The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 256: Bertini Brothers

Horn sounded, echoed on the wet ground. Martin Bertini drove the horse, and the cavalry around him rushed out of the bunker. The striker suddenly drove his horse across the swamp lowlands and rushed towards the sleeping settlement of the rebel army.

Martin Bertini steered the horse forward, splashing mud on his hooves. On the other side of the battlefield, Martin Bertini noticed that Bren Bertini attacked from the opposite woods. These soldiers, they may be tired, but his orders are still being executed efficiently.

Martin Bertini can foresee that they will crush the rebels between the anvil and the hammer. Even if Ricky Rubio, the leader of the rebel army, returned to his men somehow, his plunder and rebellious rule would soon be over. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https: //

Martin Bertini ventured back and glanced back over his shoulder. Behind the fast-moving cavalry, the infantry are carrying out heavy propulsion work. Martin once again drew his attention back to commanding the cavalry. Don't worry about the infantry now. It is important that the cavalry squadrons attack the enemy violently before the fortifications of the rebel army are organized.

As the riders approached the scattered edges of the settlement, the damp and dangerous ground began to solidify. It's bigger than what it saw in the woods. Martin Bertini stood up from the saddle and pulled out his sword.

"For the black elk mentor and Fatalin Association!" He brandished his sword and roared.

The people around him issued a provocative shout in unison, and their own swords also radiated a cold light. They ran quickly through the last few yards and quickly ran into the camp. Several people stumbled out to greet them and hurriedly picked up the spear or halberd. They were swept by the cavalry, several people were hit by the horse, and the sound of bones shattered, and the cavalry continued to charge forward.

Martin-Bertini's long sword stuck in a person's body, he let go decisively, left the long sword in that person's body, took off his spear from the horse's hook The houses around him began to gather together. The rebel army was startled by the sudden attack, jumped from the edge of the fire and grabbed weapons around.

Rubio's entourage also appeared among them. Some people were not even ready to fight, and a raft of spearmen rushed from the right wing.

"Be consistent with me!" Martin Bertini shouted, pulling the horse towards them, enjoying the thunder and the speed of the horseshoe. "Break through this line of defense."

Twenty cavalrymen turned around and rushed towards the spearman directly. There was a man who was thrown off the horse's back when the spear of a spear penetrated the horse's torso. The other screamed and fell to the ground, his throat shot by an arrow. The spear piercing Martin Bertini slipped through his armor and failed to harm him.

But the speed and impact of the riders are too great. The weak rebel team of the rebels broke up, and the forces of the Fatalin Association drove them to launch a fierce attack on these retreating Rubio rebels.

"Go ahead!" Martin Bertini urged, determined not to let the assembled cavalry spread out in pursuit of these fleeing enemies. Speed ​​is their main advantage.

The riders clung together and ran towards the center of the camp. The huge body of the assembled horses stands tall on the surrounding low roof. Martin Bertini satisfactorily heard the sound of fighting in the distance. His younger brother Bren Bertini must have arrived, and is obviously busy.

This will be a great victory, perhaps a massacre for these traitors. His horse continued to gallop. Groups of rebels who dared to resist were easily sent away. He is close to his goal.

Martin Bertini took his men and women around a bend and rode the horse into the wide square in the center of the rebel camp. The riders under him fanned out on both sides of him. From a distance, the huge tent in the center stretched to the cold sky. It's big, dark and dirty. Countless thick smoke spewed from the crumbling chimney.

Finally, the rebels gathered around it apparently have formed some resistance. Many infantrymen had already gathered in front of the camp, but some were panicking and making a mess. The rebels organized by Rubio have never spent too much attention on appearance, nor raised any flags. The line of soldiers was loose and there was no obvious commander. With an incoherent roar, some rushed over and some flinched. The riders slammed into the person in front, stepped on the unlucky rebels and stabbed them.

‘So this is the final battle,’ Martin Bertini thought coldly. Kicked his horse forward. A rebel soldier rushed to meet him. He thrust the spear heavily on the neck of a cavalryman, trying to knock him off from the horse, but without success. He waved the spear violently, using the sharp edge of the spear to cut off his head.

His excitement immediately became a painful feeling. Many people will die today. This place will be saturated with the blood of those who should have lived under the banner of the Fatalin Association. He dashed past in frustration and brandished a spear to kill a path. His spear pierced the leather and collided violently with the iron. He felt like a blacksmith, constantly beating the traitors, smashing the backs of those he thought he had protected.

Driven by a cavalry charge, the fragile rebel army began to fall apart. On the edge of the square, infantrymen wearing uniforms of the Fatalin Society were fighting. But Martin Bertini noticed a different place than expected, and their retreat was cut off.

Martin Bertini stopped his horse and stayed in place. The neat ranks of riders around him have disappeared. Everyone on horseback was busy chasing down the remnants of the rebel army. He suddenly became suspicious. Where is Bren Bertini?

Martin Bertini turned around and looked to the west of the square. A group of Rubio's men rushed over, their faces distorted by hatred. They are a mixture of typical soldiers, thugs and mercenaries. One person led the ragged group of people forward, wielding all kinds of knives, choppers, daggers and sticks. Rubio himself is a shrewd opponent, but his men are not.

Martin-Bertini Zema rushed towards them. Their leader was knocked down before he could attack. Martin Bertini waved a spear at another person's face, and when that person flew backwards, he felt blood splashing on him. First launch https: // https: //

A mace slammed on his shield, making a sonorous sound, and he turned quickly again. Waving from the top down with his spear, the sharp blade of the spear was severely cut off, and the hand on the wrist of the person holding the mace was cut off. . Martin Bertini stabbed with a spear, quelling the noise, then danced the spear and drew a shiny arc to greet the remaining rebel soldiers with an unattended blow.

The loyal riders quickly rushed to Martin Bertini's side ~ ~ A brief counterattack began. Throughout the open space, Rubio's rebels were defeated. Martin Bertini took a moment to calm his breath, and then quickly assessed the situation.

He was relieved to see Bren Bertini riding a horse to the square and walking in front of his soldiers. What delayed his action? Martin Bertini Zema moved forward, rushing towards his brother. He soon came to him. Bren Bertini's armor was covered with dents and blood, and his mask fell off.

"How is it going?" Martin Bertinil shouted at his horse.

Bren Bertini rode beside him. The two horses are staggered.

"We had an accident, sir," he said, flicking the mask up. "Just like you."

Martin Bertini realized that the sound and words were too strange, but it was too late. When he saw the stranger's face in Martin Bertini's armor, he raised his spear, but his movement was too slow. A fist wearing metal gloves hit him hard and knocked him off immediately.

Martin Bertini's head cracked like he hit a rock, he felt the blood in the helmet spew out. He wanted to stand up, but the world turned and turned black. Fresh blood fell on his eyes, making him see nothing.

A black figure raised his arms high and vaguely enveloped him. Martin Bertini wanted to raise the shield, but a heavy thing hit his forehead heavily. A ray of light erupted behind his eyes, sending a sharp pain, then calmed down. He knew nothing.


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