"Salben, how's he doing?" Cheerchen anxiously asked Sarben, who was half-kneeling on the ground and bandaging Glu Lama in the car formation of the mercenary group.

At this time, Lama Gelug's face was sallow, a cloud of gray air appeared on his eyebrows, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans kept streaming down his cheeks. Lama Gelug's original majestic face couldn't help swaying from side to side unconsciously, and his chapped lips were stained with blood.

Hearing Cheerchen's questioning, Sarben raised his head. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said to Cheerchen: "It's not good, Captain. His elbow was cut off by a sharp blade. Before he was sent to me, he bleeds too much, and his lower back He was hit with two arrows in the back. Although it didn't hurt him, it undoubtedly aggravated his injuries."

"Then he is dead?" Pedro cried strangely from the side.

"Almost." Sarben nodded, affirming Pedro's statement.

Chechen looked at Lama Gelug's face with mixed feelings in his heart.

Lama Gelug and the other two escaped into the position of the mercenary group by themselves. At the beginning, the soldiers of the mercenary regiment thought that the enemy was about to attack again, and the musketeers even raised their muskets under Fedot's orders and aimed them forward. It wasn't until the arrow shot from the back of the three of them fell on the three of them that Fedote realized that it was not himself that the Tatars wanted to attack, but these three people.

Although he did not understand why the enemy would kill each other, Fedot immediately ordered a small group of pikemen and musketeers to go forward and rescued the three of them.

When the three of them entered the position of the mercenary group, the two guarding behind Ge Lu had no breath. Their backs were filled with feather arrows, apparently sacrificed to protect Lama Gelug.

Since Alta Khan met with Tibetan lama leader Sonam Gyatso at Yanghua Temple in Qinghai and announced that the Mongols had fully converted to Lamaism, Tibetan Buddhism has become the belief of all Mongolians, and Turkhutes are of course no exception. . Lamas have a very high status among the Mongols. In the minds of many Turhutes, it is an extremely glorious thing to sacrifice for the lama and for the Buddha.

Of course, Fedot didn't know or understand these, he just lamented the loyalty of the two. Fedot saw that the rest of the two had no breath, and Lama Gelug was still alive, so he ordered him to be carefully carried to Sarben and informed Chechen.

Cheerchen rushed over soon. He knew Lama Gelug. After listening to Fedot's story, Cheerchen ordered Thrall to heal Gru at all costs. Because now, the life of Lama Gelug is so important. To a certain extent, his life is the life of the mercenary group.

At this time, the mercenary group's material reserves had begun to be stretched. The food ration per person is not a problem, because the mercenary group carries a lot of food. But the gunpowder and lead bombs began to run short. Originally, each musketeer carried 50 rounds of lead ammunition, but in such a high-intensity battle, only one day, 50 rounds of lead ammunition and the same amount of gunpowder were used up, and the soldiers began to use the ammunition in stock. Come. Previously, Uzenbeyi’s bull and cannon fodder attack also consumed a lot of artillery powder. What's more serious is that, after counting, the casualties of the mercenary regiment have reached three-quarters. Even with minor injuries, there are only more than 1,200 soldiers who can fight, and as many as 400 dead. Father Spasokukotsky has too late to pray for every dead person. The body is often buried on the spot, and the soldiers have to fight on the tombs of their comrades. Although the flag of the mercenary regiment embroidered with an "x" still stands at the highest point of the battlefield, it has long been blackened by gunpowder, and many holes have been punched out by bullets and feather arrows, and the flagpole has been broken many times. If it weren't for the soldiers' fear of falling into the hands of infidels and becoming less-than-dead slaves and the hope that reinforcements would come to rescue themselves, I am afraid that the mercenary group would have already collapsed.

Lama Gelug will be hunted down by the Tatars of Uzenbey, Chechen can roughly guess that it must be an infighting between Lama Gelug and Uzenbey. On the other side, the relationship between Ayuqi and Isilan Gelei was very peaceful. According to Chechen’s understanding of the position of Gelug Lama in the eyes of Ayuqi and Kalmyk people, if they knew that Gelul Lama was killed by Uzeng. It is absolutely impossible for Bey to continue to live peacefully with Isilan Glyy, and Ishlyan Glyy definitely dare not continue to stay with the Kalmyks. The only explanation is that neither Ayuqi nor Yishilan Glyy knew about it.

But as long as Chechen tells Ayuqi about Lama Gelug's injury by Uzenbeyi, then it is conceivable that there will be a fire merger between the two sides, and the mercenary group will survive. But let Ayuqi believe that the living Gelug Lama is obviously more convincing than the dead.

"Salben, is there really no way? Even if it is to let him live for one more day, it only takes one day or half a day." Cheer Chen asked with a hint of expectation. As long as he is given a day or half a day, he can send someone to notify Ayuqi so that Ayuqi knows that his confidant is hurt in the hands of Uzenbeyi.

But Thrall, who had repeatedly used his hands to create countless miracles, could only disappoint Cheerchen this time.

"Head, I have never seen such a serious injury. I can't even believe that Mr. Lama can support it until now. But after all, people can't resist the will of death. Sorry." Sarben said.

Chechen was disappointed. But he knew that it was not Sarben's fault. As Sarben said, after all, people can't resist the will of death.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, you have tried your best." Cheer Chen comforted Sarben.

If there is no evidence about it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Chechen had to hand over the bodies of Lama Gelug and his two guards to Ayuqi. The Tatar feather arrows on their backs might also convince Ayuqi.

At this moment, Oksana said suddenly: "I have a way to let him live another day."

"You have a way!" Sarben's eyes widened, with an unbelievable look.

"What way?" Compared with Sarben's incredible, Cheerchen was full of surprises and hopes.

Oksana was about to speak proudly, and Sarben suddenly exclaimed: "You witch, do you want to use black magic?"

As a doctor from a professional background, Sarben has always looked down upon Oksana, who has "fiddled" people with a mess of herbs. Although the two have worked together in the past few days, the contradiction seems to have been resolved a lot, but when Oksana said that she could heal Sarban’s Gru Lama, who had already been sentenced to death, Sarban’s self-esteem still let him tolerate. Can't help but retort.

Oksana gave Sarben a white look, and heard that he stretched out a scallion and jade finger to push Sarben's forehead; "What kind of black magic, don't you say it so bad, okay. I use serious herbs. ."

By now, Cheerchen didn't care whether Oksana used black magic or medicinal herbs. He just wanted to know whether Oksana's method would really make Gru Lama live an extra day.

"Oksana, can you really make him hold on for a day?"

"Of course," Oksana said, "but the side effects of this medicine are so great that I am afraid it will be impossible to save him a day later."

After hearing Oksana's words, Cheerchen glanced at Lama Gelug with pity. Soon, he withdrew his gaze.

"He already looks like this. Sarben also said that he won't survive for a day. Oksana, you can give him some herbs." Chechen decided.

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