The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 558: Yelisei's father 3

Yelishei may not know how desperate the old Yelishei was when he saw his son among the Tatars. He thought at first that his son was also a prisoner of the Tatars.

Has my son been abused by these infidels? Has he not eaten for a few days? Did he, like me, walk barefoot on the grassland for three days and three nights? And so on, a series of questions lingered in the old Yelishei's mind. When I think of my father and son being the prisoners of the Tatars together, maybe I will be in the cellar of the Tatars in my life. 2 slaves, one Mirza owns at least 50. The number of these slaves is so large that in order to prevent them from rebelling, in the homes of the Tatar nobles, the slaves must be chained in pairs with fetters at night. Together, stay in the cellar for the night, and there must be someone guarding the top of the cellar.) Or to spend his life in a distant country of infidels, the old Yelishei was so desperate that he could not help but almost burst into tears.

But when the old Yelishei saw clearly that his son was not captured-he was dressed in decent clothes with a saber on his waist. The saber was so gorgeous, and the ruby ​​on the hilt and scabbard was shining in the fire. A brilliant and dazzling light was emitted. Such a magnificent saber, the old Yelishei has only seen the waist of General Boris Pushkin, the lord of Ryazan. It is said that the hilt of the saber of Guangcheng Lord is worth five horses or fifty sheep. And the air of his own son, his calmness when talking with others, it is even more unlikely that a desperate captive belongs to him.

At this moment, the old Yelishei misunderstood his son again. He thought Yelishei was a traitor and led the way for the Tatars. He looked at Yelishei with a burst of fire, and if he could, he could not wait to choke his son to death. He, the traditional aristocrat of Tsarist Russia, the hereditary Boyer, the famous squire in Ryazan, devoted his life to worshiping God, in Smolensk (referring to the fall of 1632 to the spring of 1634 in Tsarist Russia for the capture of Smolens The war broke out in Smolensk. In that war, the Russian army surrounded Smolensk in October, and the siege began. The Russian commander Shane launched several fierce attacks on Smolensk and exhausted everything. Smolensk was still not captured by the means of smolensk. In August 1633, the then Polish King Władysław IV led reinforcements to arrive. In the field battle, the Russian army was defeated. By February 1634 The Russian army could no longer support it. Shane signed the surrender agreement on behalf of the Russian army. Tsarist Russia was defeated. How could a person who shed blood and was wounded in Crimea give birth to such a son!

And when Yelishei went from taking the money to redeem himself to **** at the slave trader, the old Yelishei became proud again. He thought he might have misunderstood his son, Yelishei was not a traitor, and there must be other reasons for his presence here. The old Yelishei even felt that Yelishei was one of the messengers sent by the czar to redeem his prisoners of war, and his son must have made military exploits under Prince Alexei's command. As we all know, Prince Alexei is extremely generous to those promising young people, and even directly recommends them to the almighty and benevolent tsar. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why Yelishei has such gorgeous clothes and sabers, and why he can walk freely among the Tatars.

And when Cheerchen appeared that Yelishei was taken back to the mercenary group station on the other side by his own, Yelishei understood that all his previous guesses were wrong.

Yelisei, his son was neither a captive nor a traitor, nor a messenger of the Tsar. He went to be a mercenary.

A mercenary. This is not the life the old Yelishei wants his son to have. Although as the third son of the family, Yelishei has no inheritance rights, he is destined to rely on himself to break and gain everything. But the old Yelishei admitted that he had done his best to pave the way for Yelishei compared to the second sons of some other families. Prince Alexei’s adjutant, this is not an official position that everyone can get, but I figured out a way and sold his old face to get this position for Yelisei. It is not hope that Yelisei will get ahead in future wars. , Become the same military aristocrat as himself.

Moreover, the old Yelishei still has a distaste for the profession of mercenaries. In the Smolensk War, a big reason for the Russian army's failure was the previously hired Western European mercenaries. When the situation was unfavorable, they simply and ruthlessly abandoned the Russians and joined the Polish army.

Therefore, no matter how Yelishei explained, the old Yelishei couldn't hear a He insisted on bringing Yelishei back to Russia.

In the beginning, the old Yelishei tried to persuade people with reason, using reason to make his son yield: "If you don’t want to stay with Prince Alexei, I can write a letter to my other old friends for you. Isn’t it better to find a job in a certain town than to be a mercenary? Don’t look at you now, but what do you do when you grow old? Can the mercenary profession be able to eat for a lifetime? Believe in your father. , I have seen a lot of mercenaries, they live a life of licking blood. In the long and tense fighting career, they spend money like dirt and kill people like hemp. Every time they risk their lives to get the spoils, they are often very Quickly squander them in gambling and enjoyment, and in the end it will be cheaper for the Jews who lend usury."

But Yelishei was absent-minded about the old father's preaching. Because Chechen's mercenary group is completely different from what the old Yelishei said. Here, heretics and Christians, Poles and Russians can all get along in harmony. Although the deputy commander is greedy and stingy, he is very loyal to his subordinates; and Chechen, although he is not old, unites the entire mercenary group. At the core of, a growing leader. Yelishei has a hunch, no, his hunch has gradually become a reality-Alvar Chechen, he must be able to break out of this continent, not inferior to the "mercenary king" Wallenstein It's fame. And with such a character, Yelishei must also be famous in the annals of history.

Like all fathers, after unable to persuade his children by words, the first thing the old Yelishei thought was to use force. But Yelishei was no longer a three-year-old kid at this time. Although he did not inherit his father's giant height, he was also a strong young man with an age advantage. The two wrestled, but no one could do anything about it.

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