The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 700: King Xie Shi 29

Stanislaw Potocki's questioning was futile, and he was not angry. Seeing Cheerchen and Blair hit their horses and leave, the old man closed the window and quietly continued to close his eyes in the carriage.

And Blair, when he and Cheerchen ran to the front of the team, he looked back at the carriage, and then said to Cheerchen: "You, Stanislaw Potocki, have a lot of eyes. "

Chechen heard Blair's comment on Stanislaw Potocki. Although he was just removed from the post of deputy envoy by the old man, he still said something nice to him: "Blair, Stanislaw Potocki Of course Ji came for peace."


Blair snorted coldly. At this moment, Blair's expression is very much like his master Bao Hong.

"Only free Cossacks can have peace in Ukraine," Blair said.

"So, what kind of peace and freedom does the Cossack want?"

Cheerchen retorted what Blair said.

He is no longer the deputy envoy of the mission. His remaining responsibility is to safely **** the mission to Kiev. As for visiting the seriously ill Bogdan Khmelnitsky or achieving peace, all of these are useful. The regiment is making old Stanislaw Potocki worry about it. Therefore, self-inspection is not less restrictive than before.

Blair didn't answer positively. He wanted Cheerchen to see for himself "what kind of peace and freedom the Cossacks wanted".

As the team continued to move forward, Chechen saw the grassland scenery farther and more beautiful. At that time, the entire southern part of Ukraine, up to the part of the Black Sea, after being devastated by war, most of them showed an uncultivated emerald green. The whole ground is like a sea of ​​green, dotted with colorful flowers: pale blue, blue and lilac cornflowers are exposed in the middle of the slender grass stems; the yellow gorse rises upright with pyramid-shaped spires.

Chechen saw that a wheat ear floating from nowhere had sprouted in the flowers, and the pigeons scurrying in the grass, looking for delicious food. In the sky, the vulture craned its neck and patrolled its territory with sharp eyes.

On the other side of the cloud, a line of geese flew neatly. Not long afterwards, the geese and echoes came from where I knew how far that day.

"This is really a beautiful land." Cheerchen praised.

"Yes, Chechen. Beautiful Ukraine, my home." Blair said proudly with his arms outstretched immediately. Blair and Bao Hong, they are both children of the Ukrainian prairie. At this moment, Blair seemed to be infused with new vitality by the Ukrainian mother. His waist was straighter and his speech was louder.

"Yeah." Cheer Chen responded empathetically.

The team went on like this for two days. Although Stanislaw Potocki eagerly wanted to speed up his journey to Kiev, Kebrier deliberately walked unhurriedly, stopping several times along the way to introduce the scenery to Chechen.

On this day, in a small town half a day away from Kiev, Blair ordered to stop and rest.

While Stanislaw Potocki hadn't reached out and asked to continue on his way, Blair pulled Chechen into the town.

Seeing Cheechen, who was riding his horse with Cossack on his shoulders, the Duke of Konitzki snorted again. In collusion with the Cossacks, the Duke admits that he has caught Cheechen's crime again. He was prepared to have the opportunity to talk to Stanislaw Potocki well, so that Cheerchen could not eat after returning home, so that Cheerchen, the young man, knew that he, the Duke of Konitsky’s revenge, was not him. A little upstart from Spain can afford it.

Chechen didn't know that Duke Konitzki had so many nasty thoughts. At this time, he walked on the longest street in the town under Blair's leadership.

It is said to be the longest street. In fact, the town is really small. There are only two streets in all, corresponding to the gates on all sides. Because the town is an irregular rectangle, the horizontal one is slightly longer than the vertical one. Blair pointed out braggingly: "Chechen, take a look, these are Cossacks on the side of the road, we are not mud-legged like those Polish aristocrats say, or only war-fighters. Nothing. After joining the nobility, we have a better life than before."

Blair pointed out to Chechen that some Cossacks who were supposed to be merchants and vendors sat along the eaves of thatched huts in the town.

Chechen saw that these businessmen along the street had dark complexions and smiled casually, with pistols and sabers slung around their waists. But the work they were busy doing had nothing to do with the war. Some Cossacks had pipes in their mouths, while others were not free. They were singing the folk songs of Cossacks and Ukraine.

Contemporaries foreigners always marvel at the extraordinary abilities of the Cossacks in this land of Ukraine. Because there is no industry that the Cossacks do not understand. They are the best steamers, the best blacksmiths, the best carmakers, the worst alcoholics, and the most rude warriors.

In other words, all the best steamers, the best blacksmiths, the best carmakers, the worst alcoholics, and the most rude warriors are this moment, Cheerchen is here called What I saw in the small town of Krevec was the hardworking Cossacks.

A sheepboy with a Cossack haircut passed by Chechen. He drove the sheep to a Cossack vendor who sold pots. The two did not bargain noisily, but shook their hands together. After a short while, the transaction was completed. The sheepboy exchanged one of his lambs for an iron pot.

Bartering things, such a transaction makes Cheechen, who is accustomed to the currency economy, feel very strange.

Cheerchen jumped off his horse, and he picked up a hooped wine barrel and looked around. This wine barrel is made of oak, and the hoops are tightly fitted, with no gaps at all. Just as Cheerchen was about to admire, in the middle of the street, a figure with a mustache like a Cossack head suddenly jumped into a wicker carriage that was so tall that he took off his hat and waved. After attracting enough people’s eyes, he shouted: “Hi, brothers! Brewers, beer and mead, don’t steal your own wine after brewing and then feed the flies in the back kitchen; Hi, You guys! Farmers and sheep-herders, don’t waste your energy following behind your wife’s buttocks; and you guys, ironers and buckets, don’t you spend your whole life playing around? Should you win knighthood for yourself? NS……"

Cheerchen listened and finally understood that this little Cossack leader was inspiring the people here to go to the Black Sea coast, to Kafa, and to looting in Istanbul. This shocked Cheerchen, because this is a town, and it shouldn't be a place without laws. The Cossack emirates and Ottoman Turkey did not come out of war. Will the governor here allow him to be so bold and provocative? Will these people who were still doing their jobs honestly follow him?

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