The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 878: Buy the Cossacks

After getting the guarantee from the Viscount Hessian, Pidro began his next plan.

Of course, in order to stabilize people's hearts and hide his true intentions, he is also actively preparing for leaving Vidava.

Pidro first approached the mayor of Vidava and told him that he wanted to sell all the properties here and Cheerchen to go to a foreign country, and he would not come back later. He asked the mayor to send invitations to the noble manor houses, villages and farms in Vidawa, inviting everyone to come to Vidawa on the day of February 22, and he would use a grand banquet for himself. .

After listening to Pidro, the mayor Hrubeni asked in a confirming tone: "Is it everyone? Lord?"

"Of course. Is there any problem?" Piedro asked rhetorically.

Hrubeni bowed first, and then said in an admonishing tone: "Master, I know you like fun. But it's not proper to ask a nobleman to sit with a low-level person to drink and have fun."

It turned out that Hrubeni was worried that Piedro's indiscriminate banquet would make the nobles who came to the meeting feel uncomfortable, thinking that he did not receive the respect he deserved.

If it had been before, Pidro, who wanted to integrate himself into the circle of Polish nobles, would have accepted this suggestion by Hrubeni. But this time, eating and drinking were not his real purpose.

So Pidro immediately refuted Hrubeni and asked him to do what he wanted.

Hrubeni was helpless, so he had to follow Piedro's orders to write invitations and announcements.

Two more days later, Pidro called Marmite.

Mama is the Cossack who made great achievements in the Battle of Konotup. After the Battle of Konotop, Chechen realized the great power of the combination of German two-handed swordsmen and Cossack sailors. He selected three hundred people from Bratzlaff’s Cossacks and mixed them with German two-handed swordsmen to form a brand new infantry team.

The captain of this team is Marmite.

Before coming to see Pidro, Marmite was packing up with his Cossack companions in the team, preparing to return to Bratzlaff.

Like most Cossacks, his homeland is hard to leave. For them, Ukraine is their home.

Pidro took him in his arms as soon as he walked into Marmite.

"Cheerchen and I are really reluctant to be separated from you. Although you joined our team later than Yelischey and the others, there is no difference between I love you and Yelischey."

As he spoke, Pidro's tears and nose flowed down.

Marmite was also moved by Pidro's words.

If it weren't for Chechen and Pidro to go to a bitterly cold place like Sweden, how would he be willing to be separated from them.

"Father Piedro, how I want you to stay here." Mammoth said with tears, "I will pray for you day and night in front of the icon of Christ. And I will go to Sweden to see you when I am free in the future. "

"That's good, that's good." Piedro patted Ma Mai Du on the back.

Then he asked about the other Cossacks.

Knowing that they were packed, Piedro made a request to Marmite-he wanted to invite all the Cossacks to drink.

Ma Mai was a little strange, because he had already received an invitation from the mayor, Hrubeni, and knew that on February 22, more than a month later, Vidava was about to hold a practice banquet.

"You are not the same. They are guests, but you are my children and loyal friends. So before I entertain them, I want to have a small drink with you first."

In a word, the Marmite who said that was moved to tears again.

The place of the banquet was in the Jewish tavern where Pidro once conspired with Lubao Macki.

According to Pidro's orders, the Jewish boss had already prepared a lot of wine. After knowing that Pidro was going to entertain everyone at Vidawa, he suddenly realized that Lord Lord was preparing for that day.

When Pidro and Marmer brought more than three hundred Cossacks and drove in mighty, the Jewish boss was shocked. He had never received so many customers in his entire life.

At the beginning, this small tavern could not even seat more than 30 people, not to mention that there are more than 300 people here now. Fortunately, the Cossacks don't pick anything as long as they have wine. After the boss opened the cellar and moved all the wine out, these Cossacks cheered and all threw on all kinds of wine. Then you and my group lit a campfire by the side of the road and sat on the ground, mouthing big mouths. Drinking guts.

After three rounds of drinking, a Cossack captain who dipped his white beard into the dark red mead and poured a large jar of mead in one breath raised his empty glass and said loudly, "Everyone, we respect. The deputy head of Pidro has a glass, and may the deputy head have a longevity and health forever!"

"Hurray!" Cossack shouted.

That sound, the leaves of the snow on the shaking trees rustled.

One person started, and all kinds of blessings were endless.

Some drunk Cossacks even sang:

"Please join us for a father,

Dear old man!

Please have a drink with us,

Drinking into the tomb all the time,

Keep drinking into the tomb! "

When the singing stopped, Pidro saw that it was time, so he got up from the bench in front of the door.

"Everyone, I don't want to be separated from you either. I hope to drink with you to the tomb as sung in a song. When I think of separating from you, I will be burned and desperate for life. But what can be done? In Poland, My nephew and I have nowhere to stay, we can only go far away."

With that, Piedro began to cry.

This cry suddenly infected everyone.

"Our lives are bitter!" Cossack said sharply.

"The captain and deputy captain are good people, and the king is a bastard." Someone said.

"For this world where good people are not rewarded, let's embrace." Someone suggested.

So everyone stood up from their seats and began to hug each other one by one.

Passionate tears fell down these harsh drunken cheeks.

"Don't go, don't go!" The Cossack who wished Pidro a longevity and health just now shouted.

"Don't go, don't go. After leaving the mercenary group, we only have sleepy bean stalks." The Cossacks asked Pidro to stay.

"Stay, Papa Piedro. We take Vidava and then Rhodes, let the captain be our king, and you will be the deputy king." The crimson-faced Mammoth drank and sat with Pidro. Yelled in the opposite direction...

Pidro buried his face in the wine glass. He smiled at the **** wine.

After drinking the wine, the Cossacks set a fire in the Jewish owner's tavern and burned him completely.

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