The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 559: New work

"I believe I found the inspiration for the new drama," Friedrich von Helder said enthusiastically. "The delightful story the hunter told last night will be the core of the story."

Timaire-Kou looked at him suspiciously. They walked along the west side of the caravan, standing between the caravan and the ominous barren mountains.

"This may not be a simple hunter's story, Friedrich. Many ancient legends have some truth."

"It's good! That's right! Who can know this better than me? I think I should call this play" The Walking Dead ". Think about it: a silver ring jingles on thin, bony fingers, The sheepskin-like skin of the restless deceased shone in the light of witchcraft. Imagine a king who was lying in his own territory, unaffected by worms, and he got up every year looking for blood to prolong him Dark rule. "

Looking at this eerie highland, Timal-Kou felt that such a thing was simply too easy to imagine. Of the four hundred who followed Baron von Herder, only three dared to enter the mountain. During the day, Dr. House and Mrs. Theodora searched for herbs among the mossy boulders on the gravel-covered hillside. Sometimes, if they come back late, sometimes they meet Grerogan. This dwarf oath-dweller sneaked up the mountainside at night, seemingly waiting to try to challenge his dark power to approach him.

"Think about it." Friedrich whispered as he told about the conspiracy. "Imagine you are lying in bed and hearing the footsteps of approaching, there is nothing but your own breathing ... you can lie there and listen to your heartbeat, knowing that the person approaching is not in your chest Heartbeat "

"Yes," Timel-Kou said hastily. "I believe this will be an excellent work. You must let me finish reading it."

He decided to change the topic and wanted to find a topic attractive to this strange young man. "I want to write a poem by myself. Can you tell me more about the spell of von Herder?"

The expression on Frederick's face froze. His glittering eyes shivered Timmel-Kou, and then Frederick shook his head, smiled, and returned to his original amiable look.

"Nothing to say. He smiled lightly." My grandfather is a very devout person. Always burn witches, aberrations or deformities to prove this. He burned a beautiful girl named Elizabeth Olsen, a maid in the castle. All his subjects came to see her because she was a beauty. When the flames rose around her, she called on the power of **** to avenge her, to bring death to my grandfather, and chaotic anger to his heirs, followers, and all their children. Darkness and its children will take away all of you, she said. "

He was silent, looking at the mountains sadly. Timal-Kou urged him. "What happened?"

"Shortly thereafter, my grandfather was killed by a group of beasts when he went out to hunt. His sons had a quarrel. The eldest son Aaron was the heir. My father and his brother rebelled and ousted him. The robber was killed by a deformed body. Others claimed that he went north and suffered a darker fate. "

"My father inherited the baronial title and married my mother, Serkerina von Neumannstein."

Timel-Kou stared at him. The Vinoy Emanstein family is a notorious family, evaded by normal aristocracy. Friedrich ignored his gaze.

"Uncle Gottfried became their war leader. My mother died when I was born and my father also disappeared. Gottfried began to take power. Since then, we have been unlucky."

Timmel-Kou could see a figure walking downhill. That's Mrs. Theodora. She seemed worried. "It's gone? Timal-Kou asked distractedly.

"Ah, it disappeared. I didn't know what happened to him until a long time ago."

Lady Theodora approached, glaring at Frederick. "Bad news," she said. "I found a hole in the hillside. It was blocked by runes, but I felt a terrible danger behind it."

Every word in her tone makes people have an irresistible belief. She bypassed the two and entered the camp. Friedrich glared at her back.

Timaire-Kou glanced at him. "There is no relationship between you, right?"

"In fact, she hates me and has hated me since my uncle appointed me as heir. She thinks her son should be the next baron."

Timmel-Kou raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, yes, don't you know?" Friedrich explained in a sudden realization. "Diesel is her son. He is my father's illegitimate child."

Moonlight splashed on the water of the river. It shines like silver. Here, ancient knotty trees hang on the banks of the river, reminding Timal-Kou of the dwarf waiting in the treasure in the story of the dwarf. He looked around nervously. He concluded that there was something in the air tonight; a sense of tension, a feeling that something was wrong. He had to work hard to control a feeling that something evil was going on and off somewhere, longing for his own life, longing for the life of all the followers of Baron Gottfried.

"What's the matter, Tim Meier? You look very upset tonight," Kirston said.

He glanced at her and smiled slightly, feeling very happy in front of her. Usually he likes them to walk by the river at night, but tonight they have an ominous hunch.

"No. Just a little tired." He couldn't help glancing at the nearby hill. Through the moonlight, the hole looks like an open mouth.

"This is the place, isn't it? It seems a bit unnatural. I can feel it. It's like Mrs. Theodora cast a dangerous spell. The hair on the back of my neck hurts. It's just worse this time."

Timer-Kou saw the expression of fear on her face, and then disappeared again. She looked towards the water. "Timar, there is an ancient and evil thing under those mountains. What is hungry. We might die here."

Timmel-Kou held her hand. "We are safe. We are still by the river." His voice trembled, which made his words sound less reassuring. He sounded like a terrified boy. They are all shaking.

"Everyone in the camp is afraid, except your friends. Why are they so fearless?"

Timmel-Kou smiled calmly. "Grey Logan is an oath-slayer, vowing to use death to atone for his sins. Only by dying gloriously can he regain honour. As for Mr. Bai En ... he is an exile, and Mr. Morris ... Friends. They have no place here. They are all brave because they have nothing to lose. "

"Why are you following him? You seem to be a reasonable person." Kirston asked.

Timer-Kou carefully considered his answer. He has never really doubted his motives so seriously. Under the gaze of Kirsten's dark eyes, he suddenly understood an important thing.

"My master asked me to find Mr. Bai En. After that, we tried to meet my master. But I met you. I didn't know what it meant, but I persevered."

He gave the most basic facts, in a sense, but gave no explanation. He paused, stroking the old scar on his right cheek. He wanted to be honest.

"I killed a person in a duel. It caused a scandal. I had to give up my student career, my father deprived me of inheritance. I was angry and broke the law. When I met my master's At that time, I did n’t have a goal, just follow the crowd. But my master is so powerful, I can only follow him. Following him is easier than starting a new life. His profound knowledge attracted me. I hope to finish him and hand it to me Mission, so that he can identify with me. "

She looked at him puzzledly. "Isn't it now?"

He shook his head. "What about you? What made you come here?"

They approached a fallen tree. Tim Meier Cole helped Kirsten to the tree trunk, and then sat down beside her. She smoothed her farmer's skirt and stuffed a lock of hair behind one ear. Tim Meier-Kou thought she looked cute under the shine of the two months, perhaps because the fog began to rise.

"My parents are vassals of Baron Gottfried. They are serfs on the territory. They signed me and Mrs. Theodora. They died together with my sisters in an avalanche."

"I'm sorry," Timel-Kou said. "I don't know about it."

She shrugged as if destined. "There are too many deaths along the way. I am happy to be here alive."

She was silent for a long time, and when she spoke again, her voice was very soft. "I miss them."

Timer-Kou has nothing to say ~ ~ had to keep silent.

"You know, my grandmother has never been a mile away from Lord Baron's territory in her life. She hasn't even seen the interior of the desolate old castle. All she knows is her hut and her working field .. I have seen the mountains, the town, and the river. I went further than she thought. To some extent, I am very happy. "

Timaire-Kou looked at her. On the hazy outline of her cheek, he saw a teardrop gleaming. Their faces are very close. Behind her, mists of mist floated on the river. It thickened quickly. He could hardly see the water. Kirsten moved closer to him.

"If I don't come here, I won't meet you." Kirston said softly.

Timmel-Kou leaned his head towards Kirsten, and then they kissed, unskilledly, tentatively. Lips barely touched. Timel-Kou leaned forward, holding her long hair in both hands. They were snuggling with each other, holding each other greedily and kissing deeper. Their hands began to walk around excitedly, exploring each other's body through thick clothes.

Timaire-Kou leaned too far. Kirsten screamed slightly as they fell from the tree trunk onto the soft and damp soil.

"My cloak is full of mud." Timel-Kou said after supporting his body with his arms.

"Maybe you'd better take it down. We can lie on it. The ground is all wet." Kirston said softly.

Under the shadow of the legendary death mountain, they combined together in the mist and moonlight.

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