The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 679: Heroine Xie Shi 8

Cheerchen and Natalie slept soundly until the next day after they were in perfect harmony. And in Lodz, not far from Vidawa, a parliamentary meeting is about to be held. And Piedro, who happened to pass by for a while, was fortunate to witness in Poland, what is noble and what is parliament.

Of course, Pidro did not pass by Rhodes for no reason. In fact, he suddenly remembered that he should go to Warsaw and remind Chechen that he had to present to King Jan Kazimierz soon after Ludvika left. The matter of being blocked by Brest.

Pidro was worried that Cheerchen would have forgotten about it or was ashamed to say it-this is very possible. Because his nephew has a tender face and has always had no tricks in front of women. Now in Warsaw, there is not only Natalie, but also a more powerful Queen Ludwig. Piedro is worried that his nephew will either indulge in the tender country or be fooled by the queen. Although dignified kings will not fall back on their accounts, Pedro believes in that what he gets is his own.

Originally, Fatima was going to Warsaw with Pidro.

This thought of Fatima really shocked Pidro. At first he thought Fatima regretted giving Chechen to Natalie, but now he wanted to stop it. But later, under Piedro's cautious side-knack, he realized that Fatima wanted Chechen.

The elbows and armpits were not transformed, which relieved Pidro. After understanding Fatima's thoughts, Pidro justly rejected Fatima. Pidro's reason is very good: Fatima's identity is different now, she is Anna's mother, and Anna is still in her infancy. If Fatima wants to go to Warsaw, she will definitely bring Anna. How can little Anna stand the troubles along the way? But if you don't bring it, who can take care of little Anna in Vidawa?

After listening to Pidro's analysis, Fatima looked at her daughter lovingly, and she really began to hesitate. He and she wanted Cheerchen very much, but she was also reluctant to bear his own daughter.

Pidro knew that Fatima had started to waver when she didn't speak. He hit the iron while it was hot, and then told Fatima that he would definitely return with Cheerchen as soon as possible, so she could wait at home with peace of mind.

Hearing that Cheechen was coming back soon, a trace of complicated emotion flashed in Fatima's eyes. Because she knew that if Cheorjin came back, then Natalie would definitely come, and she would be Cheorjin's wife.

Although Fatima voluntarily gave up Cheerchen, Fatima was not ready to let her face Natalie.

Since Fatima had her head down, Pidro didn't notice that Fatima was abnormal when he mentioned Cheorchen's return. He comforted Fatima, teased little Anna for a while, and then got into the carriage to Warsaw.

But Pedro was not as fast as he promised. This is due to the road conditions from Vidawa to Warsaw on the one hand, and on the other hand, Piedro’s bragging rights have slowed him down.

It is true that Pidro's carriage is ordinary, but the horse that pulls the carriage is indeed a purebred prairie horse. The two prairie horses are all white, like milk.

The Republic of Poland is a country based on cavalry, and the nobles in the country are all proud of being cavalry. In such an atmosphere, even ordinary people have a high appreciation for horses. So once Pidro’s carriage stopped in a small town or a small hotel, the guests who saw such a good horse whispered to each other and whispered about what is sacred in the carriage.

For example, in Łódź, a bold man walked forward and knocked gently on the carriage door: "Patz Brest is willing to serve you. Is it for me to ask the honorable Lord’s surname and coat of arms, And invite you to have a drink with me."

The door was opened and Pidro got out of the carriage. His obesity, at first glance, was that the figure of a warrior made Patz even more aware of the extraordinary identity of the visitor.

Pidro got out of the carriage. He looked at all the people in front of the hotel watching him, and then with his hands on his hips, he said in a row: "Alvar Pidro, Lord of Vidava."

Everyone exclaimed. This is really not to blame them. Because the lord of Vidava is really showing off these days.

First, the king’s servant Ugowski went to Vidava to greet the lord’s return; then a group of thousands of Russians went to Pskov under the protection of the lord’s private army. It is said that these were all He was rescued from the Tatars in Crimea; and according to a not-so-reliable gossip, even Queen Ludvik had been to Vidava.

Adding these news together, the identity of Lord Vidava has become more mysterious and unfathomable. Today, they actually saw this lord.

Patz drew a cross on his chest: "I count this day as my luckiest day."

After speaking, Patz pulled Pidro into the small hotel without any explanation.

Pedro was greedy for a cup, and he was even more unscrupulous when someone invited him.

After drinking three rounds, Pidro asked about the hospitable Patz, so there are so many people in the city today, is it possible to go to the market?

Seeing that Pidro didn't know, Patz told him that today was the day of the Roots Parliament. Everyone, including themselves, came to participate in the parliament.

After speaking, Patz also sincerely invited Pidro as a distinguished guest to observe the convening of the parliament.

Pidro originally wanted to refuse, but he couldn't stand Patz's repeated invitations, and then thought that he would waste half a day again at most and couldn't miss anything, so he half-pushed and half-placed and agreed.

On the way to the parliament hall, Pidro also knew that Patz Brest was not a small person. Their family was a famous family in the Lodz region. Patz’s father once served as Casimir Tschke. The banner officer of Earl Vicki.

When the two arrived at the parliament hall, because Piedro "inadvertently" mentioned that he had participated in the two warsaw battles and went to Crimea, the Rhodes nobles, landlords, priests and some other people who were said to have a face in the parliament hall The characters respected him and warmly invited him to sit in the best position to observe the convening of the parliament. And Patz was holding Pedro's hand firmly, not leaving him half a point.

Pidro sat in the innermost circle as a distinguished guest. In order not to lose face, he deliberately returned to the carriage and changed into his most gorgeous silk dress, and wore a valuable mink hat on his head.

Although the dress was so jewel-like, but at this time Piedro looked like a soil bun. Because he has never seen such a parliament.

In Pidro's eyes, this council has two oddities: the first is that it is crowded; the second is that it is crowded.

Four to five hundred people gathered in the church today, which is almost one-tenth of the population of Vidawa. Pidro never imagined that there would be so many people in a council of the Lodz region. Also, except for the two circles inside sitting around people dressed like Pidro, the other participants were basically wearing rags, some of them were barefoot, just like a bunch of muddy legs.

Pidro has never heard of or seen it, and farmers and poor people can also enter the parliament. In Pidro's mind, members of parliament should be the privilege of nobles and wealthy people.

Pidro slammed Pats next to him. At this time, only Patz, the new friend, could ask Pedro.

"Hey, Patz. Why are so many irrelevant people coming to Parliament today?" Piedro asked.

"What irrelevant person?" Patz was a little puzzled by Pidro's statement.

Pidro raised his finger and drew a circle, which basically included everyone in the inner and outer circles of the church.

"It's the people outside three rows. Shouldn't the members of the parliament be aristocrats? Why are there so many mud legs."

Listening to Pidro calling others called mud legs, Patz suddenly realized, and then he burst out laughing.

"Dear Pidro, those mud legs in your mouth, they are also nobles." Patz explained with a smile.

"Impossible!" Pedro screamed. There are no nobles in this world who don't even have shoes. Are they ashamed to say that they are nobles if they are so poor?

"My friend, it is true that they are indeed nobles. Although they are poor, they are also nobles."

Then Patz began to talk.

According to Patz, there are so many nobles in Poland, and they are the king’s pot, because the king sometimes gives the title of nobility directly to those who should not have the title of nobility for various reasons, such as the annexation of Livoni After the Asian region, in order to maintain a stable rule, the Polish king at that time sealed tens of thousands of civilians into nobles with a wave of his hand. (Pidro understands something, and Patz’s statement can indeed perfectly explain why there are so many poor aristocrats...).

Patz also told Pidro that in Poland, the word for aristocracy is "". This word comes from the ancient Germanic "", which means "aristocrat or aristocratic family". Therefore, the Polish nobility class is also called the Schlachta class.

And even if a shirachita is poor, it will not hinder their legal and political privileges and influence. In theory, the poorest shirachita enjoys the same rights as the richest shirachita. . So even if it is the poor in your family, you still have the right to express your opinions and vote in the parliament.

Pidro found that Patz was simply an encyclopedia of the nobles, and he could talk about it no matter what he asked. In the ten minutes of this discussion, Pidro also learned several proper nouns. For example, the noble magnates (namely the giants like Potocki and Lubaumacki) are called Magnates, the middle nobles are called ?, and the nobles with only a small village are called Drobna; the ordinary people who only bear the title of nobility are called Okoliczna. ; The one with only one farm is called Zagrodowa; the one with only one field is called Zagonowa; the one who has to cultivate the land by himself is called Hreczkosiej; the one who pretends to be rich but is actually very poor is called Pó?panek; the most miserable, the proletarian nobleman who has no land is called Go ?ota..... wait and so on.

At this time, Pidro wanted to know a few more words about the views of the nobles on the great reforms carried out by the king and queen, but at this moment, the priest in the church was also the convener of the meeting. The hammer struck the table a few times hard—this meant that the parliament was about to begin.

The parliament hall that was chatting quieted down in an instant.

The parliamentary meeting has just begun.

A middleman wearing a scarlet Kaftan coat and a mustache walked to the middle of the assembly hall.

Patz introduced Pidro: "This is the Popovich Knight, the captain of the earl's guard."

Popovich said: "Dear nobles, you know, since the earl led most of the army in Lodz to fight against the Swedes, the gangs near Lodz have become more and more rampant. Many nobles’ estates and passing by All business trips in the country were robbed, which seriously affected our trade and stability. Especially now, some bandits are still mingling with the Swedes' stragglers and acting as accomplices of the invaders, so I hope that the parliament will grant me the full power to suppress the bandits! "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone began to whisper and discuss.

A young nobleman in a green kaftan cleared his throat and said: "Suppressing bandits is of course a good thing, but my manor is also very short of manpower. If you are given young adults to suppress bandits, who will take care of the manor? I see. Mercenaries should be recruited to do this."

The other landlords nodded in agreement with him.

After another buzzing discussion, a businessman stood up and expressed his opinion: "The chamber of commerce can pay, but the proportion will not exceed half of the total cost."


Finally, the priest announced the results of the discussion: "Popovich can choose to recruit a group of mercenaries ranging from 20-50 people to suppress At the same time, local landlords, nobles, and churches provide half. The Chamber of Commerce pays half of the money to hire the army, so you can be satisfied?"

Popovich is clearly satisfied. He strode to the podium, stood beside the priest, then took off his hat and saluted the people around him.

Parliament entered the second agenda. A Pó?panek walked to Popovich’s original station and said, “God bless, there is a fruit tree next to my house, which was planted by my grandfather’s grandfather. Every year, people in our family will pick it. This year, my neighbor insisted that the fruit on the tree should be half of his, because the tree has grown to the boundary of his home,..."

When he said this, the Pó?panek's gaze stayed on his neighbor.

The man was anxious: "The slander is definitely slander. The tree was planted by my grandfather's grandfather and his grandfather's grandfather. Of course, half of it should belong to me."

There was a boo in the parliament hall.

"Come on, why didn't your grandfather's grandfather complain at that time!" someone interrupted.

There was a burst of laughter around.

Pidro said to Patz: "It looks like this guy on stage can win the lawsuit."

Patz smiled mysteriously at Pidro: "This is not necessarily true."

The meeting moved towards a trend that favored the Pó?panek on the stage. Then, the priest announced the start of voting. Most of the people are on the side of the Pó?panek. Pidro saw that Patz also voted for Pó?panek.

When the vote was over, the priest tapped the tabletop with a wooden hammer, and when it calmed down, he announced the result.

"489 votes in favor to 1 vote against, it was not passed."

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