The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 587: fighting

Now that they are close together, Bai En can distinguish individual members of this group. The leader is a very fat giant, and is not a real giant on the island of Tallinn, but at least ten feet tall, with a dagger on his bulging belly. He was so fat that his body looked like dough. With each heavy footstep, the undulating meat folds swing up and down. Bai En was surprised to find that in his terrible footsteps, the earth did not shake. The chief's childish grin reveals multiple layers of chin and as many lost teeth as there are layers of chin. He held out a chubby hand, waving a huge stone mace.

Ran ahead was a slender guy taller than Bai En. Its ears were bitten by viciousness in a quarrel between each other. A slender hair was pulled down like a rotten lichen from the top of its narrow, almost shaved skull. It raised the rusty machete high above the pointed head and shouted to challenge it. Bai En can see that his mouth has fangs like a wolf.

A giant with an elk's head stopped and raised a huge angle to his mouth. A thunderous explosion rang through the ground, and then the mutant made the horn swing again from the chain hanging on its neck, and continued to rush forward, with the antlers facing down.

Behind them was a group of ragged, somber followers. Everyone has some signs of distortion. Many people have sores. Some have wolf, goat or ram faces. Some have claws, tentacles, or huge bones instead of hands. A head sticks out from the belly, and the neck is just a stump. There was a bulge on the other back, with a large mouth of sparkling saliva. The mutants wielded a variety of rough weapons; spears, sticks, and notched scimitars were all picked up from the forgotten battlefield. Bai En estimates that the number of attackers is more than ten and less than twenty. Even though he knew the awesome physical strength of the dwarf, he still didn't like to face so many enemies.

Bien silently cursed. They almost walked from Shifeng Fort to the lowlands of the southernmost province of the Marnus Empire. The night before, Bai En saw the lights of a town from the mountain pass. That night, he had been looking forward to a warm bed and a cold beer. Now, fear flows through his veins like ice water; he must fight for life again. He involuntarily gave a small sigh.

"Ready, human. It's time to bleed them." He spit on the rock at his feet, and then used his left hand to fiddle with the thick thick hair on his tattooed skull. The pendant hanging on his belt clanged because of a collision; this contrasted strangely with his crazy laugh.

Bai En sighed fate again, put the faded cloak on the wide right shoulder, freed the arm holding the sword to prepare for the battle, and then pulled out the long sword from the scabbard behind. The white symbol shines along the sword. He is now accustomed to using ‘spirit’. Although he ca n’t cast spells, many battles have at least familiarized him with the sword itself. But the sword found in the underground world of the Dwarf Empire has not yet been able to understand what special abilities it has. Therefore, most of him just carried the sword behind his back.

This group of mutations is very close to him, he can hear the sound of their feet without shoes tapping the ground, and the individual harsh words in their larynx. He could see the pale green veins in his yellow eyes and count the nails on the edge of the shield. He stood up reluctantly from behind the bunker, ready to fight.

At this moment, he glanced at Guerrerogan and was horrified to see a stone shot by a slingshot hit the dwarf's huge skull. He heard a crackling sound and saw the dwarf's body sway. Bai En's heart was full of fear; if the dwarf fell, he knew he had no chance to survive in front of this group of attackers, especially when he couldn't cast a spell.

Grey Rogan seemed to be dizzy, but remained upright, and then reached out to touch the wound left by the stone bullet. When he saw the blood on his fingertips, there was a trace of surprise on his face. In an instant, his expression turned into terrible anger. The oath givers made a huge roar and rushed towards the clucking mutants.

His fierce attack caught them off guard. When the axe-shaker's axe roared past him, the fat leader barely avoided. His agility surprised Bai En. With a terrible crunch, the axe split the thin forward's chest and then cut off the second attacker's head.

The sharp axe cut through the leather shield and cut off the attached tentacles.

Didn't give them time to recover, and Grerogan wreaked havoc among them like a fatal whirlwind. The fat leader whispered orders to his men while running quickly to the place where the deadly axe could not reach. The aberrations began to surround the dwarves, but the great characters depicted on Grerogan's battle axe blocked them.

At this time, Bai En also entered the battle. He held ‘Feng Soul’ in one hand, and the long sword felt as light as a wicker in his hand. The other hand held the magic musket. This reminded him of what Ye Xiao had told him when he was in Fatalin. The master of swordsmanship told Ye Xiao to let him hold a sword and a musket. It now appears that the master is quite visionary.

When he cut a distorted skull from behind, ‘Feng Soul’ was almost singing. The silver letters on the sword flickered as he cut the monster's head, making it as easy as cutting a piece of beef with a butcher's meat cleaver. The deformed brain was messed up. When the brains splashed on his face, Bai En made a grimace. He forced himself to ignore his disgust and continued to attack another deformed body. When he inserted his sword under the mottled chest and pierced the beast's decaying heart, a tremor crawled over his arm.

He saw the deformed eyes wide open for fear and pain. With a fearful expression on its wart-faced face, it whimpered, as if praying, or cursing the dark **** who made him die.

Bai En's hand is now wet and sticky by the brain fluid, blood and monster's body fluid. He adjusted the position of holding the sword to prevent the sword from slipping from his hand when he was attacked from both sides at the same time. He avoided the swing of a pointed mace, and then swiped to the right. His blade cut a barrel-shaped deformed cheek and cut off the lace under his leather hat. The helmet slides forward to the creature's face, covering its eyes and temporarily covering its sight. Bai En kicked his toe with his heavy leather boots, and it bent over and stupidly stretched out his neck, and was cut off.

Just as Bai En withdrew his sword, he suffered a sharp pain in his shoulder and a mace hit him. He roared and turned around, maddened by the pain. The abominable guy saw the expression on his face, so terrified that his heart stopped. It raised its weapon, which may be a gesture of surrender. Bai En shook his head and cut off the monster's wrist. Blood splashed all over him. The deformed body screamed, twisted, grabbing the stump, trying to stop the blood flow.

Bai En backhand pierced the second distortion in sight, pierced it easily, and then let the sword stay in his body, and even took it to swing the sword to another enemy, UU reading www. In the movement of the sword, the pierced enemy collided with another enemy. After the two contacted, they were cut into two pieces by the long sword together.

Now everything seems to happen in slow motion. Bane turned around and saw Guerrero walking swaying like a drunk. Under his feet was a pile of **** bodies. Bai En's eyes moved slowly along the giant axe, saw the axe grabbing another victim, and then pushed the destroyed body back to the two shrinking enemies. They fell together. The dwarf's axe then rose and fell in a **** arc, splitting them into pieces.

All remnants of humanity and restraint disappeared in a wave of bloodthirsty, fear and hatred. Bane pulled out the sword that the Templars were looking for, and jumped between the survivors of the enemy with two swords. The enchanted blade flashed as quickly as the snake's tongue, and as it sucked in more blood, the rune on the sword became brighter. Bai En hardly felt the impact between the blade and the enemy, nor did he hear the painful howl. Now he became a machine, just to kill people. He never thought about saving his life. Just to slaughter his enemies.

It starts as fast as it ends. The deformed body is retreating, escaping at the fastest speed their legs can run, and their fat leader runs the fastest. Bai En watched them leave. When the last enemy was out of reach, he screamed with frustrated murder and began to split the body into pieces.

After a while, he began to shake. As if it was the first time he noticed the terrible destruction caused by him and the dwarf, he bent down and began to feel sick and dizzy.

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