The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 580: conflict

Guerrerogan cut into the chest of his enemy. The giant axe hit Goblin's chest, and the Goblin exploded from the inside out. The Templar knight who became the "cruel blade" launched a charge within the area swept by the ogre's huge ball of destruction and pierced the ogre's stomach. Bai En saw his sword sticking out of the ogre's back. Some Goblins flew past Bane and rushed to their rival, the dwarf. Just beyond the reach of this struggle, Morris's staff blasted flames at the top, flying towards the enemy like a fire crow. Oberon-Ravenhart took out a scroll and recited the spell. A fireball appeared in his left hand. The black-skinned rats are sloshing around. The little bat danced its wings and swooped down excitedly.

Bai En strives to maintain balance. His eyes turned to Rubes Hagrid on the stairs, and he bravely repelled many heavily armed enemies. He had killed several enemies, but more enemies came in behind another flag bearer.

When a stick hit Hagrid's shoulder, he felt a sharp pain. The twinkling silver star filled his vision. He fell face down on the ground and released his sword. Standing above him, the Goblin raised his stick with a triumphant look on his face. Quickly moving, damn, Hagrid was talking to his limbs in protest, while watching the whistling stick. It was like a fallen trunk, moving slowly and painfully, until his tempered senses also felt fear.

At the last moment, Hagrid rolled to the side and the stick hit the rock with a bang. Hagrid kicked the enemy with one foot and kicked Goblin out. Hagrid groped his sword in despair, and when his fingers held the hilt, he felt relieved.

He dived forward and pierced Goblin before he got up. That **** thing is dead. However, when he turned around, the other Goblins were already around. As he prepared to fight again with the belief of death, he heard the cry of Bai En.

"Get down!" Bai En shouted after casting his spell, holding a Goblin body in his hand.

Hagrid didn't think much. He did it according to Brian's request. He rushed to the ground, even ignoring the goblins who could attack him immediately.

What he saw after he fell to the ground was that Bai En threw the Goblin's body from below. The body passed his back and fell in the middle of the Goblin around him. Then Hagrid saw Bai En chanting a word, and then heard a bang, and then there was the sound of something flying by.

Something hit the ground not far from him, making a crackling sound, and he saw that it was a sharp bone, which shattered when it hit the stone. When he turned his head to look at the group of enemies coming up, the group of Goblin had almost all fallen down, and he had holes that were constantly bleeding.

Hagrid climbed up in disbelief. Even though he was a little shocked, he quickly repaired the Goblins who were not dead. But he had not killed all the enemies, the enemies that followed came up again, and he again waved his sword in despair.

Suddenly, a huge flash of light almost blinded Hagrid. He stumbled back, covering his eyes, and there was a sea of ​​fire in front of him. Hot air washed his face. There is a smell of sulfur in the air. I'm dead, dead, in hell, he thought. Then his mind was full of understanding. Oberon-Ravenhart released his fireball.

He looked around. Grerogan and Gal Kepler opened the way between the low morale of Goblin. Behind them were Brian and Morris. When Ravenhart ran past him, he grabbed Hagrid's arm.

"Come on!" He said loudly. "We must leave when they are confused."

They ran down the long corridor. Behind them came the voice of constant conflict.

"What happened?" Hagrid said loudly.

"Different orc tribes." Guerrerogen chuckled. "If they are lucky, they will not hesitate to cut each other's throat when fighting for who can eat us."

"Counting on the other party is not a good choice." Bai En said.

"Do you have any better ideas, humans?" The dwarf asked.

"We set a trap in front." Bai En explained. "Me, Morris, and Master Ravenhardt can quickly complete a trap, even if they can't blow up the tunnel, at least they can stop them for a while."

"Very well, the three of us can be responsible for guarding." Gar Kepler agreed first.

The dwarf looked at Bai En and nodded in agreement.

Bai En stared at the deep hole below, like an abyss here. Something like a star flashes in its depth. Let Bai En shudder.

Gal Kepler and Grerogan looked back at the corridor. Rubes-Hegrid walked quietly to the corroded metal bridge. Mage Ravenhart leaned against a dripping cast iron gargoyle, panting. Morris leaned against the wall, supporting himself with his staff.

They got rid of their enemies, at least Bai En guessed that. The opponent's battle time is much shorter than the dwarf expected, but the three mages have set traps. There are even the second and third. The three traps have earned them a lot of time, which is why they can escape.

"I'm afraid I'm not fit for this adventurous life," Raven Hart said breathlessly. "My studies did not prepare me for all these heavy sports."

Morris smiled. The mage reminded him of the old professors when he was still in the Academy of Magic. The only contradiction between them is how to correctly interpret the essence of magic. He found that he had despised the old men so much, and was surprised and ashamed. He once had an ambition to be someone like them. Has the adventurous life changed him so much? No, Morris rejected this idea. The academy was just cheating on his father ’s money and did not make him a mage. What makes him a true mage is his master. Although the means ... the thought of the experience at that time still made him tremble involuntarily.

Bane watched the mage Ravenhart curiously and looked at the dripping statue ~ ~ Brian's idea was different from Morris, but he changed his initial view of the mage. He just looks like those old-schoolers. But none of those people survived the road to Shifengbao.

In fact, Revinhardt's magical attainment is so skillful, which fully demonstrates the man's determination and wisdom. The experience at the Black Tower let Baine know that magic is not a suitable skill for the weak and the cowards. It has its own hidden dangers.

Only the most determined person can truly show the art of magic. There is no doubt that Raven Hart is definitely one of them. Curiosity overwhelms Bai En. He suddenly wanted to ask how Ravenhart had a relationship with the Templars.

"I think we must get rid of Goblin." Gal Kepler shouted to several people, he and Grerogan were exhausted, and several times they were responsible for blocking the crowd , The two walked awkwardly towards the others, and it was obvious that their physical strength had long been exhausted, relying solely on their will to support them.

The question that Bai En was about to ask Raven Hart disappeared in his mouth.

When they crossed the bridge, Bai En felt that he would never have the opportunity to ask them again.

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