Who is Yu Shu, almost immediately when he was armed, he immediately reminded…

However, this time he miscalculated, because at the moment his voice fell, extremely light laughter It resounds..

“haha, just remember now, it’s late…!”


The magic ring of ice flashes After an instant, it disappeared suddenly, or, at the moment when the water domain was opened, it suddenly collapsed into a strange Icicle…

When the two of them couldn’t react at all, they quickly stabbed. And down…

“ka ka ka…! “

The battle between ice and water, but the sound of broken glass erupted…

The realm of water is also tenacious, even if it temporarily loses the control of Ruler, the realm is still In the field, there is still a certain degree of defensive ability…

Of course, one party is condensed to the extreme, while the other is in a normal state. Almost at the moment when the collision sound erupts, the judgement is already on the merits…

In the sound of broken glass, the water is pierced into the ice and turned into a huge blood-stained ice…

And, on closer inspection, it’s not ugly Out, in the middle of the ice, there is a guy with black and white hair lying like a shrimp…

At this time, in this position, this guy is naturally the sea emperor’s brother Yushu…

Of course, the Yushu at this time is naturally injured…

Originally, at the moment when Extreme Emperor opened Extreme Ice Region, the little half of his head had not recovered yet. Completely, I was expelled from a huge hole in my chest and heart…

At this time, Yushu not only failed to help the Sea Emperor, but became a burden to him…

“Little tree…! “

Seeing Yushu in distress, the sea king who shrank the surface water area to the extreme on the other side, immediately exclaimed…

Next, he hardly hesitated. , Immediately blasted a deep blue rope from the extremely contracted water domain, swiftly towards the frozen tree…

Obviously, the Sea King at this moment has only one purpose, that is Rescue Yushu…

However, at such a timing, how could Jidi let it go? It was almost when Icicle was pierced and Yushu was completely frozen, his hands were closed, and he roared lowly.. .

“It’s over, die, it’s freezing and withering…! “

“Boom…! “

In the deep roar of the extremely emperor, the lush tree and the frozen profound ice burst into pieces in an instant…

“No…! “

The magnificence exploded, the ice flowers scattered and withered, the sea emperor’s eyes were ferocious, and he screamed…

Because of his dark blue rope, he was worthy of covering the depression Tree head only…

“shua…! “

Dark Blue Hyun light flashed, and the rope that wrapped Yu Shu’s head returned to Haihuang Yu’s writing…

After knowing that Yu Shu was hurt, Yu Shu immediately ran away: “Old Roten, I want you to die…! “

Seeing the appearance of Yushu on the verge of death, releasing the terrifying psychic energy and preserving its consciousness, the Sea King has fully exploded…

“Water Realm-Sea God Bound ..! “

“shua~ shua~ shua~…! “

Under the bright blue light, thousands of dark blue ropes suddenly shot out from its body surface, lasing towards Jidi…

At this moment, Jidi The Strength of Domain was completely exhausted under the ice magic ring, Icicle, and ice withering just now…

Without any hesitation, at the moment when the ice withered and the mist burst, The Emperor Ji is already flying out very quickly…

Obviously, in this battle, his grasp of his own state and the state of the enemy is far better than what Sea King has to do…


At present, the 1st Step strategy he formulated has basically succeeded…

Yu Shu is seriously injured and dying, completely losing its benefits, and even in the next battle, Become a burden to Yu Shu…

But in the same way, he also knows that at this moment, he has lost his ultimate power and temporarily lost the capital to fight the Sea Emperor…

In the opponent’s water domain, there is no chance of victory…

So, he chooses to temporarily avoid…

He wants to leave the battlefield temporarily, pull Open the distance and strikes with remote crystal energy while waiting for Yushu Strength of Domain to be exhausted…

At that time, it will be the time for him to fight the sea king…

The ideal is full, but the reality is always skinny, losing the power of Jidao. In front of the powerhouse, it is equivalent to losing the power of resistance…

“pa ..! “

Ji Di has not withdrawn ten meters away, but his body shape is a stop, his legs are already wrapped by a dark blue rope, and more dark blue ropes are wrapped up like tentacles…

If nothing happens, in the next instant, Jidi will become a deep blue rice dumpling, and then will be dragged to Haihuang’s side, or directly cut into meat sauce…

“Pu chi…! “

At the crucial moment, blood was splashed, and Jidi quickly waved his right arm, directly leaving his legs in place, but his body was driven by crystal energy and flew at high altitude. Shoot away…

Although the sky is blood-stained, Jidi is crazy said with a smile: “Yu old ghost, you want my life, it’s not that easy…! ”

“xiu…! “

The sound of the wind whispered and the light flashed. In the next instant, Ji Di appeared thousands of meters away…

“Boom…! “

With a loud bang, the Sea King also turned into a glare, and quickly caught up…

In fact, the Sea King at such a moment is absolutely impossible to let go. Emperor, after all, as the powerhouse of Jidao…

The Sea Emperor is also quite aware that it is definitely the time when the opponent is weakest, and the best time to kill the opponent…

“Boom…! “

“hong long long…! “

The explosion of huge crystal energy sounded again high in the sky. In a flash, the two of them rushed out of the Earth’s atmosphere in a high-speed scuffle, and came into space more than 100,000 meters…

At this time, the emperor is already riddled with scars, and even quite weak…

After all, the sea emperor is still the sea emperor. No matter what, its battle strength is not comparable The Emperor at the peak period is weak…

Even if the Emperor had taken medicine pill before, it was only enough for him to save his life under the realm of the Sea Emperor Water…

At this moment, except for the loss of his legs, Jidi has almost no good meat on his body. The whole body is filled with hollow fingers the size of which looks like a human-shaped sieve…

Of course Ah, at this moment, Haihuang’s Strength of Domain is finally exhausted…

“hahaha, Yushu old ghost, your Strength of Domain is finally over..? “

“So, let’s go back to the same starting point again, it’s time to end everything…! “

Looking down at the blue Earth beneath his feet, Jidi laughed wildly, as if he hadn’t seen his own horrible injuries in the slightest, but rather had a high fighting spirit…

The sea emperor’s face appeared slightly Gloomy, but unscathed, he was naturally not afraid of Jidi, and immediately lightly said with a smile: “From the same starting point, finish everything…? “

“Do you still have to delay time at this time? With the extreme trauma on your broken body, you can’t turn over..? “

“Stop struggling. Anyway, I won this battle. The future of Earth will be at the helm from now on…! “

Ji Di is hearing this and laughed: “hahaha, I am so ridiculous, Yu old ghost, you are still so arrogant…! “

” At the helm of Earth, just inside a Sea Clan, a Sea Dragon King, you can do it all…! “

“If nothing happens, the Sea Dragon Emperor may be hiding in a dark corner at this moment, waiting for you to go back…! “

Sea Emperor hearing this chuckles: “hahaha, at this time, you still come to alarm about this kind of kid’s bluffing tricks, the future is too naive…! “

“You colluded together, which was originally a threat to me, but the fault lies in it. You are too anxious…! “

“Too anxious to expose myself, too anxious to give me pressure…! “

“If I guessed correctly, the Sea Dragon Emperor must be hiding somewhere in your demon realm at this moment, but with his level, he may not be Tier 9 right now, so why threaten me…! “

“In fact, if it weren’t for your little tricks, maybe I can’t make a decision yet, and I will do everything to start a war…! “

“This is the number of days, I am destined to be the owner of this World…! “

The divine light of Haihuang’s eyes flickered, full of ambitions after success…

“haha…hahaha! “Ji Di laughed and even burst into tears…

“To be honest, I am ashamed of treating you as my biggest opponent before…! “

“At the moment, apart from your disproportionate ambitions, you can be said to be very talented and useless…! “

“If it wasn’t for a little luck and your own ethnic advantages, you might be inferior to humans…! “

“To tell the truth, the Sea Dragon Emperor has never contacted me, nor has any contact with my people…! “

“Only one contact, that is, under the eyes of Sea Clan, my son Luo Hu’s invitation…! “

“The current battle between you and me is completely the result of his guidance…! “

“The result he wants is that we both sides suffer…! “

“I have to say that this guy who has never been masked is really amazing, and even his strategy from the very beginning has been successful…! “

“Because of the relationship between you and me, only a small fire star is needed, which is enough to ignite the war between the two clans…! “

“Perhaps, that guy is hiding somewhere and laughing…! “

“It is ridiculous that you are still in the dark about all this…!

“Stupid, ridiculous, ridiculous, hahaha…!”

The emperor oozes blood all over his body, but he still laughs wildly, and the fighting intent on his body begins to soar. ..

As for Haihuang, after hearing the words of Emperor Daoji, a gloom flashed in his eyes, but it was only a moment, and this guy immediately replied to Qingming…

And like Jidi, its fighting intent has also begun to soar rapidly, and in an instant has soared to the extreme…

“Lao Luo Teng, it’s all this time. There are twists and turns. What’s the point…!”

“In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies are nothing but a bubble…!”

“Everything is no longer important, even if we don’t fight today, There must be a battle between you and me, and even between you and my race…!”

“So, there is nothing to say. Today is your death date…!”

“Die, the realm of water-a great earthquake…!”

The moment when the Sea Emperor’s fighting intent soars to its limit, the ultimate power that should have been exhausted reappears, extremely The realm of Taoshui blooms again…

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