast in the middle of the eighth stage, which relies on its strength and doesn't care at all, so it hits the dome directly.

The dome naturally resisted, but it was a pity that the dome had no way to deal with its strength in the middle of the eighth stage. Eventually, the dome was smashed and a dead human appeared inside.

When he saw this human, the eighth-order mutant beast was stunned. It immediately studied it. This corpse is human, and everything about humans is too clear.

"I just smashed the dome and found a human in it. Is the dome a new result of human research?" the eighth-order mutant beast asked.

"What, there is a human hidden in the dome. Wait, let me try."

This mutant beast in the middle of the eighth stage was suddenly shocked. He noticed a little when he started his hand just now. The dome's ability is stronger than that of the early stage of the eighth stage, but weaker than the middle stage of the eighth stage. , It would be dangerous.

But when it reminded it, it was too late. The Tier 8 mutant that had just talked to them made a horrified cry for help, "Don't come here, help me, I don't want to die, help."

The voice stopped abruptly, and all the eighth-order mutant beasts stopped communicating, and their faces were very ugly.

"What the **** is this dome? Why is the Python Emperor dead?"

Those eighth-stage mutant beasts who found that the giant egg almost shot, were very frightened, if it weren't for the python emperor to take the first step, it is estimated that they would definitely take the shot, and it will be themselves who will be finished.

No one speaks, they don't know what the dome is.

"There are humans hiding in the dome. This matter is inseparable from humans. We must use all our means to get news from humans. According to my findings, as long as the dome is not actively attacked, the dome should be safe for the time being. Yes, wait until you get the news."

For a while, the mutant beasts were very quiet, they contacted some dark children hidden among the humans and asked them to inquire about the dome.

Among human beings, there are still many people who think that the future is the world of mutant beasts, they have long become running dogs of mutant beasts, and they have always insisted on helping mutant beasts do things.

For this kind of people, most humans are extremely disgusted, and there are also some departments in the human race that specifically arrest such people.

It's a pity that this kind of person usually looks normal, and only when they help mutant beasts do things will they leave some traces, which are difficult to find.

In a gloomy room in Longxin City, there are a dozen people sitting here, among them are ordinary people, there are also extraordinary people, and it is a collection of men, women and children.

They are all traitors among humans, people who help mutant beasts do things, such people are called beast slaves.

"This time I called you over. There is only one thing. The lord has confessed a task. As long as the task can be completed, when the lord has complete control of the earth, we will all have great contributions. I believe you should look forward to this day. "

This meeting is presided over by a seemingly ordinary uncle. No one would have imagined that an extraordinary person of the sixth-order peak would be a beast slave. Remember to bookmark the website or remember the website, website, free and fastest update. Anti-theft, no anti-theft, error reporting chapter, ask for books, find books and chat with book friends, please add qq group 647377658 group number

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