The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 156: Life and death 4

The "little man" knight left Prince Yanush's office with joy. His greatest wish now is to immediately go to see Princess Garisaida and Her Royal Highness, and tell them the feelings he has missed over the years.

At the top of the stairs, Mihav met Anjay Kmicicz, who was hurriedly walking with an angry face. The latter was in a hurry, and the hand holding the handle seemed to be ready to pull the knife out at any time.

"Anzu, are you coming back from the mercenary group so soon?" Mihau greeted.

Because Mihavu was above the stairs, and Anjay was below the disciples, so Anjay raised his head. He said something to Mihav that made the "little man" knight unclear.

"Shame, shame. Mihavu."

"What are you talking about? Anzu, make it clear. Why can't I understand." Mihavu asked.

Anjay walked quickly to Mihau's side, and they stopped on the stairs.

"The Royal Horse Superintendent is really a shame to our nobles." Anjay said loudly.

"What happened? Is it related to Cheerchen?" Mihau felt that Anjay's anger must be related to Cheerchen.

"Of course, Mihavu. I went to the mercenary group and met their deputy commander Pidro, Chechen's uncle, and the officers of several other mercenary groups were there. They told me everything. The Majesty of the Royal Horse Guardian of our Republic, even assaulted a Swedish noble girl in a carriage. Although we are now hostile to Sweden, the two countries were still at peace when this happened. I really lost the face of our Polish nobles." Andrzej said with his dry, cracked lips.

He has not drunk a drop of water in such a long time. Anjay spent all his time on the road.

"Is this true?" Mihavu was inconceivable. Although he had also heard of Boguslav's caress, he had assaulted a foreign aristocratic lady, which was beyond Mihavu's imagination.

"It's true. Pedro and the others don't have to lie to me about this kind of thing. And have you forgotten the rumors we heard when we entered the city? Some of the rumors reflect the truth of the matter." Jay said.

Mihav nodded. He was very happy in his heart, because if Cheerchen was sent to jail because of this incident, then the prince must have been deceived by his cousin. As long as Cheerchen and Prince Yanush explain clearly, the prince will wake up.

"What about you, Mihau. Have you seen the chief? What did he say?"

"The first prince should have been deceived by his cousin Boguslav. I asked him to meet Cheerchen and let Cheerchen explain the cause and effect of the matter. The prince also agreed. Now that I know the cause and effect of the matter, I believe Cheerchen Will be released soon," Mihavu said.

"That's great! Not only should Cheerchen be released, but he should also be rewarded. Because he saved the honor of the Laziviu family. Mihau, let's go for a drink now. My thirsty throat is smoking. "Anjay said excitedly. In order to increase the truthfulness of his words, he exaggeratedly unbuttoned his neckline.

"Anzu, although I really want to have a drink with you, don't you think you should meet the prince now? If you let the prince know that you are coming but don't see him, the prince won't be happy." Admonished. This friend of him really doesn't care about these details.

"Don't tell me that I almost forgot. That's how it should be. Then I'll go and meet the commander first." Anjay slapped his head with his big fan-like hand, and said suddenly.

Then, he and Mihav made another appointment. I went upstairs by myself.

In the middle of the road, Anjay was stopped by a pro-Prince Yanush attendant.

"My lord, please wait here. I will inform the prince that you are coming to see him." said the attendant.

Anjay had to wait at the door. Before long, the attendant smiled and led Anjay in.

Halfway through the way, the attendant smiled and said to Anjay: "The prince is in a good mood today. I rarely see him willing to see you without prior notice."

"Is there anyone besides me today?"

"There is also Mikhav Vorodjavsky. He has just left." The attendant replied.

Anjay nodded.

Soon, Anjay met Prince Yanush.

As soon as they met, Prince Yanush said: "Dear Andrzej Kmicicz, I am very happy that you can play for me with Knight Mihav. I have to admit that I misunderstood you at the beginning. I thought you had violated my orders and came together with the cowardly deputy commander. That made me very angry, because you are the general I fancy, and I don’t believe that your patriotic enthusiasm and lofty ambition will make you this wave. The hero of Lotsk did such a thing. But now the misunderstanding is solved. Come on, let me hug you and apologize to you."

With that, Prince Yanush opened his arms.

For the prince's move, Anjay was really surprised and moved. He did not expect that the majestic Lithuanian commander would actually apologize to him, which shows how much the prince loves himself! In addition, Anjay's anger at the cavalry that Yanush defrauded of him also faded.

"Grand Commander, please don't say that. You and His Majesty are our most loving fathers." Anjay wanted to salute the prince, but Yanush first embraced him enthusiastically.

The hug between the two continued for a long time. When Yanush released Anjay, he picked up a roll of parchment from the table and handed it to Anjay as he did with Mihavu.

"Look at this, Anzu." Prince Yanush said Anjay opened it and found two documents in the parchment. The first document was an announcement in which Yanush praised Anjay’s great achievements in defending Polotsk, and called on all Lithuanian soldiers and civilians to learn from Knight Anjay Kmicic.

The second document is a new appointment. In the name of the Grand Commander of Lithuania, Prince Yanush handed over the command of the two thousand dragoons to Anjay.

Both fame and fortune, Yanush's kindness is too heavy.

At this time, even the unruly Anjay knelt down at the feet of Prince Yanush, passionately kissing the hem of the Prince's clothes.

"My lord's kindness, I really can't repay my eternal life."

"I don't need to live forever, as long as you are loyal to me now." Yanush said, stroking Anjay's hair.

"Of course, of course. But Commander, I have one more request I hope you promise me." Anjay said with emotion, eyes closed.

If he had his eyes open at this time, he might have noticed a flash of anger on Yanush's face.

"Go ahead, my child." Prince Yanush said solemnly like a god, as if he was agreeing to a believer who was petitioning him.

"Your mercenary captain Chechen is innocent. He has maintained the reputation of the Laziviu family. Please release him." Anjay pleaded.

It's this Chechen again, and two people have already interceded with him today. No, it's three. Victor de Labuscado, his subordinate, also pleaded with him euphemistically.

I didn't expect my savior to have such influence. Yanush couldn't help feeling regretful for agreeing to Boguslav so easily to deal with Chechen's affairs.

Fortunately, it is too late to correct myself.

"As you wish." Yanush said.

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