The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 369: Warsaw, Warsaw 10

After determining the new siege plan, the Republican Army temporarily stopped its attack on Warsaw City due to the need to mobilize troops.

At this moment, Arvid Widenberg sent an emissary.

In the king's camp, King Kazimierz, surrounded by the marshal, commander, and generals, received the emissary.

The messenger is a young man who can speak fluent French with King Kazimierz.

The messenger said that Commander-in-Chief Arvid Widenberg admired the heroic performance of the Polish army and expressed deep sympathy for their heavy casualties for so many days. Arvid Widenberg suggested that due to the gradual hot weather, the corpses are extremely perishable. For the sake of both sides, the two armies should cease fighting for three days and each take back the corpses of their own soldiers for burying. And if His Majesty the King can agree to this proposal of the Commander-in-Chief, the Commander-in-Chief will be grateful.

Janusz also understands French. As soon as he heard it, he understood that this was Arvid Widenberg’s countermeasure. Widenberg is nothing more than trying to buy more time, waiting for Karl X to return from Prussia. What's more, the three-day truce gave the Swedes plenty of time to reinforce the defenses in Warsaw. And the reason why the messenger would talk to His Majesty the King in French was nothing more than worrying that some of the people who knew French would undermine his tricks.

Janush wanted to understand this, so he secretly attached his ear to the king's ear, and quietly told King Kazimierz.

King Kazimierz agreed with Janush’s judgment. After Kazimierz shot and killed the messenger he sent in Wiedenberg, he had no hope for the city of Warsaw without blood.

By the way, at this time, Arvid Widenberg was still playing with such cleverness, trying to use his goodwill to use his own goodwill to use his own defensive tactics, and King Kazimierz was extremely angry. He rejected it loudly in Polish, and offered the following conditions of armistice: First, the soldiers who evacuated the city wall from the Swedes retreated fifty meters and were not allowed to reinforce the fortifications; second, they released all captured Polish prisoners of war; Third, Arvid Wedenberg handed over twenty Swedish nobles to the Polish side as hostages. If the Swedish side agrees to this condition, the Polish side can grant them a one-day truce

After listening to King Kazimierz's words, the messenger's face was pale. Although he was discouraged that the commander-in-chief's intention was seen through, he still said calmly: "The commander-in-chief sent me out of goodwill, but you have put forward such harsh conditions, such humiliating and unequal conditions. As the victorious side, we will not accept it anyway."

"Then war, war." Marshal Lubao Macki shouted wildly. He had learned about the request and conspiracy of the Swedish envoy from Janusz.

Seeing Marshal Lvbao Macki so tough, the Swedish envoy softened. He then asked King Kazimierz to give him three hours of grace, so that he would bring the conditions back to the city to be decided by the commander-in-chief.

King Kazimierz agreed to this request. Of course, no one naively believes that Widenberg will accept such a condition.

Therefore, while waiting for Arvid Widenberg's reply, the Polish troops that had been scattered to the gates were not idle.

To the west of Warsaw City, the attack was led by Sapega. Outside the Western City Wall, the Swedish Army has a strong fortress, the famous Holy Spirit Church.

Before the Polish army began to besiege Warsaw, the Swedish army converted the sacred church into a fort protruding beyond the city walls. The Swedes expelled the clergy in the church, and stationed up to three hundred troops in the church, and deployed six artillery in it.

For the Swedes, to defend the Turin Church is to defend the West Side of Warsaw. For this reason, Widenberg sent Baron Gustav Wrangel as the commander to defend the Church of the Holy Spirit.

For the Republican army, the significance of winning the Church of the Holy Spirit is equally significant. The spire of the Church of the Holy Spirit is twelve meters above the Warsaw City Wall. From the Turin Church, you can overlook the West City of Warsaw.

It can be said that the church is a battleground for both sides. Whoever owns the Turin church will be the winner.

It was Jan Sobieski who was responsible for the excavation in the west of the city.

Regarding the truce, he played a trick: on the surface, he agreed with the Swedish defenders in the Church of the Holy Spirit to stop all hostile activities within a three-hour armistice, but in fact, Sobieski carefully selected five hundred. The soldiers secretly placed them in the embankment and breast wall not far from the Turin church through the trenches to launch an assault at the closest distance. Arvid Widenberg’s troops in the West Side of Warsaw are about one thousand. These enemies will definitely come to support the Polish army when they attack the Turin Church. Therefore, only by ensuring sufficient troops to break into the Turin church in one go, and in a very short period of time with the advantage of the number of people to offset the quality of the Swedish army, can the church be successfully taken down before the Swedish garrison supports it.

Jan Sobieski was ambitiously preparing for a big fight, but he received an order from the leader of Saperga to hand over his position to Jerzy Khaletsky. As for this order, the leader of Sapega did not have any explanation, but asked Sobieski to follow the order.

Although extremely reluctant, Sobieski chose to follow the command of the chief.

When he was handing over with Colonel Jerzy Khaletsky, Sobieski saw Prince Mikhau and Colonel Khaletsky standing together. Sobieski understood that the commander was giving Prince Mihav a chance to do meritorious service.

After thinking about the reason, Sobieski's nails were pinched deeply into the palm of his hand.

Prince Mihav triumphantly took three companies of wing cavalry to the fortifications of the Polish army of the Holy Spirit Church. In more than an hour, his subordinates will attack the Holy Spirit Church as a striker for the first time. This was the first battle of Prince Mihavu, and for his family, this battle was also the battle for the Republic of the Vishnevitsky family once again after the death of Prince Jarimé. Therefore, its significance cannot be overemphasized.

"Your Royal Highness, don't worry. My team will cooperate with you in the fight. There are only more than 300 Swedes in the Turin church. It's no big deal. You just have to watch us charge in the trenches." Jerzy Halle Tski said beside Prince Mihavu.

To assist Prince Mihavu in attacking the Church of the Holy Spirit, Colonel Jerzy Khaletsky managed to win. Originally, Sapega was interested in Mikhav Vorodjavsky, because the little knight’s military name is second to none among Lithuanian generals. But Jerzy Khaletsky pulled his sleeves at Saperga, and he snatched the task by crying bitterly.

"Then it's all up to you, Colonel."

When he heard that he didn't even need to make trenches, Prince Mihav thanked Halletsky from the bottom of his heart.

An hour passed, and no messenger came out of Warsaw, which indicated that Widenberg had rejected the terms of the armistice.

Prince Mihavu and Khaletsky's attack on the Turin church is about to begin.

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