The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 254: Trigger trap

Rubio kicked his horse, and the horse stood up dramatically, then ran out of the crowd and rushed straight out along the periphery of the crowd. The remaining twenty riders immediately followed the horse, and the selected group of people crossed the next narrow hunting trail in the endless forest of the northern area of ​​Fatalin Island.

Almost at the same time, the temporary troops, peasants, slaves and mercenaries in the rebels also disappeared behind them, and the riders rode alone through the woods.

As the ground moved quickly backwards in the thump of horseshoes, Rubio felt that he was back in that state of excitement. His hair fluttered freely in the wind caused by the galloping horse, which reminded him why he wanted to get rid of the slave's shackles.

He was never particularly radical when he was young, and now he does not consider himself a traitor. He did not want to see his former home collapse in the flames of war. Even after his lord fled, he thought so when he chose to surrender to the enemy, and he did not want to take the war where it was not needed.

But when he became a slave, he saw his former friends, partners, family members and people on the territory became slaves. After the iron fist of the Fatalin Association fell heavily and frequently on his people, he changed his mind. This plague is the last straw to crush people.

When the hungry people need help and food, all they get is the stricter taxes and the attention of cruel masters. Until now, unrestricted freedom and living in the virgin forest, true freedom is back.

Apart from himself, he owes no debt to anyone, and he is now surrounded by the powerful arms of his brothers. A man should live like this, and if he gets to this point, as a man, he should choose how he should face death.

Riders roared through the bushes and bushes. Rubio knew the name of each of his companions. They are good guys on Ogborn and even Fatalin, and he believes in their abilities.

"The Fatalin's dogs are in front!" Rubio shouted to them as they ran on horseback. "We are going to ride in their trap, and before they close it, we can still swing it inside. But don't be too smug. Follow my instructions to turn at any time. Understand, most of them Drag here to our side so that the rest of us can rush towards those mountains faster! "

The riders around him accepted all this calmly, and all around were nodding briefly, indicating that they understood Rubio's order. Each face is a tight mask of concentration. They drove forward. Soon, the trees opened in front, and the wide, uneven pavement that stretched eastward came into view.

"Almost here," Rubio said to himself.

They ran away along the road. On both sides of the road, the land rises abruptly until they enter a shadowy canyon, with grey limestone cliffs towering into the clouds. Rubio looked at the scene where the commander of Tallinn arranged traps with applause. If Rubio is now leading the army of the Fatalin Association, he may also make the same plan.

Rubio moved this idea aside from his mind and focused his attention on the leaves on both sides of the road. Not far from where the enemy commander arranged the trap. The key to triggering a trap is timing. If it is too early, the advantage of the rebels who discovered the trap will disappear. If it is too late, they will die meaninglessly in a burst of arrows.

Then, he saw it. A person who is not as tall as him may miss this sign, but he has been looking for it, and his eyes have become accustomed to the light in the forest and its deceptiveness. The flash of light refracted by a helmet, half buried in endless green, exposed the position of the enemy.

"It's now!" Rubio shouted sharply, grasping the reins with both hands and pulling his horse hard, and then pulling it back to the opposite direction.

Around him, the scene fell into chaos. The arrow whistled through the space in front of him. From the corner of his line of sight, he saw the enemy crawling out of the hiding place with difficulty. A horn sounded, followed by a response from the other side of the road. The enemy's trap was triggered. Now, does the Resistance have enough speed to avoid its iron teeth?

Rubio kicked his horse fiercely, squatting his body on the saddle. Even if you knew in advance that there was an ambush, it was a dangerous battle. He felt an arrow slip unbiasedly towards his shoulder. In a pain of remorse, he heard a cry from one of his men, and the man was turning too slowly. Most people were with him, and they ran back along the road on horseback.

After riding a few yards, he took a risk and looked back. The opponent's rider followed them. Rubio saw someone running along the path and over the obstacles on the road, trying to keep up with them, but failed. This situation is fine. If you are lucky, the remaining soldiers ambushed by the enemy will spread out in the woods, trying to cut off any escape route. The greater the pressure on Rubio's team, the lower the pressure on Gasol's team.

"Go ahead, guys!" Rubio urged on the horse, his heart pounding. "Keep them interested!"

The group of horsemen huddled together tightly, galloping along the road they came from, heading northwest toward the densest forest.

There is a labyrinthine fuzzy hunting path, Rubio believes that in the shadow of the deep forest, he can throw away any hunting.

Then things changed. He looked back again, and he felt that his heart seemed to miss a beat. The enemy's pursuit disappeared. He raised a hand and motioned the riders to slow them down.

"They retreated," he said, with a suspicious expression on his face.

In the rider, there was a young man named Hans, with messy reddish brown hair, always following him.

"Are we going to ride back?" He asked, his face almost as red as his hair.

Rubio was about to shake his head, ready to answer. But suddenly, a burst of arrows from the crossbow shot from across the tree wall around them. This is a warning volley volley, most of which hit the trunk without causing any harm.

But one of them is different, this huge arrow has four tail feathers at the tail, this arrow shoots Hans together with the half body armor on his body. Tremble. Rubio felt his excitement turned into fear. All this is expected. But what should he do?

"Traitor!" A majestic voice came from the cover of the woods. "Dismount and surrender, otherwise we will kill you where you are standing."

Dozens of people walked into the sun, and many people took the crossbows that had just been loaded with ammunition. There is no hope of escape. Rubio looked around in despair. More people from the Fatalin Association came out. Seeing this completely unfavorable form, his own troops raised their hands. His heart was sinking, and Rubio was ready to do the same.

Then something in his body snapped, as if something in his body suddenly exploded. Rubio howled angrily, kicking his horse's stomach violently, and the horse ran away in fright. He ran all the way to the soldiers of the Fatalin Association.

A man at the front stepped out with a heavy spear. The horse suddenly turned and almost dumped Rubio. The spear roared past him. He bent down as far as possible, trying to control his galloping horse.

He looked down and saw that the man held up a huge bow, caught the arrow, pulled the bow, and shot an arrow at him. But a miracle happened, the arrow shot at him missed, rubbed against his back, and he felt a burning sensation in his back. But he still rode forward, almost blinding his eyes with fury. Anyone who blocked his way was knocked aside.

Rubio gritted his teeth and continued to kick the horse belly forward. The cries of panic and anger gradually disappeared. He looked back over his shoulder. He had freed himself from the shackles, but this thought did not bring him much comfort.

Several of his men lay on the ground in the forest. Others are controlled by the enemy. He knew with certainty that if his plan was foreseen, then Gasol's actions could have been guessed long ago. This time, he failed, and the rebels suffered a fatal blow.

The chase behind him retreated, and he threw away almost everything on the horse's back to get rid of the chase. After riding for a while, Emile stopped on a high ridge for a while. He looked back cautiously, hoping that at least one of his companions would ride to meet him.

But to his disappointment, no one came. He could only recognize that some horses were being taken along the road in the distance. Most of the members of the Fatalin Association have disappeared from sight ~ ~ Rubio was about to ride away, but suddenly something caught his attention.

In the distance, a horseman appeared from the woods. He was tall, with a long sword much larger than a normal sword hanging around his waist. He wore elaborate armor with peculiar patterns carved on it, but even more strangely, the man wore a yellow robe in front of the armor. Rubio guessed that he might be a mage.

For a while, their eyes met across the open space. Rubio stared at the figure intently, preparing to ride away immediately, but something pulled him back. The horsemen also seemed hesitant. Maybe he was thinking about whether to follow him. Or you can send someone to chase under the leadership of Gasol. Finally, the mage of the Fatalin Association turned his horse's head back to the direction of the woods, and the sound of a low command rose into the air.

Rubio turned his head, his anger was still strong. He couldn't let things end like this. Despite the slim chance, he must try to return to Gasol. If the old man can be warned, his troops may have a chance to go to the mountains in the distance.

He flicked his wrist gently, drove the horse to jog, and walked along the ridge. Rubio tried to find a possible route, bypassing those he had just known, who were now in the woods between him and the remaining troops. The future of the rebels is at stake. The opponent's strategy and strategy are better than him, but the game is not over yet.

The expression of pain and hatred on his face formed a terrible mask, and Rubio rode back to the forest shelter. The gods testified for him that he couldn't watch his dreams shatter without fighting.

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