The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 582: The Return of Heroes 6

"Head Chechen, how do you do my future business like this?"

In the Black Sea, Lorenzo, the owner of the Galen ship Cheerchen was riding on, said to Cheerchen crying.

I can't help the ship owner not panic. This time, his merchant ship fired at the capital of the Crimean Khanate and demonstrated against Muhammad Gly Khan.

Cheerchen and these people waited to go ashore and patted their buttocks, but they couldn't mix in the Black Sea anymore. Muhammad Gley must have remembered his ship, and his anger would burn himself and the ship to ashes.

Of course Cheerchen can understand the feelings of the owner. He said to the owner: "Captain, I know that I will cost you a lot if I do this, but there are my reasons for how I do it."

The captain didn't say a word, but from his expression, he must be saying in his heart: Then you can't harm me either!

Cheerchen didn't speak any more, he shouted towards Ingrid who was standing on the bow of the boat and watching the scenery of Oksana, then waved his hand, and the latter ran over immediately.

"Head, you call me?" Ingrid asked.

Cheerchen nodded.

"Ingrid, you estimate the shipowner's loss, and then pay him three times the compensation."

When I heard that Cheerchen would give himself money three times as much as he had lost, the shipowner, who was still downcast and like a dead family member, immediately came back to life. He rubbed his hands and retorted, "Not so much, not so much."

But the folds on his smiling face were all squeezed together, obviously saying: "The more the better, the more the better."

The owner and Ingrid went to the captain's room, where they will have some fierce bargaining. But Cheer Chen was leaning on the fence at this time. He was about to admire the beauty of the sea and sky, but saw that on the left side of his fleet, several slave boats were swiftly breaking through the waves.

On a slave ship, a ragged slave suddenly ran out of the cabin and onto the deck. He tried to escape, but was soon surrounded by slave traders. The strong man was forced to a corner by the slave trader with a short stick in his hand, and there was nowhere to escape. But since every slave is a precious asset, and this slave is exceptionally strong and can be sold at a good price, the slave traders also tried to capture him intact, so they did not persecute him too much. But the encircling circle slowly shrank, and the captive saw that he had nowhere to go and plunged into the sea. Before diving, he glanced in the direction where Cheor Chen was. The desperate look made Chechen's mood suddenly upset.

Suddenly, Cheerchen felt guilty. He watched the unknown man jump into the water, unable to calm down for a long time.

"If I didn't help Muhammad Glyy reset, wouldn't their tragedy happen?" Cheerchen couldn't help but blame himself so much.

At this moment, Yelishei walked to Cheerchen's side. He looked at the sea and said to Cheerchen, "Thank you, commander."

Cheerchen was a little strange, why did Yelishei suddenly express his gratitude to himself.

Just listen to Yelishei’s continued: “I also saw the man jumping into the sea for freedom. Suddenly, I thought of my father. Head, if it weren’t for you, my father might have been there in a certain way. On the slave ship or in the fields of a certain Tatar nobleman. This is certainly unacceptable to him who is so proud. Maybe he will choose to defend himself with death just like the man just now. Dignity and freedom. But because of you, my father was saved, and my more than 3,000 compatriots were also saved. Thank you very much, leader." Yelishei thanked him sincerely.

"Yelisey, is your father okay?" Cheerchen asked. He remembered that he hadn't seen Yelishei the old for several days.

"He's fine. My father's perception of our mercenary group has changed a lot now. He has been helping those old and weak women and children these days. Although he didn't say anything, I know he is grateful to you."

Yelishei's words made Cheorchen feel better. But he still couldn't forget the man who jumped into the sea and died.

He whispered: "But it's less than one-tenth of everyone's. I could have been tougher. For Isilan Glyy, Muhammad Glyy would definitely be willing to pay a higher price. Or I was back then. Didn’t help Muhammad Gley, wouldn’t these people..."

The more Yelishey listened, the more wrong he became. He felt that Cheerchen had taken all his sins to his own body.

"Leader," Yelisei said loudly, "Don't think so. The harvest of the steppe peoples is the custom of the Tatars. The Crimean Khanate looted Ukrainians, Poles, Ruthenians and Russians. It has been for hundreds of years. What do they call this? It is the harvest of the steppe people. Even if it is not Muhammad Gly, other Glyy will do it. Is there anything we can't change this fact. In Tsarist Russia, The Tatars besieged Moscow. They captured 150,000 people and filled the Moskva River with their bodies. These captured people were then sold as slaves to the Ottoman Empire, the Middle East and even European countries; in Ukraine With Khmelnitsky’s acquiescence, Ibeyi and his Tatars looted more than 200,000 Ukrainian slaves and returned home, and about 100,000 Ukrainians died on the way. But these two countries did not. It’s already amazing that you saved these three thousand people by doing the good deeds you did alone."

With that, Yelishei took Chechen's hand and kissed the ring of his finger.

"I and everyone on the boat thank you." He said.

"Head, they want to thank you."

At this moment, Fedot led a little girl and appeared behind Cheerchen. There are several men, women and children beside him.

Cheechen and Yelishei turned their heads. The little girl standing next to Fedot stepped forward, and she took out a wreath from behind.

The skeleton of this wreath is made of willow branches. The willow branches are very fresh and there are green leaves on them. The white and red cloth strips tied around the green leaves formed small flowers.

Cheerchen squatted down and bent down, his current height was just as high as the little girl.

"Here you are. Thank you, brother." The little girl smiled. The smile seemed to melt Cheerchen.

No, Cheorchen has been melted.

Wearing a wreath on his head, he held the little girl in his arms.

"Chechenbey, we are now penniless, there is nothing to thank you for, all we can do is to pray to God for you every day. Please believe that your kind deeds will move God, and may God bless you."

An old man emerged from the crowd. He is the oldest of these people, and he is also the one they publicly announced to thank Cheer Chen.

Cheorchen stood up. At this time, he felt his heart was warm, it was a feeling that he couldn't buy with money.

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