The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 545: Journey

"After a terrible war and nightmarish drifting at sea, my partner and I fled south, and there was no more definite path than this, not blind choice. We tried to take any means of transport: carriage , Agricultural carts, carriages, when everything does n’t work, we rely on our own feet. "

"That time was difficult for me, full of worry and fear. At every turn, we seemed to be in danger of being arrested, imprisoned, or executed. I saw the sheriff in every tavern, in A bounty killer was seen behind every bush. If the oath-bearer suspected that this might not be the case, he would never bother to tell me the news. "

"For a person like me who knows nothing about the real situation of the legal system on this land, the law enforcement agencies of this country are likely to arrest the three fugitives like us. At that time, I was completely I do n’t know how weak and arbitrary the rule of law is here. It ’s a shame that the sheriffs and bounty killers who lived in my imagination did n’t actually exist. ”

——From "Bai En Diary", Volume Five

The rain was still falling, and the drizzle condensed into cold dew, which was bound to the branches, leaves, and pine needles, and after forming large drops of water, passed through Bain's wet clothes and dripped into his cold skin.

"Damn the weather, and these **** ghouls." The dwarf chopped a ghoul that was rushing towards him to the ground, and then lifted his ax to his head.

"So how did you escape?" Bai En asked the dwarf named Guerrogan after chopping down the last ghoul with a "spirit".

"My captain thinks that the battle line collapsed. It's not worth the death to follow the group of Yankees. It's going to kill you as soon as you die." The dwarf grabbed a fallen leaf from the ground and began to wipe the blood on the axe. "Then we charged east, and a lot of people joined us. Maybe we were lucky, not many people were willing to stop a group of dwarves who looked crazy at that time."

"So you ran out of the battlefield?" Bai En withdrew his long sword, which had not been stained with blood, into the scabbard.

"Yes, we didn't expect to be able to run out alive, but the group of guys didn't seem to intend to let us go. A cavalry chased us all the time. We ran into the forest and ran out again. Repeated several times." Gray Rogan Sitting on the dead ghoul, he took out a kettle and took a sip of water to explain.

"So you've become an oathbreaker?" Bai En asked looking at the dwarf.

"Yes, there are seven people together. The last few of us who survived had a discussion. It would be better to go apart, one in each of the eight directions. I got the worst." The dwarf complained.

"Is the worst to the east?" Morris asked suspiciously.

"Not east, but northeast." The dwarf sighed. "People who return to the battlefield are the luckiest and will soon be able to fulfill the oath."

"So you keep going in this direction all by yourself?" Morris continued to ask.

"No, it didn't take long for me to go to the beach, and then I had to go along the coast." The dwarf shook his head. "I hardly encountered anything worth fighting. I have cut three in the past few months A ghoul. The last ghoul was met a few months ago. And when I meet you, I will soon make up the amount I have owed in the past few months. "

"To be honest, I really don't know if you should be lucky or unlucky." Bai En's encounter with the dwarf was simply beyond description. In the enemy's territory, three monsters have been met for so long, but no enemy has been met at all. The dwarf's vow is to kill the enemy with his companions and then die. Because in the end he survived and became an oath lover. I have to say some irony.

"Why didn't you recognize us then?" Morris asked curiously.

"Is it the night before?" The dwarf pulled out his pipe and found that even if the rain was not heavy, it could not be ignited, so he shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​taking a sip. "You humans are all the same, and it was good that I didn't cut you two down as zombies."

Hearing this, Brian and Morris looked at each other and smiled helplessly. Their experience makes both of them now terrible and ossified. Although it is not as skinny as it is, it is really no different from those zombies.

Bai En shook his head. He could tell that one of his companions was lying. Bai En did not intend to believe the dwarf's words. He understood that the dwarf valued promises and vows, but he also knew that the dwarves would also lie. The reason why oath takers are scarce and not known to outsiders is because their mouths are strict enough. Asking the reason so easily, Bai En is hard to believe because of the simplicity of the dwarf in front of him.

But even if this new companion is not honest, from the perspective of the secret surveillance of Bai En during the dwarf vigil, it can be somewhat trusted. Moreover, Bai En has many other things to worry about. What's more, if people can have a little more, they are more likely to cross the mountains alive.

As the sun sets, the forest shrouded in mist appears ruddy. The long shadow danced strangely, reminding Bai En of too many terrible stories found under the canopy. Bai En wiped his nose with the edge of the cloak, and then tightened his robe. He smelled it, looked at the sky, and could already see the moon. The moon seemed to emit a faint green light. This is not a good sign.

"I think I'm going to have a fever," Morris said, touching his forehead.

"I think we are going to continue, and before the dark we have to make a fire," Bai En said.

The dwarf looked up at him and smiled contemptuously. In the afterglow of the sunset, his axe blade became a **** arc. "Your race is too weak."

"Perhaps." Bai En has long been accustomed to the ridicule of other races for humans, even if humans drove them into the ocean, forests and mountains. UU reading they will not forget to mock human vulnerability at any time.

Walking down the path in the forest, wearing this grove, the three found a roadside hotel. The windows are closed and there is no light. Bane hesitated, but Morris said that he had a fever so he began to think about whether he should give up the idea of ​​continuing to spend the night in the forest.

"Let's find a bed at night," Morris suggested. He looked at the moon alertly. The morbid green light is stronger. "I don't like staying outside in this evil light."

Morris's suggestion helped Baine make a decision. When they walked towards the hotel, they could hear the horse hissing in the stable, but when they went to check, they found there was no carriage, whether As night fell, there were only a few frightened ponies and a small cart.

"You are weak, human. I guess it's stingy too," the dwarf complained suddenly.

"I guess they will have ale." Bai En replied lightly.

"On the other hand, some of your suggestions are not unreasonable. Of course, human ale is always too light and tasteless," the dwarf added.

"Of course," Bai En nodded. Guerrerogan didn't notice the irony in his voice.

The hotel was not fortified, but the walls were thick. They tried the door and found that the door was closed and the door was bolted. Guerrerogan began to pound it with his axe handle. no respond.

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