The cause of the matter is actually not complicated. A Tatar officer ridiculed the slaves who were praying while passing by the Freedom Slave Corps camp, and said provocatively: "All things are not the Lord, only God." This remark made the slaves of Ukraine and Tsarist Russia who believed in the Orthodox Church furious. They surrounded the Tatar officer and beat him severely.

If this is the case, there is still room for recovery. After all, Cheerchen is very important no matter in the free slave army or among the Tatars. However, when one of the slaves poured a full can of lard into the mouth of the Tatar officer. Things quickly slid into an irreversible abyss. After the Tatar officer returned, he told Karazimir about his humiliation and eating lard. Pigs are taboos for sex, a **** is fed pork, is this still worth it? Karazimir, even if we are afraid of Chechen, he has to act for the sake of God. As a result, Karazimir led five hundred Tatar cavalry to surround the camp of the Free Slave Corps and ordered the murderer to be surrendered. And Stepan Racine certainly would not submit, so the two sides fought. Although there are many people in the Free Slave Corps, the Tatars are all cavalry. After all, two legs can't run on four legs, and the terrain on the prairie is flat, which is suitable for the Tatar cavalry to take advantage of their riding and shooting advantages, so free slaves. Instead, they were passive everywhere, and were overwhelmed by the rain of arrows. And the Hessian mercenaries also know what to do because they are both friendly forces, and because Cheerchen and the main officer are not there, they don't know what to do.

When Cheerchen heard the news, the slaves of the Free Slave Corps had killed 30 or 40 people. Fortunately, most of them were wounded, but only two died. The Tatar cavalry had injured four people and lost five horses. .

"Stop it all!"

The angry Cheerchen rushed to the middle of the two conflicting teams regardless of the flood of arrows. He didn't expect such a big riot in the barracks at this time when he was just going out to check the terrain.

When Karazimir saw that it was Chechenbey, he hurriedly ordered his men to stop shooting. After a little hesitation, Stepan Racine, at the urging of Xie Miao, also ordered his free slaves to put away their weapons.

"what is the problem?"

Chechen called Karasimirzan and Stepan Racine together and asked why they were fighting each other. Of course, the two of them put the blame on each other. However, by comparing the narratives of the two parties, Cheerchen also roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

"It finally happened."

After listening to the two of them, Cheer Chen sighed inwardly. Cheer Chen was prepared for this situation. Even, because of religion, the conflict between the Free Slave Corps and the Tatars has only now broken out, and Cheorchen is very grateful to God for blessing.

In the process of Kafa's march on Bergzisale, Cheerchen realized that he was commanding three troops with different beliefs. Among them, his direct line-the Hessian mercenaries believed in Protestantism, the Sudanese soldiers believed in the Confucianism, and the free slaves mostly believed in the Orthodox Church. Every day, Cheerchen worried that he would get up one morning, and the guard at the door hurriedly came in and told himself that XX and XX were fighting because of God or God. Fortunately, his worry did not come true. In a sense, it was precisely because he was commanding the Hessian mercenaries and Sudanese soldiers that there was no commotion among the soldiers due to religious conflicts.

Hessian mercenaries have always been fighting for money. Their lord, Earl of Hessen, was a man of no integrity. During the Thirty Years War, he did not do less to make money between Protestantism and Catholicism. In the end, the Hessian mercenaries were more tolerant of their comrades in different religions; while the Sudanese soldiers did not mention Mehamed Pasha’s orders. In that era, the iris (France) and the star and moon flag (Turkey) A sacrilege alliance that can be formed for the common enemy. In Istanbul, there are even French officers training Sudanese soldiers. It is reasonable for Sudanese soldiers such as Kemal to have a high tolerance for fighting side by side with infidels. NS.

But this is not the case for the Tatar cavalry in Crimea. They have always regarded the Russians and Ukrainians as low-ranking peoples. They are their meat tickets and money bags for walking. They have no respect for them, not to mention that these were captured by them. Slave.

"Chechenbey, the shame of God's servant must be washed away with blood." Karazimir shouted. In order to strengthen the strength and determination of his voice after the restoration of Muhammad Glyy, this upstart also drew his scimitar with his eyes wide open and raised it high.

"The dignity of God cannot be blasphemed, and those who insult God, die!" Stepan Racine replied with the same murderous eyes. Stepan Racine has always wanted to establish a prestige beyond Cheerchen among free slaves. Although Cheerchen had beaten him well before, but now this opportunity is so rare, he has sprouted in an old manner, regardless of the consequences.

The two faced each other tit-for-tat, and they were not even calm about taking the two of them. In an instant, all kinds of foul language sprayed toward the gods that the other party believed in.

"Shut up all to me!"

Seeing that the situation was going to escalate further, Cheerchen yelled.

We waited for Stepan Racine and Karasimir to stop. Chechen first said to Karazi Mirza: "Karazy, you take someone to retreat first. I will give you a satisfactory answer to this matter."

"Cheerchen I think it’s best to do it now..." Karazimir wanted Cheerchen to express his position on the spot. He held the reins in one hand and tapped the mount with the whip in the other. A few steps forward with his ass, Chechen's posture was intimidating.

"I'm Bey, don't you need Mirza to teach me how to do things?" Seeing that Alhommir did not obey orders, Cheerchen's eyes glared, and he rebuked Alhommir.

And with Cheerchen's anger, Fatima and others also took a step forward.

Forced by Cheerchen's eyes, and seeing him use the identity of Bey to press others, Alhommir took a step back in fear.

"Yes, Bey."

He immediately saluted Cheerchen, then gave Stepan Racine a vicious look. That means telling Cheerchen that if the result is not satisfactory to me, I don't care what Bey you are. Of course, Stepan Racine replied with the same look.

After sending Karasimirza away, Chechen said to Stepan Racine: "Racine, take the people back. Then you come to my tent at night."

For Stepan Racine, Cheerchen still has a deterrent effect. He respectfully agreed, and then opened his two big hands to signal everyone to return to camp.

"Everyone is gone, the master said, he will give us a satisfactory explanation."

Cheerchen didn't say this satisfactorily. Stepan Racine's statement like this undoubtedly forced Cheorchen to the edge of the cliff.

But at this time, Cheer Chen had a terrible attack.

When everyone was gone, Cheerchen jumped off his horse. He frowned and picked up an arrow stuck on the ground, and carefully rubbed it with his thumb. He must handle this matter properly, and he must also handle it properly, but he can't think of a suitable way for the time being. And Fatima, Yelishei and others stood behind Chelchen, and they also couldn't think of a good way.

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