suffer untold hardships, even at the expense of the infamy of betrayal, all the complicated emotions of Zhang Liang broke out in this brief moment.

The door opened, and Zhang Liang, like a helpless child, rushed into the room and hugged his parents tightly.

Shadow sighed quietly, followed quickly along, but only quietly closed the door for them, and then left with the two hidden tiger players…

After a while, Zhang Liang and his parents had three dyes, finally calmed down, and asked each other about their experiences…

Zhang Liang was quite confused and said: “Dad, mom, those guys before I have never had the opportunity to ask you, when the disaster happened, were you not in Ningnan City?”

“Why did the people from Azure Dragon City find them in Kyoto City a few months ago? You guys…!”

Father Zhang heard this and sighed: “Hey…! On the day of the accident, your mother and I were not in Ningnan City, but in Nanji City.”


“An old comrade-in-arms passed away unexpectedly. I took your mother to attend his funeral in the past. It was originally a one-and-one thing, so I didn’t tell you much.”

” After the disaster, your mother and I were relatively lucky to be near a supermarket, and then hid in it, and then were discovered by troops looking for supplies in the Northern Military Region…!”

“After that, we were caught I brought it into Kyoto City. Fortunately, my body is still strong, and the dark energy has improved a little physique before.”

“To survive, I became a laborer and earned food. Saved the old life of your Mother and me…!”

“It was a difficult life, and then you will know that the evolver of Azure Dragon City found us, this group of people Although it restricts our movement, we don’t need to give us food every day, and we don’t have to work…!”

“In the beginning, they claimed to be your friends, but I still felt very uncomfortable. , You also know that father has been a soldier, and you can see that those guards are all soldiers.”

“They must all be members of the military, and you are still in school, how could there be a military My friend, and the military in Kyoto…!”

“However, at the time, our only thought was to see you again, even if it was a fluke. Therefore, your mother and I were quite obedient. Lived down.”

“During this period, I also used those soldiers, I probably know that you followed a great character outside…!”

“At that time, I knew it was broken. At this time, the reason why they are raising our old couple must want you to bow your head at a critical time…!”

“Before, I and you Mother has thought about it, and left when they were slack, but she was a little worried about you…!”

“In order to see you again, I finally failed to make this determination. Son, father, mother, did you cause trouble…!”

Zhang Liang heard this, But I was afraid and said: “Father, fortunately, you didn’t make up your mind, otherwise I would have to cry to death…! “

Father Zhang heard what his son said, and immediately said with concern again: “Son, don’t hide from father, what is the situation now…!” “

“The guys in Azure Dragon City before, are you using us as a bargaining chip to force you to subdue? You won’t…! “

When Zhang Liang heard this, he also simply interrupted: “Father, don’t think about it, everything is over, you are completely free…! “

“And, I promise that after this, no one will imprison you or threaten you again. “

“In a while, we are going to retreat to White Tiger City first, you two elders, let’s take a break…! “

At the end of the conversation, Zhang Liang already got up quickly and walked towards the door, obviously wanting to slip away, but Zhang’s father Naken stopped here..

Said: “Where are you going, sit down for me, if you don’t tell me the matter today, don’t want to go out. “

“Or, just go by yourself, we won’t go with you…! “

“You should have been in a city in the south before, why did you suddenly appear in the Azure Dragon city boundary? Why did those people treat us more respectfully after you came…! “

“You won’t really betray your city for our two Old Guys…? “

When Zhang Liang heard this, he also wilted immediately. He turned and sat down rather weakly. He knew that if he hadn’t made it clear today, the two elders would never let him go…

In fact, Zhang Liang did pay a lot to save the two elders this time, and even now he is threatened by the strange poison, and he is in danger of losing his life at any time.

But in order not to let the two elders. After worrying about it, plus, this time he also knew he was ashamed of Tianyan and Yi Fan, so he didn’t want to mention more…

However, it seems that today If he doesn’t say one, two, three, I’m afraid he’s really not going to figure this out.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang will no longer escape. Anyway, there is enough time to start talking to the two elders, simply I started my own experience…

Gemini, outside White Moon City near Mount Tai.

Chi Luan just brought his rescued relatives from Tianyan from White After evacuating from Moon City, I received a call from Shadow and learned the news instantly. The message was simple. Their three people stayed in the north to assist the White Tiger and Mo Yi returned to the city in secret…

As soon as the news came out, Mo Yi was really happy and broke, and immediately confronted Chiluan chirp chirp twitter twitter;

“very good, the master did not forget Mo Yi, Mo Yi wants to go back Slightly…! “

“Hey…! “

The voice fell, and Chi Luan didn’t wait for Chi Luan to respond. Mo Yi was already flying into the sky with a high-pitched sing, and a deep azure flame was drawn in the sky, disappearing into the sky. Under the nightfall…

“Hey…Mo Yi…! You have no conscience, you just left like this…! “

Under the night sky, Chiluan’s roar was quite flustered and exasperated. However, Mo Yi, who was already far away, could not hear…

So far , The North matter has come to an end for the time being. The next thing to do will be the White Tiger City, which has been silent for a long time and has been developing in a low-key way….

The first year of Magic Crystal, January 5th, Tianyan City , Underground Palace.

January 5th, a special day, because today is the day of the Tianyan Academy ceremony set by the master of Tianyan City, the king of the rock, Zhu Yi Fan.

At this moment, it is past three in the morning, and it is only more than four hours away from the Tianyan Academy ceremony.

However, at this moment, in the Tianyan City Underground Palace, it is the last one tonight. Approve guests.

They are naturally Baizecheng Yang Ye and the elite reinforcements he led…

This reinforcement was amazing, and it even shocked Li Li at one time. When they arrive, they are naturally the Qinling mutant wolf clan that Anbu has detected before.

There are more than 5,000 giant wolves the size of a calf. It is said that this is the shape of their body after they have tried to shrink.

With their arrival, plus 1,500 elite soldiers from Baize City, the last huge Tibetan soldier room in the west is already full.

Let me see this. Li Li was so shocked that she almost laughed out loud, but she clearly remembered that in this underground military room, there was a thunder formation arranged by the Vice-City Lord personally…

With Lin Xu’s ventilation, Bai Zecheng Yang Ye and the others, although they felt that this Tibetan military room was a bit crowded, they still chose to accept it.

And Li Li was to Yang Ye again. Leave a sentence behind, at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning, someone will guide them and leave in a hurry.

In fact, Li Li has done a great job tonight. The Five Cities Allied Forces has strong intelligence capabilities in the Anbu, and With her clever tongue, she was completely played with applause.

Currently, the five Great City parties are all holding Li Li and handing them a simple map, starting to draw their great blueprint. They even started to plan the distribution of spoils of war after this war.

They don’t yet know what a devastating blow will be waiting for them….

Underground Palace , In a secret Conference Hall on the Z floor

Fina, Ji Ruoxue, Glasses, Zhou Xin, Li Li, Qiangzi, Wang Yang, Song Yixin, Song Yiyi, Ling Wanyao, Mo Yin’s Four Kills, Chi Nishuang Wait, many powerhou se gather together.

Under Fina’s signal, Li Li said seriously: “Everyone, fortunately, the five-city coalition forces have all entered the urn, and we will soon enter the fighting moment…!”

Speaking of this, Li Li looked at Fina for no reason, and then solemnly said: “Next, Fina Vice-City Lord will arrange the assignment of top combatants…!”

The words are over, everyone once again looked towards Fina, in fact, and Li Liqian let or took a flattery.

At this time, it is most suitable for the top battle strength of Tianyan City to be exerted to the extreme. Apart from Yi Fan, Fina is the only one.

As the first woman of Yi Fan, she can be regarded as the closest to the rock king in battle strength, and besides the rock king, she has the most research on evolver ability and combat power.. .

She has almost taught most of the high-level people present, and she has a good understanding of what everyone is good at, as well as abilities and even Innate Ability….

Fina accident He glanced at Li Li, but didn’t make any excuses. He immediately said very solemnly: “Okay…! The war is just around the corner, so I won’t have any ink marks..!”

“At the moment, the Five Cities Allied Forces It is divided into three parts, spread out on the east, west, and south sides under my Underground City.”

“Then, our side must also be divided into three parts to participate in the war, and they will be wiped out. ..!”

“The first part, Azure Dragon City Lin Xu, Azure Dragon headed by Tan Yong, Vermilion Bird two elite cities, a total of more than 4,500 Tier 5 medium evolver, hundreds of Tier 5 Higher evolver.”

“The southern Tibetan military room currently lying at the bottom of Underground City. Due to the special killing array arranged in the Tibetan military room, Zhou Xin, Li Li, Qiangzi, Wang Yang, belong to you four People are in charge.”

“Bring the bear and the second group of the ape from the Tianyan Five Birds team, plus the three teams of instant electric ants that I have equipped for you, and take them for me.”

“You are all old people in Tianyan City. You should know what war is. Even if you encounter familiar faces, don’t have excessive tendency to clemency, lest you fall in the sewer…!”


“In addition, Lin Xu and Tan Yong are very likely to have the secret treasures of the two cities. You must be careful…!”

“What’s wrong, is there a problem? …?”

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