The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 411: Raymond

"You haven't told me how you happened to follow this monster."

Sir Raymond has been afraid of the other party asking this question, and since Viscount Melson decided to join his team to eliminate the Duke of Blood Eagle, he has been afraid to answer this question. He leaned back on the saddle and crossed his hands on the saddle's front saddle bridge.

He stared at the long mane on the horseback that the Viscount Melson had decided on him, but what he saw was not the horse, but the uncle's body twitching in the tomb of the Duke of Blood Eagle. See the Duchess slaughtered in the courtyard of her house. Seeing the cruel treatment of Sir Lotel-Du Lancaster. He could not tell the elderly knight that he was riding the hunt for the Duke of Blood Eagle in order to make up for the crimes committed by Earl Robert, nor could he tell him that his uncle summoned the scary monster from the grave.

Sir Raymond turned around and looked back at the oat rods riding on horses, hoping he would remain silent. The peasant straddled the horse, the little girl's little arm around his waist, the huge warhorse followed, and it seemed that there was no need to worry that the oat straw would increase the anger of Viscount Melson and increase his pain. The farmer nodded his understanding. No matter what the Cavaliers say, the oatmeal will not refute him.

"After the monster killed Earl Robert, I followed him." Raymond said. He told a small part of the truth that he thought he could tell.

Viscount Melson nodded solemnly to express his understanding. "We are all looking for this monster so that we can take revenge on the dead." A burst of pain swept across his face. "I must thank you for saving my life in the cemetery." Viscount Melson flinched from his mouth as he listened to each word, and he winced. "It's too difficult for me to say good things to a De Toulouse."

"We are even," Raymond sighed. "Remember, you saved me from De Navarre. I will not ask Du Lancaster to accept my gratitude, but please do the same."

"We are even," Viscount Melson repeated, carefully pondering these words. He stared at Raymond with a bossy gaze. "You have to remember this. You don't owe me anything. Similarly, I don't owe you anything."

Slowly, Raymond let his right hand hang down from the saddle's front saddle bridge so that his sword could be easily reached. He watched the Viscount Melson carefully. After fighting the Baron de Naval, the noble still preferred to use his left arm. This is an advantage Raymond intends to remember.

"We agreed to set aside our grievances," Raymond said.

"Yes," Viscount Melson said to him. "But I have one more thing to say. I do n’t know how you think about Count Robert, but I want to say that compared to my love for Lotel, all your feelings will be overshadowed. When we find that He was mine when he was a monster. "

When Raymond met the harsh eyes of Viscount Melson, Raymond did not flinch. "A De Toulouse has the same right to honor as a Du Lancaster," he said, his voice cold and firm. "If my opportunity comes, I will not stand behind anyone."

Viscount Melson took the reins and stopped the horse in the middle of the dirt road they had been walking on. "I want to avenge Sir Lothar!"

"I want to redeem my reputation." The young knight retorted. Dangerous and tense atmosphere filled the air. Raymond's hand held the hilt of his sword. Viscount Melson clumsily took his own weapon with his left hand.

The oat rod urged his pony to run forward, trying to sandwich himself before the two knights fought. "Adults, don't you think we should catch that monster first?" The farmer asked with a pretentious look.

"We just need to follow the vultures," Viscount Melson replied, nodding as he faced the carrion birds circling in the distance. The elderly knight grabbed his reins tightly and threw the scabbard on the ground. "Wait and see, it will take a while, Sir Raymond," he said to the other knight. "But it won't wait too long."

Raymond felt the threat of the words of Viscount Melson. Under the provocation of the nobleman, the fire of hatred between the two of them ignited again. He knew that what made Viscount Melson so stubborn was not just arrogance, but the growing anger in his heart. It was precisely because he swore to Viscount Melson that he had not drawn his sword. His uncle's behavior has had a great impact on his reputation, and he no longer needs to be insulted.

"Like you said, Viscount Melson." Raymond said, "wait and see." The young knight put his hand back on the saddle. He stood on his stirrups with his feet, propped up his body, and used the extra height to peer into the thick hedges on both sides of the road. They entered a small mixed forest area, and the rolling fields were separated by winding ridges and sunken paths, flanked by thick hedges that acted as living hedges.

The countryside in the mixed forest area slows down the knights' journey. The path winds through the field like a snake, first around a road, then around another road. But Raymond thought he was lucky, at least it didn't rain, because during the rainy season, farmers here would transform the sinking road into a gutter. Raymond believes that the worse case is that they have to go through muddy swamps and agricultural runoff.

It has become easy to track the army of the Duke of Blood Eagle. As Viscount Merson said, just follow the vulture. The monster's army left a lot of ruins along the way. They burned the village and the manor, leaving no living soul. In some villages, the evil of the Duke of Blood Eagle is particularly obvious. The whole village is nailed to wooden stakes or lynched and hung on trees.

In other scenes, the monster's army showed amazing restraint, which can almost be called a delicate contact. The porridge was still steaming on the swaying embers, there were still bottles of mead in the tavern, and bundles of wheat piled outside the mill. Sir Raymond wondered whether the people in these villages had received the advance warning of the Duke of Blood Eagle, ran away in front of his army, and hid in the wilderness until they deemed it safe to return.

In Sir Raymond's view, the monster's progress was neither regular nor rational. First, the monster headed south and ransacked the graveyard. Then the army suddenly turned north. Raymond didn't know why this sudden change happened, but what is certain is that their march now seems a bit rushed. As the undead continued to plunder the village, they no longer stopped to plunder the cemetery. For a while, the Cavaliers pinned the cause of this change on the army of the Duke of Gales who was chasing the monster's army; however, if any force was chasing the monster, it did not leave any trace of its existence.

When he looked out of the hedge, a disturbing thought appeared ~ ~ Maybe the Duke of Blood Eagle was not pursued. Perhaps the reason the monster was so hurried is what he was after. The knight turned his eyes to the north, and a group of crows hovered over the ruins of the smoking farm. When he got there, he recognized the farm, which was actually all the surrounding terrain. This road leads to the serene lake and the magic tower. He rode along this road many times to find the tranquility of the lake.

Female Prophet Aniston! Raymond will curse herself for not thinking about it before!

"Maybe we don't need to play hare and hound games with that monster anymore," Raymond told Viscount Melson. Seeing the doubts on the face of the elderly nobleman, he smiled. The young knight pointed his finger northeast with his armored gloves and crossed the burning farm.

"If we go in this direction, we will see the magic tower and the female prophet Aniston. Her magic is great. I saw it with my own eyes. If we ask her, she can use her power to bring us to the blood Go to Duke Eagle. "

"But will she help us?" Viscount Melson frowned. "She is the lady's servant. What does she have to do with the man's affairs?"

"The female prophet Aniston once helped me once," Raymond said. "I think she will help me again. The Duke of Blood Eagle came not only to the lords of Aquitaine, but to the whole of Burtania. It ’s a threat. I do n’t think the lady will hand over her people to such an evil scourge. ”The knight watched the crow hovering over the farm. "Yes, Aniston will help us," he said firmly. "She knew the threat posed by the Duke of Blood Eagle."

Viscount Melson nodded and agreed. "So, let's ask for the wisdom of the female prophet. My sword can't wait to taste the monster's heart."

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