The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 562: ruins

The rain poured down from the gray sky. The carriage rammed south. Beside the convoy, the river surged towards their goal. Rivers rising due to rain continue to threaten the breakwater. Timmel Kou pulls the reins, which makes the bull speed up and redouble his efforts to walk on the muddy ground.

Next to him, Kirston sneezed. Like almost everyone else, she was pale and ugly. The fatigue of long-distance travel and the deteriorating weather have made them sick.

No town here will accept them. The heavily armed mountain people threatened to fight unless they moved to uninhabited land. This road has become very long. They seem to ride horses forever and never rest. Even if it was known that someone in the convoy had rescued the undead on the mountain, the news was no longer worrying. When no criminals were found, it had faded into cold doubt.

Bai En sat bored in the supply car. Although he could also ride a horse, that night's attack made many horses empty. However, his mood is not very good, the main reason is that when he entered the cave on the second night, trying to find books or some records left by the wizard hundreds of years ago, he met Grerogan and the dwarf seemed to interrupt the search. Is there anything worth fighting in?

The goals of the two are different, and after a glance at each other in a tacit understanding, they continue their actions. However, the results of the two actions were the same, in vain and nothing. The only record that can be found in it is some vague words on the stone. Bai En can't even recognize the language. The only thing that could become a book was a thick spellbook made of human skin. It was placed on a stone with a corpse holding a rough wooden staff.

But after hundreds of years of corrosion, the book became a thick piece of brown-black material, like a two-inch thick skin, all glued together, and could not be read at all.

The dwarf seemed worse, he cleaned up the remaining skeletons, but that was it, and there were no other admirable opponents.

Timel-Kou looked at Bai An, who was bored with guilt, and Bai En just leaned on the edge of the supply car and looked up at the sky.

Tim Meier-Kou turned his head to look at the dwarf again, expecting that Kirston's sneeze would make the dwarf rudely comment on human weaknesses as usual, but the oath taker remained silent, carrying a A firm will, even if not common to him, gazed at the mountains on the edge of the line of sight.

Timel-Kou wants to know when he will have the courage to tell White and his companions that he will not continue to be with them, he will settle down with Kirston. He was worried about how Bai Yan would react. At the same time, he also worried about Gray Rogan, would the dwarf simply treat it as another example of human infidelity, or would he become violent?

Timmel-Kou felt pain. Bai En is the person his master asked him to look for, and he can't complete the task of the master now. He also liked the dwarf very much, although he was in a bad mood and spoke sharply. He was upset when he thought he would give up his tasks and betray them. But he loves Kirston, and he feels pain when he thinks of leaving her. Perhaps Bai En and the dwarves are aware of this, which is why they are silent. Timel-Kou reached out and held the girl's hand tightly.

"What are you looking at, Mr. White?" Kirsten asked White.

"It's nothing." Bai En looked back, looked at Kirston, and then moved to the hands of the two clenched, a false smile appeared on his face.

"So what about you? Mr. Gray Logan?" Kirston was not harassing Bane, but turned to the dwarf and asked.

The dwarf did not look back at her, but continued to stare at the mountains eagerly. At first, the oath-bearer seemed unwilling to answer, but in the end he pointed to the outline of a misty mountain furthest away.

"Kezala-Kekwa," he said. "Shifengbao. My home." His voice was softer than any of Timmel-Kou's hearing, and his deep desire was heartbreaking.

"That's the Abasak Mountain Range, and the Golden Shield Dwarf is said to have migrated from there to Ruen." Bai En said. "But are you not a southern dwarf?"

Grey Rogan did not answer, but continued to stare at the mountain.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Gray Logan." Kirston said softly. "You will find your home again. Just like us." She finished looking at Timel-Kou, and Timel-Kou returned the same gentle look.

Grey Rogan turned around and looked at them, with a silent, cruel and painful expression on his face, so that Timal-Kou had to look away. The dwarf's hair was squashed by the rain, and his face was cold and tired. Kirston went over and adjusted the cloak on the dwarf's shoulder, just like she did for a lost child.

Timel-Kou tried to glare at her, but he couldn't help but smiled sadly, showing his teeth. Tim Meier-Kou did not know if the dwarf ran away to look at the mountain. He noticed a drop of water hanging on the tip of the oath. It may be a teardrop, or it may just be a rain.

They continued south.

"We can't leave them yet," Timel-Kou said, cursing himself as a coward. These people are very skillful, he can't just let them leave.

Grey Rogan turned around and looked at the crumbling, heavily guarded fortress they had found. He could see the thick smoke billowing from the chimney of the recently cleaned building.

"Why not, humans? They have found clean land, arable land, and the ruins of the old castle. With a little effort and more work, they will soon be able to stand here "" Guerrero asked suspiciously.

"You said that the lake only takes 14 days to ride, but we have followed this team for a month in the mountains. Even if the team is much slower than riding alone." Bai En said lightly Said. "I have endured your love for a long time."

Timmel-Kou desperately wants to find a reason. To his surprise, the moment he had to tell Bai En about their differences, he was so hard to delay. Bai En They looked at him with disapproval and reminded him of his harsh father. He also felt the need to make an excuse, for which he hated himself.

"Gentlemen, we are only one hundred miles from where the river enters Margarita. Margarita and a large group of knights go further."

"I know, human beings. We must pass there on the way to Margarita." Grerogan said.

"In fact, I'm afraid we have to return part of the journey," Bai En explained. "I guess Mr. Kou's master must not be in the south of where we are now."

tell him. Tell them now, Timal-Kou said to himself. But he couldn't do it.

"We can't go now. You've seen the corpses we found in the castle. The bones broke to get the bone marrow. There are traces of burns on the walls. Diesel found traces of the Goblin Wolf Cavalry nearby. This place It is untenable. But with your help, with the help of a dwarf, it can become a fortress. "

Bai En smiled. "I don't know why you think so."

"Because the dwarves are good at using stones and building fortifications. Everyone knows." Tim Meier-Kou explained. "And you, you and Morris are mage. A fortress with a mage will not be easily broken ~ ~ I'm afraid your understanding of the dwarves is a bit biased," Bai En shook his head, "Not All dwarves like stone and building fortresses, and not all dwarves are architects. And for a mage, at least a mage like us, your cognition may be even more biased. "

Grey Logan looked back thoughtfully at the ruins of the fortress. He seems to recall his previous life. He frowned, leaning his forehead against the handle of the axe.

"I don't know," he finally said, "Even a dwarf can make this place stand. This is a typical human craft, it is substandard and very crude."

"It can become safe. You know, Mr. Gray Logan." Tim Meier-Kou seemed to see hope.

"Maybe. I haven't worked with stone for a long time, human." The dwarf shook his head and said.

"The dwarves will never forget these things. I believe the baron will give generously for your service." Tim Meier-Kou seized the opportunity and said.

Grey Rogan sniffed his nose suspiciously. "I don't trust him."

"If you need money that way, I can pay you even more than the generous baron." Bai En took off the purse from his body and shook it, and the gold coins inside made a crisp collision.

"Humph, I won't ask for your money." Grerogan said dissatisfiedly. "The baron had better pay more than the mercenaries."

Timmel-Kou grinned. "Come on. Let's find out."

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