Yang Tianzong hearing this, immediately said with a smile again: “That’s not it, our Section Head Li, but we are quite shrewd..!”

“With a keen sense of smell, he is very good at assessing the situation. With his own unique interpretation, it is naturally not easy…!”

The other representatives present can also clearly know the general situation of the whole thing.

Luo Yaqin is not inked at all, and immediately opened the mouth and said: “Yang Young Master, how do you say, are you sure?”

Yang Tianzong hearing this, said with a smile: “I’m sure, there are some, but if you are 100% sure, naturally there is no…!”

When Lin Tian heard Yang Tianzong say this, he immediately asked: “In In Yang Shao’s opinion, how can we move this Li Li so that she can use it for us…!”

Yang Tianzong shone in his eyes, pondering for a moment and said: “This kind of thing, everyone is also very clear. Under the current situation, it is nothing more than moving emotions and knowing reasoning.”

“Explain some of the powerful relationships to her, and I will give some more reliable promises. , Can be about 60% sure…!”


“Only 60% sure? This is too little… !”

“Yes, only 60% of such an important thing is sure…!”

All the people in the Five Cities Alliance in the room all agreed. Obviously, for this result, Not too satisfied.

Yang Tianzong hearing this, also immediately said: “At this moment, I am 60% sure, it is enough for a fight, and you should be content…!”

Lin Tian heard this, and immediately echoed: “The war is about to start. At this time, there is still such an opportunity, let alone a 60% grasp, even if it is 30% grasped, it is worth a fight…!”

Luo Yaqin is hearing this, but opened the mouth and said: “My thoughts are different from the two. The more critical the moment, the more stable…!”

“Two Have you ever seen each other? If this woman is trapped, let’s just expose it ourselves. I’m afraid the big group will have to be exposed too…!”

Luo Yaqin’s voice fell, and the person in the room The atmosphere, the calm after entering the tension, the representatives of the five cities, are all gleaming in their eyes and full of thoughts.

Obviously, they are thinking about the pros and cons of this, and at this time, Yiyu of Qilin City spoke;

“Yaqin Young Lady, what you said The exposure should not exist, or even if it is exposed, it doesn’t make much sense…!”

“Let’s talk about this Li Li first, regardless of motivation or other directions. When she knew that King Rock was seriously injured and the clouds in the city were mysterious, she should have sensed the danger of Tianyan City.”

“And, she should also be very clear about the current situation. , Once you do it, it will definitely be a fatal blow with the power of thunderbolt, and will not give Tianyan City any chance to come back…!”

“So, if she is a smart person, she should be able to let go Quite low, to find a way to survive after Tianyan’s fall…!”

“No matter how bad, even if she doesn’t plan to cooperate with us, it shouldn’t be for us. Because doing so, for her and her small team, it will not benefit her and her small team. On the contrary, she will put up a strong enemy for herself..!”

“As a wise man, she definitely won’t be like this.. ..!”

“More importantly, it is already six o’clock. The oral communication in the afternoon, you should all know that the first echelon in the coalition starts to leave at eight.”

“Our exposure is already a matter of time, don’t tell me, everyone is not prepared, since the exposure is a matter of time.”

“Then, if we can take advantage of the exposure Before, opening such a gap is naturally worthwhile…!”

“Take ten thousand steps, even if this Li Li is stupid, he really wants to cheat us, at worst, show his trump card and escape Out of Tianyan City.”

“After all, the current Tianyan City is extremely dangerous for us…!”

“And, today, we pass this Minister Li Li, the precious information collected is enough…!”

“So at this time, there is no reason to be indecisive. On behalf of Qilin City, I support this bet. …!”

Yiyu’s clear analysis once again caused the entire VIP room No. 3 to fall into absolute silence.

A moment later, Yang Tianzong first opened the mouth and said: “Yiyu Young Lady is well-organized, and Baizecheng, represented by Yang Tianzong, has the same attitude. I support a gamble…!”

Yiyu’s analysis, coupled with Yang Tianzong’s uncharacteristic boldness, made Lin Tian smile and make his own decision;

“How stable is Yang Shao? It’s all blocked. I, Lin Tian, ​​represents Azure Dragon City, so I naturally support a gamble…!”

“Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, always the same qi, connected branch, Azure Dragon City is blocked Yes, Vermilion Bird City is naturally nothing difficult, and it is blocked…!”

The representative of Vermilion Bird City, Zheng Feng, is also eloquent at this moment.

Luo Yaqin looked around, and the representatives of the other four cities had already expressed their opinions, and she was the only one in the Five-City Alliance, the Black-Turtle City, who had not yet expressed their opinions..!

However, the feeling that Li Li gave her is too wise, she still has no bottom in her heart, and can’t rest assured…!

After hesitating, looked towards side Fu Sheng. After the latter gave her a relieved look, he reached out and grabbed the handy sticker on the table.

said solemnly: “You may have overlooked a question. This woman, the person who had an appointment with Yang should not be alone.

“Of course, she may not know that in the Nine Great City, How many cities stand on the opposite side of Tianyan City. “

“However, the time and location are all clearly explained in this convenient post. Only the person whom I met with was not mentioned. “

“Obviously, this is a hint. She is hinting that all those who are on the same road with Yang Shao will be invited…! “

” In my humble opinion, this Li Li Section Head Li, the object she met with was not an individual, but a representative of the entire Five Cities Alliance. “

“Just now, Yiyu Young Lady’s analysis is quite exciting and it is also quite clear. My thoughts are the same as everyone else. I support this bet…! “

“However, Young Shao can’t go to the meeting alone. This is too dangerous. In my opinion, since the Five Cities are already in an alliance, then at this critical time, it is more necessary to unite and work together. Advance and retreat…! “

“In my opinion, our Five Cities Alliance should go together. In this way, no matter what the situation is, our Five Cities Alliance can react as quickly as possible. “

“First of all, think in a good direction, if this Li Li really wants to cooperate, Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird, Bai Ze, Qilin five cities, the combined promises they can give , Must be bigger than Baize Yicheng. “

“Furthermore, the representatives of the Five Cities Alliance promised face to face, coupled with the current situation, as long as she really has an idea, she must not be able to resist this temptation, so if we take her down, there should be no problem..! “

“Considering in the opposite direction, the same is true. If the situation is not right, the Five Cities Alliance advances and retreats together, and the cards are exhausted. With the current Peak powerhouses in Tianyan City, we should not be able to keep us… .! “

“Of course, this is just my proposal, I don’t know how everyone feels…! “

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