The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 135: Admission 18

The bedroom door was pushed open carefully, and Boguslav’s butler Ostrow walked in quietly.

In the middle of the bedroom is a large oak bed decorated with ivory and gold leaf. Through the dim candlelight on the bedside cabinet, Ostrow can vaguely see that his master seems to be asleep.

So Ostrow held the handle of the door in his hand, ready to exit.

"Is it Ostrow?"

The voice of the prince came from the bed.

"Yes, my master. I'm Ostrow."

Seeing his master calling himself, Ostrow hurriedly responded.

"Has everyone gone?"

"all gone."

Ostrow walked slowly to the bed so that his voice could be heard more clearly by the prince.

"Where is the old prince's wife."

"Leave also. Princess Ann was originally going to stay here, but I told the servants not to say a word or do a thing to the princess. After hitting a few servants, the princess felt boring. Later, unable to withstand the repeated persuasion of the old prince's wife, the princess finally got into the carriage and left with the old prince's wife."

Ostrow knelt on one knee beside the bed and said slowly.

Every time he said something, Boguslav nodded. Obviously, the prince was very satisfied with the way the housekeeper handled it.

At this time, Boguslav, lying on the bed, had already taken off the gorgeous dress at the ball and replaced it with a soft and cool silk shirt. He grinds the pearls into powder and uses the liquid made from deep well water to apply little by little on his face. This is the secret recipe he got from a gypsy. Using this liquid to wipe the skin can make the skin more tender and smooth.

"Ostero, do you know how happy I am now?" Boguslav said to Ostrow. While he was talking, he continued to take care of his face.

"The subordinates only did a few trivial things." Ostero thought that the prince was happy for his handling, so he said humbly.

"I'm not talking about you, I'm doing it for my Chris." Boguslav saw that his butler would be wrong, and gave him a blank look.

He wouldn't have any mood swings for Ostrow's handling of the small matter of Princess Ann. To be honest, this beauty who belongs to the Laziviu clan with him is really inferior to his mistresses in his own eyes.

Princess Ann married herself. This is just another strategy for her cousin, Prince Yanush, to counter the pressure of the supreme republic from Warsaw, besides constantly buying parliament members through money and adding sand to parliament.

Prince Yanush knows very well that now he and Boguslav are cousins ​​and blood relatives, and can still help each other. But in a few generations, the blood relationship between the two families will become thinner and thinner, and one day, the Raziviu family will split. In order to avoid this ending, Yanush was so active in wanting to marry Boguslav and Princess Anna so that their children would inherit everything from the two families. The Raziwiwu family, which is united into one, will have the power to change the republic.

Of course, Boguslav would not object to this plan, after all, it was himself who would benefit in the end. Although Boguslav has always been dismissive of Princess Anna, if Princess Anna can recognize her identity and obediently be content to be Boguslav’s first wife and not interfere in the Prince’s private life, Prince Boguslav is willing to marry her. of. But now, at the ball held by Boguslav for Chris, Anna actually lost her face in front of Chris, and openly revealed that Mrs. Corff was her mistress, if not for her princess, Bogu Slavs even had the heart to kill her. From then on, everything about Princess Anna was like air to the prince.

Listening to Boguslav mentioning Chris, Ostrow finally remembered something. He touched his back with a hand, took out a bottle from behind and handed it to Boguslav said: "His Royal Highness, this is the fish oil refined from the North Sea whale that I found in the warehouse according to your instructions. This is extremely lubricating. Please have a look."

Boguslav took the bottle. The item that the prince had ordered Ostrow to look for with care and caution is now worthless in Boguslav's eyes. He threw the bottle casually, and the bottle traversed an arc in the dim air, and then fell onto the ground covered with expensive Persian carpets.

"No need, Ostrow. I don't need such a disgusting thing." Boguslav said.

The prince's actions made Ostero's eyes flashed with surprise. However, as a competent butler, he knows that he shouldn't ask questions, so he can do the things the master has ordered with peace of mind.

Just like now, after throwing away the bottle, Boguslav turned his head and stretched out a hand to hook his finger towards Ostrow. The latter knows how to crawl and approach Boguslav Boguslav propped up half of his body, he approached Ostrow and said, "Ostrom, my omnipotent butler, do you have any What kind of drug?"

Although Boguslav tried to be cryptic as much as possible, Ostrow, who was like a human being, didn't understand what the prince meant. From Boguslav's actions, he had vaguely guessed that Chris might be a woman disguised as a man. So Ostrow replied with a wicked smile: "Master, I don't have what you want, but I know where I can get it."

"Where?" Boguslav asked in surprise.

"Oksana, a gypsy. You know, these gypsies have weird things. The person I'm talking about can not only make the kind of medicine you want, but also divination."

"Gypsies say that they can divination, this is a lie." Boguslav was a little dismissive of Ostero's divination.

"Oksana is different, she is very accurate. If you want to know anything about the prince, you can ask her." Ostrow said swearingly. He had personally experienced the magic of Oksana's divination.

"Well, you go get what I want, the best and the strongest. Then let the gypsy divination of my love." Sairen counted a trigram, and he didn't lose himself, so he readily agreed.

At this time, Ostrow proposed that Oksana's divination of love requires something on both sides, preferably hair and nails.

Boguslav is easy to handle himself, but he doesn't have Chris' hair and nails on his hands.

"Well, I will organize a hunt for Chris in a few days, and then I will find a way to get her hair." Boguslav said.

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