The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 697: Heroine Xie Shi 26

Cheerchen's punch was carried out with anger. The Duke of Konitzki never expected Cheorchen to act rudely against him, because this was not the way to deal with problems among the nobles. He was staggered by Cheerchen. There were two or three teeth loose in his mouth.

"The Duke!"

The people behind the Duke of Konitzki exclaimed. Many people stepped forward to support the Duke of Konitzki.

The two Hessian cavalry beside Cheerchen took a step forward, guarding their captain behind him.

The Duke of Konitzki straightened up, he touched his left cheek with his hand, and then spit blood on the ground.

"Alvar Chechen, you will pay for it." The Duke of Konitsky looked directly at Chechen and said word by word.

"I'll be with you at any time." Cheer Chen was not afraid of it.

The Duke of Konitzki began to take off the gloves he was wearing. This meaning is already obvious, that is, he wants to fight Cheerchen, and he wants to wash his shame with Cheerchen's blood.

Although the Duke knew very well that with Cheer Chen's performance on the battlefield during the day, he who neglected martial arts was definitely not his opponent, but under the eyes of everyone, the honor of himself and his family is higher than his life. If the Duke of Konitzki is not for honor Fight Cheerchen, then he and his family will never be able to hold their heads up in the Republic.

The duke's white gloves are half off. The moment the white glove was thrown at Cheerchen, the two made a duel vow.

Cheerchen pushed away the Hessian cavalry guarding him, and he knew what he meant: Come!

At this moment, Stanislaw Potocki walked over under the guidance of his nephew.

Chelchen left first, and then the Duke of Konitzki. There was such a big noise in the camp. Of course, Henrik Potocki was watching. He then counted the prisoners and guards and lost a lot of people. , Henrik Potocki realized that something must have happened. He hurriedly woke up his uncle, and then led the old man to chase him forward.

Although Henrik Potocki had also experienced battles and killed people, it was the first time he saw such a **** scene, and the young man couldn't help pale with fright.

Compared with this nephew, Stanislaw Potocki looked calm. He glanced at the Duke of Konitzki, then at Tetsuchen, and then asked the two of them to follow him.

Cheerchen left behind two Hessian cavalry, and the Duke of Konitzki certainly didn't dare to disobey the old man. He wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth and followed closely.

"I want you two to give me an explanation."

Under a big tree far from the scene of the massacre, Stanislaw Potocki leaned on the tree with a cane and said to the two of them.

His nephew Henrik lit a torch on the side. The old man's face was exhausted against the firelight.

"The Duke of Konitzki ordered his subordinates to slaughter the prisoners." Chechen said.

After speaking, he glared at the Duke again.

"It's not me! In fact, this is the spontaneous behavior of the soldiers." The Duke of Konitzki hurriedly defended.

Now, in front of the respected Stanislaw Potocki, not when he was fighting against Cheerchen, of course the Duke of Konitzki told the truth.

"You didn't tell me that just now." Chechen mistakenly thought that the Duke was deceiving Stanislaw Potocki, so he interjected.

Stanislaw Potocki glanced at Duke Konitzki, then at Cheerchen. With his decades of life experience, the old man quickly guessed everything. He believed that the Duke of Konitsky was telling the truth, and he also knew what attitude his soldiers had towards the Cossacks and Ukrainians.

"I see, Duke Konitzki. Go down first." The old man said to the Duke.

The Duke of Konitzki stood and did not leave, because he still had something to do.

"Master, this Alvar Chechen has insulted me. I have made a vow to God to wash my shame with his blood. Please be the notary for my duel with him."

"Duke, I won't be able to satisfy your request." Stanislaw Potocki refused: "The omniscient and omnipotent God would never want his followers to kill each other because of a bit of misunderstanding. Chechen is indeed fighting. If you do not know, I will ask him to apologize to you. You are the Duke of the Republic, and you are from a distinguished family of noble origin. I believe you will not be as knowledgeable as a child."

Stanislaw Potocki’s words gave the Duke of Konitsky the best step. He proudly said: "Of course I don’t know the same as a child."

"That's good." Stanislaw Potocki smiled and turned his head to Cheerchen and said: "Cheerchen, don't hesitate to apologize to Lord Duke and thank him for his magnanimity."

But this time Cheechen was unusually stubborn, because he thought that the old man was just playing with the mud, he was making big things smaller ~ trivial things. What is the point of this matter tonight is the massacre of the captured Cossacks by Polish soldiers in the guard, not the personal grievances between him and the Duke of Konitzki. If Old Stanislaw can handle this matter well, he is of course willing to apologize to the Duke, because he really hit the Duke Konitzki by mistake, but he hasn't.

So Cheor Chen shouted to the three of them: "It's not the time for me to apologize!"

After speaking, Cheorchen turned around and left straight away.

The Duke of Konitzki was furious, and he stared fiercely at Cheerchen's back.

On the side, Henrik Potocki was also irritated by Cheerchen's rude attitude towards his uncle. He said to his uncle: "Uncle Stanislaw, we must not tolerate Alvar Chechen's arrogant behavior."

Stanislaw Potocki did not speak, he hesitated.

After a while, an armored Cossack ran over, and he reported breathlessly: "Three adults, the lieutenant has taken all the Cossacks away!"

At this moment, Stanisław Potocki, who had always been unchallenged, finally changed color. He straightened up abruptly, and the rare face of the old man showed an anger: "What does he want to do!"

"Left and right are just trying to protect those hooligans." Duke Konitzki interjected.

Stanislaw Potocki ignored the Duke. He said to the armored Cossack: "Where did they go? Take me there!"

"The deputy sent them to the mouth of the valley."

"Take me there!"

After finishing speaking, the old man headed towards the exit of the valley under the guidance of the armored Cossack, and Henrik Potocki hurriedly chased after holding the torch.

The Duke of Konitzki had a good look on the show, and he followed closely behind him.

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