The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 715: Alternate plan

Bai En collapsed on the broken wreckage of the carriage, examining his blade. It was of great use in this battle, and as expected by Bai En, it left no trace on it. Although he did not know how much he had cut, armor, weapons, the blade was as sharp as before.

The ancient magic of this weapon is still effective, but its effect is not very satisfying to Bai En. The lightning appears less frequently than expected, and Bai En cannot completely predict when it will appear and which enemy it will attack.

Somewhere on his right hand, the wall of a burnt shed, which could no longer support his own weight, collapsed. Overhead, a gyroplane moved gracefully like a huge insect, then stopped in the air for a while, hovering over a burning building. Its front end turned downwards and made a hissing sound, like a angry snake, a burst of steam came out. Bai En wants to know what the pilot wants to achieve.

The steam met the fire, the flashing flame changed its color, and turned into a dull yellow, maybe a little blue. When the front of the rotorcraft continued to spray, the fire slowly extinguished, and it was smothered by steam and condensation droplets like a small rainstorm. While Brian was watching, the rotorcraft turned around in place and flew towards the nearest flame. Bai En has never seen the method of extinguishing steam, which may be the first time in life.

He suddenly felt extremely exhausted and was exhausted by the conflict. He was bruised all over and bleeds because he didn't notice many small wounds during the battle. His right shoulder, the arm holding the sword, hurt badly. He almost thought it was because the sword was repeatedly dislocated. This is an illusion he is familiar with, an illusion after he survived many other battles. He wanted to lie down and sleep for a hundred years.

He looked around, wondering where the energy of the dwarves came from. They have already begun to clean up the wreckage of the battle. The bodies of the fallen dwarves were collected, and Bai En thought they would be buried, but the dwarves seemed to have different treatments, and the bodies would be sent back to Karazhak, put in a sarcophagus in the same tomb as the ancestors.

At the same time, the ratmen's body was dragged into a huge fire and burned. The heavily armed sentry had already stepped down from the guard room and stood guard there in case the Ratmen returned again.

Bai En doubts that they will not tonight. According to his experience, after a failure, these ratmen took longer to recover and regroup than a human army. They seemed unwilling to return to the scene of the defeat so quickly, for which he was heartily happy.

At this moment, he suspected that he couldn't even move a muscle, even if the ogre rat came back from death to find him. He drove the evil thought out of his head to find a more enjoyable topic.

He quickly found one, at least he was still alive. He began to believe that he could still live. Sometimes before and during battle, when his reason is threatened by fear, he has a terrible feeling: he must die. He must die himself, which is a curse for him. Now he was surprised to find that he was still here, his heart was still beating, his breath was still in and out of his lungs. Looking around, he can see a lot of evidence, proving that this is not an easy task.

There were blood-stained bodies everywhere, like bags of dead meat, dragged across the street by the tired, grumpy dwarf. The blind eyes of the dead stared at the sky. Despite his previous thoughts, Bai En knew that they would not stand up again. They cannot laugh, cry, sing, eat, or breathe.

This thought filled him with deep depression. At the same time, however, he is sure that he is still alive, he can do all these things, so he should be happy for it. Life is too short and too fragile, he said to himself, enjoy it now.

He began to laugh softly, and his heart was filled with a peaceful joy, but strangely, this joy was like sadness. After a while, he limped painfully into the night, trying to see if he could find Grerogan or Snowry or anyone he might know in this huge ruin.

Tangur couldn't believe it. How could there be a problem so quickly? A moment ago, the victory was still in his grasp. His talent seems to ensure success this time. But after a while, it disappeared without a trace, just as fast as the Rat-Man turning his tail in battle. This is a disgusting, dizzy feeling.

After long and painful thinking, the disgraced prophet believed that even the best plan would be defeated by the incompetence of his subordinates. Although this was not his fault, his lazy, cowardly, and stupid minions once again disappointed him.

Inspired by this profound insight, he considered his options. Fortunately, he has an emergency plan designed for this unlikely situation. Luck is still alive, and he can be found through his insight into the crystal ball. If he is lucky, he may stay where he is, ready to report the secrets that the unscrupulous dwarves are trying to hide here.

Tangur looked at the insight crystal ball again, letting his mind find and want to get in touch with Luck.

Wandering Bai En felt that someone had pulled his sleeve. He looked down at Warwick. The young dwarf's blue robe was stained with mud and blood. One sleeve of his robe had been taken off, revealing a worn white linen shirt sleeve from the slit. His glasses were broken; their lenses were covered with cracks. He grabbed a small warhammer in one hand. The other hand held his metal cover book tightly to his chest. Bane was surprised to find that Warwick's hands were so big and his knuckles were so white. There was a wild light in the young man's eyes.

"This is the most amazing experience in my life, Bai En," he said. "I've never seen such an exciting thing, how about you?"

Bai En said harshly: "Without this stimulation, I can live happily."

"You don't mean that. I see you fighting behind. It's like watching a human hero who pioneered this era. I never knew that humans can perform so well in battle!"

Warwick blushed and seemed to realize what he said. This is a shortcoming of a dwarf. They think that young people have poor abilities, so they are outspoken.

Bai En just smiled softly. "I just want to live."

"I hate ratmen," he thought again, adding. He was a bit shocked after considering this fact. He doesn't consider himself a particularly violent or vengeful person, okay, maybe. But as soon as he thought of the ratman, he made him goose bumps. He was a little surprised to think that he was happy to kill them, but now he examines his feelings and honestly admits that this is true.

"Everyone hates ratmen," Warwick nodded in agreement. "Even if it's another mouse, it's probably the same."

Lake-Snake tongue moved quietly in the burnt ruins. Fear filled his heart, fighting against his hatred of Tangul. His scent glands felt tight, and he suppressed the urge to spit out fearful odors, because it might leak his presence to the dwarves around him.

At this moment, away from the comforting smell and furry body of his brothers, he felt very lonely and exposed. He wanted to run quickly into the night to find other survivors. This thought stimulated him and made him unbearable.

However, he was most worried about the prophet. Staying here may mean death, but rebelling against a prophet selected by the devil means inevitable suffering and doom. There is something worse than the dwarf's axe, which is very clear to Luck. Of course, this is not to say that he wants any of them.

‘Turn right,’ said the nagging voice in his mind.

"Yes, the greatest master." Luck whispered. He obeyed the command and walked along a quiet long alley towards the huge building occupying the center of the dwarf settlement. He flinched, wondering if Tangul could see his thoughts. He certainly didn't want that, because he had thought about some things over and over again.

His paws carelessly played with the amulet, thinking about what would happen if he tossed it out of the flesh. He was convinced that this was an annoying thing. It's like a prophet weaving some complicated curses in this device. He had no doubt that digging it out of his brain would probably kill him, or at least cause him severe pain, and Luke was as sensitive to pain as most ratmen.

He once again wanted to flinch, hoping that his thoughts did not involve the connection with Tangul. He hopes not; he can only send a message when he touches the stone on his head and concentrates. He thought it would take a lot of effort to make his mind move through the sky. He ’s not sure, because he has n’t tried it yet, but at this time, he really hopes that this is ~ ~ stops! ’The command of an arbitrary voice was issued. He did it immediately, which was natural and instinctive. After a while, he heard the footsteps of a dwarf wearing boots in front. After a while, a small group of dwarves walked through the alley with heavy steps. When he saw them dragging a corpse of a rat to cremation, Luck shivered instinctively. His beard twitched. He had previously smelled the stench of burnt skin.

‘It ’s now — run across the road. fast! fast! While the road is clear. ’

He bravely courageously jumped into the open space between the two buildings. While jumping, he took a quick glance to the left and right while taking the risk of being discovered. He found that, except for the back of the dwarves who left, the road was indeed unobstructed. He had to admit that no matter what he was going to do, Tangul was a powerful caster. He did not know how the Prophet could guide him so well, but so far, he has not made any mistakes.

Lake was in a bunker across the alley, and hurried forward. Right in front of him is a huge dwarf building. Its metal roof reflects the light in the moonlight. He saw a huge and powerful steam engine attached to its side. His curiosity, which belongs to the Ratman, was aroused. He wondered what might be hidden in such a large building.

‘Quick ~ Quick! Until you find the entrance, you will die quickly. ’

Lake hurriedly obeyed. He slid over the entrance arch and stopped-staring up with wide eyes in surprise. His lips, which could not understand the vision of his eyes, gasped in pure surprise.

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