The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 371: Raymond

The afternoon sun spotted the dejected Sir Raymond, who sat under a cherry tree, only a mile away from the village around Fort Oquin. The warm sunlight did not relieve the cold and deadly fear flowing through the blood of this knight. He could only think of the terrible doom that threatened the Duke ’s territory, and the horror caused by his own uncle in this land. Sir Dane-Gattler-Whitman entrusted him to warn the Duke of Gales and mobilized the Knights of Aquitaine against the Duke of Blood Eagle, lest the monster become too powerful to stop.

Regrettably, he failed miserably. He failed to convince Duke Gales of the warning he had brought. This was the real sting to Sir Raymond, like the hot kiss of the viper.

The crazy, intergenerational grudges between De Toulouse and Du Lancaster not only distorted the minds and souls of these two families. Just like the plague, it polluted the Aquitaine's ideas and changed their attitudes toward the two families, making them believe that the two families had no other idea than to extend their ancient hatred.

Whether he realizes it or not, it is a burden for De Toulouse and Du Lancaster. Sir Raymond saw today a dramatic example of the prejudices left over from centuries of conflict and hatred. Even the Duke of Gales only thought of betrayal and hatred when a De Toulouse mentioned a Du Lancaster.

What should he do now? Raymond is troubled by this problem. He can ride back to Toulouse Castle and lead his knights to Lancaster Castle. Thinking of this picture, he smiled sadly. No, the Lancaster family may be more hostile to him than the Duke of Gales. If the Earl of Toulouse claimed that he had assembled an army to protect the land of his ancient foe, he would never believe him. They will fight, no matter which side wins, they are easy to be caught when the monster comes.

Maybe he should go to Sir Whitman and try to use the strange hermit knight to track the Duke of Blood Eagle and find the lair where the monster hides? Raymond does not think that such an effort will have a great chance of success, but If he dies in such an effort, at least he can die honourably to make up for the sins brought to the world by the madness of his uncle.

Sir Raymond woke up from the rest under the tree and watched a lone rider gallop along the road to Aquitaine. The knight recognized the pony with stripes and the cloak of the knight. Oat rods tried to catch up with Raymond at night, but neither the farmer nor his horse could match the knight's determination. Somewhere on this road, the oatmeal has been left behind. Now, the farmer seems desperate to return to the knight.

At about the same time Sir Raymond saw him, the oat rod turned on the saddle and waved to the knight. He yanked the reins violently and turned the pony towards the cherry tree.

"Your loyalty is commendable," Sir Raymond stood up to greet the oatmeal and stood before his horse. "But I'm worried that your efforts have been in vain. Duke Gales did not listen to my warning. At his court, no one believed that Duke Blood Eagle was back."

Strangely, when the farmer heard the terrible news, he just nodded slightly. "She said they wouldn't listen," said Oatmeal. There was a solemn taste in his voice, with a trace of awe.

Sir Raymond stared at him intently, puzzled by the farmer's tone and manner. "Who told you they wouldn't listen?"

"After I completely lost the hope of catching up with you, I slowed down my pony and finally came down to lead it." Oatmeal explained. "I ca n’t see the meaning of breaking its leg or my neck, so I walked along the road, thinking that as soon as the sun came out, I could see where I was going and I could be with you It was a tiring job to lead the pony all night, so when dawn came, I went to find a stream. "

The farmer's expression became more serious, and he restrained the slight tremor. "I found a small pond with the clearest and bluest water I have ever seen. I knelt down and held the water in the pond with my hand. Then I realized that in the pond, except myself , There is another reflection staring at me. "

Tremendously trembling through Raymond's body, he was filled with surprise and excitement. "Are you trying to say ... you mean ... aren't you an ordinary farmer? You mean you saw ... the lady!"

Oatmeal shakes his head. "At first I thought she was that lady, my lord, because she was so young, so beautiful, so wonderful. But when I crawled in the mud, I stared at her for my ordinary eyes staring at her face. When I apologized, the illusion in the water made me stand up. She said she was not the lady, but only for the lady. She knew the task you had arranged for herself, lord, but she said it was in vain. She said Gail Lord Duke will not believe you. "

When the oatmeal confessed that the illusion was not the lady himself, Sir Raymond felt that the enthusiasm of faith had disappeared from his heart, although he knew that he should have felt that one of the lady ’s servants showed interest in his pursuit with pleasure. "What else did she tell you?" The knight asked.

"She said I would find you and bring you back to the pond as soon as possible," said the oatmeal.

Sir Raymond nodded. The knight walked to the place where his horse grazed and stepped into the saddle. "Then let's go," he said. "Perhaps, we still have hope to eliminate this evil force before it is so powerful that it cannot be stopped."

When they reached the pond, Raymond didn't need an oat straw to remind him. The knight could feel the change in the air, the tingling sensation of magic flowing on his skin and stinging the hair on the back of his neck. For the first time since he brought his cousin's body back to Earl Robert's house, he felt a calmness for the first time.

Although the oat rod insisted that the illusion he encountered was not a goddess, Sir Raymond still stirred a tremor of expectation in his heart. Will this lady expose her true self in front of an ordinary farmer? No, she won't. It ’s an honor to see the lady, it ’s the highest honor that will only be given to the knights who are dedicated to defending the kingdom.

When they dismounted and led the horse to the pond, Raymond found that the feeling of calm was getting stronger and stronger. His fears had disappeared these days, and there were no more torments in his mind Doubt and guilt. He was no longer troubled by what he could do to prevent his uncle from coming up with such a mean conspiracy. He no longer thought hard about how one could stop this monster that could almost destroy Aquitaine. It is enough for him to stand here now, in front of this divine being.

The small pond is as clear and pure as described by the oat straw, without the destruction of reeds and sloughs. Gazing at the water surface of the pond is like gazing at a silver mirror. No natural water can have such purity. Sir Raymond felt his pulse quicken. He turned around and motioned for the oat stalks to go back and not to go forward. He hated that he should not share this experience with a mere ordinary farmer, a treacherous rat who helped Earl Robert to shame himself.

The oat straw kept his distance, holding the reins, and his owner walked to the pond.

Sir Raymond leaned over the water, staring down at his reflection. He immediately remembered the water of the tranquil lake, although he could not tell the exact reason. Maybe all the places touched by the lady's appearance have some similarities.

After a while, the memory of the tranquil lake surface pierced the knight's mind even more strongly. Then another reflection appeared there, in the water next to Raymond. This is an image of a beautiful young woman, wearing a gorgeous sapphire-colored dress, blonde hair coiled in a silver headband. Raymond was taken aback and realized that he recognized the woman. Although he had never seen her up close, he knew that he saw the image of the female prophet Aniston, who is the current guardian of the magic tower.

"Don't feel sorry for me not being the lady," the image in the water told Raymond, and the girl prophet guessed the knight's thoughts in the knight's head. "Her power flows on me, it's her magic that allows me to talk to you. I know your goal, and I have made it my own. Through me, you can also know that lady agrees with you pursue."

Raymond bowed his head in apology. "Forgive my boldness, the female prophet. I have no intention of offending one of the ladies' holy grail girl."

Aniston's shadow smiled kindly at the young knight. "You are not at fault," she assured him. "I should apologize for not contacting you soon. The time Aquitaine used to solve this monster is getting shorter and shorter, and I worry that this delay has cost us a heavy price."

"Duke Gaels did not believe my warning." Raymond said, "I told him that Duke Bloodhawk was back, but neither he nor his advisers believed it."

"They won't listen to you," Aniston said. "There is only one voice that they can listen to. You must ride to Lancaster Castle to warn the Lancastrian family of danger. Earl Robert evoked the power of the Duke of Blood Eagle and let it destroy the Du Lancaster family And the monster ’s intention was to obey this contract. The Lancaster family must be warned. When the Duke of Gaels heard the same story from a Toulouse and a Lancaster, he would believe it. "

Raymond shook his head. "I don't know if I can let people from the Lancaster family listen to me. The hatred in their hearts is as strong as my uncle's. If I ride to Lancasterburg, or even their estate, where I May only find death. "

Aniston's image nodded sadly. "To stop the Duke of Blood Eagle, both of your families must overcome your hatred. This is what I saw in the mirror of prophecy. Unless De Toulouse and Du Lancaster stand together, the monster will After completing its **** revenge, Aquitaine will become a land of living dead. "

"Then I will ride to Lancaster Castle." Raymond said. "Maybe I can let the Lancastrians listen to me before his servants hang me."

"Hurry up," Aniston urged. "The power of the Duke of Blood Eagle casts a shadow on my mirror. Only when it touches the fate of others, I can see the veins of his fate. Therefore, it is difficult for me to predict the action of that monster, I can only predict him. Intention. He will march into Lancaster Castle, but I ca n’t predict when and how to march. Even now, the Duke of Blood Eagle may be approaching Lancaster Castle. "

"I will ride a horse, just like being chased by the Duke of Blood Eagle." Raymond swears at the shadow in the pond ~ ~ I will try my best to find Lankai The Sisters warned them of danger. "

Aniston's reflection smiled at Raymond's oath. Slowly, the image began to fade, and the pond lost its mirror-like luster. The water was covered with weeds and scum again, and frogs and dragonflies were hovering on the shore. The sense of calm disappeared from Raymond-his chest was full of urgency and fear.

The knight turned around and rushed back to where the horse and the oat rod stood.

"Did you see her?" Asked the oatmeal, as he helped Sir Raymond get on the horse.

The knight nodded. "She said I must ride a horse to Lancaster Castle and warned the Lancaster family that they would be the first target of the Duke of Blood Eagle to vent his anger. I can only pray to this lady before ordering to execute me, People from their family can listen to me. "

The oatmeal shook his head and rode on his pony. Sir Raymond stared at the farmer in surprise.

"You don't have to accompany me," the knight said. "I probably rode to death."

The oatmeal looked at the knight on the horse, his face looking very serious. "It was because of me that Earl Robert went to the witch Giselle," he said, his voice filled with guilt. "If it were not for this, nothing would happen. I am just a farmer, but I have to compensate for everything I do. If this means that I will end my life on the noose, then I am willing to accept that I have to The price paid. "

"Maybe you will get what you want." Sir Raymond said, turning his horse's head and running towards the road, poking his ribs with spurs. It was far away from Lancaster's territory, and Aniston's warning still echoed in Raymond's ear. Now time has become the enemy.

If it is not too late.

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