The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 727: Turbulence

The shaking of the airship threw Bai En into the corridor. He felt a star flashing in front of his eyes, and when his skull hit a metal wall, his head felt a sharp pain. Then when he started to stand up again, realizing that he was just trying to make his head hit the ceiling, he crouched down and began to crawl along the corridor.

Of all the terrorist incidents he has experienced, this may be the most terrifying. Every moment, he thought the hull would break, the wind would roll him up, and then he would fall and die. He suddenly thought that, as far as he knew, the manned cabin might have detached from the balloon and was falling into the abyss of destruction. Collisions with solid ground can happen at any time.

Fear is not fear itself. This is a sense of helplessness. He couldn't change his predicament at all. Even if he managed to reach the control room, he did not know how to manipulate the airship. Even if he found the exit, they were thousands of feet above the ground.

He had never felt this way before. Even in battle, surrounded by enemies, he always feels that he is in control of his own destiny. With his magic, fighting skills and ferocity, he can fight in his own way. If he is on a bumpy boat, he might be able to do something; if the boat sinks, he can plunge into the sea, swimming non-stop in order to survive.

In both cases, his chances are slim, but at least he can do something. But here and now, there is no other way except to crawl along this claustrophobic passage, let the steel wall of vibration vibrate inside, or pray to a **** to hope he can survive.

For a while, a blind panic threatened him. He restrained an overwhelming urge to just curl up and do nothing. He forced himself to breathe normally and pushed these thoughts aside. He didn't plan to do anything shameful in front of these dwarves. If death comes, he will stand, or at least squat to face it. He forced himself to stand up and slowly walked towards the control room.

Just as he was thankful for his determination, the airship was like a ship with huge waves on top, suddenly high and low. For a long time, he was sure that the end had come, and he stood there waiting to greet his gods. After a few heartbeats, he realized that he was not dead, and after a few more times, he summoned up the courage to put one foot in front of the other, and went on.

No one on the command deck showed any signs of panic. The dwarf engineers with nervous expressions paced back and forth, checking the gauges and levers. Mackason stood there, holding the steering wheel nervously, with huge muscles bulging under his leather jacket, and his hair crown erected in the helmet. Reminds Bai En how a certain captain looks in the final battle.

All the dwarves stood with their legs spread out, maintaining a perfect balance. Unlike Bai En, they had no difficulty standing up in the airship. Bai En was filled with jealousy. Guess maliciously, perhaps because they are smaller, wider and heavier, so they have a lower center of gravity. Nevertheless, he still wants to own it.

The only one who felt uncomfortable was Warwick, who turned blue and covered his mouth with his hand.

"What's going on?" Bai En asked. He managed to keep his voice steady, for which he was very proud.

"Need not worry about this!" Makasson said loudly. "Random swim caused a little bump !!"


"Ah! The air below us is a bit unstable. It's like waves in the water, or whirlpools in the sea. Don't worry! It will settle down soon. I've seen this before."

"I'm not worried," Bai En lied. "You mean turbulence?"

"Yes, roaming!" Mackason confirmed, although still with his strange accent. "The purpose of our‘ Glennell ’s Will ’was much worse than this! Believe me! No problem — this **** thing was made by me!”

"That's what I'm worried about." Bai En muttered in a low voice, again subconsciously remembering the final outcome of the dwarves' great machines.

"I still want them to call her" Go ahead ". I don't understand why they didn't do it."


Luck-snake tongue smelt of fear again. The smell inside the container is now like a stinking ditch. His fur was covered with tiny drops of water. He hoped he could stop, but he couldn't. The violent impact and shaking of the dwarf airship convinced him that he was dying.

He knew he should stop, because the smell would only attract people's attention, but this kind of thinking would only make him more afraid, and let him constantly emit a spicy stench. He only stopped when his glands were empty and painful. He severely cursed Tangul and the sinister schemes that put him in danger. He wondered what the Prophet was doing now?


Tangul sat with his back bowed in the desolate cave on the high mountain, wondering how to get in touch with Luck and find out where the airship was. He watched it go, and his heart was full of desire, wanting to have something he had never felt in his life. He finally understood what the dwarves had been doing and what it represented.

Its military possibilities are endless. Judging from the speed of the airship ascending and taking off, it can fly from one end of the Marnus Empire to the other in less than a week. His mind was filled with this imagination: such a huge fleet, carrying the invincible Ratman Legion, towards an inevitable victory.

The huge machine with the banner of the devil and his favorite servant Tangul will darken the sky. His army can be moved to their rear before the confused enemy realizes what happened. The city may be crushed by bombs, gas **** and plague spores falling from above.

When he saw the airship, Tangul already knew that what he saw was the pinnacle of scientific and technological achievements in the world, and it was the fate of the rat-human race to possess it and improve it in his own unique way. Equipped with advanced magic stone engines and weapons, the airship will become better, faster and more powerful than its creators could imagine.

Tangul knows that no matter how much it costs or how long it takes, he has the responsibility to obtain the airship, which is his responsibility to his people and his destiny as one of their leaders. Only a smart person like him can understand its true potential. He must get it!

But the first question now is to find where that thing is. When his lieutenant left the insight into the crystal ball, he lost contact with Luck. Tangul knew he had to re-establish contact through magic. His insight The connection between the crystal ball and his men still exists ~ ~ but there is not enough power in the spell. He believes that if there is a chance, he can make up for this by himself.

He looked around the cave quickly. This is a good place. It is one of the entrances to the huge tunnel network that connects the underground of the Ratmen Empire. It is also where the survivors he sent to attack the Black Tower gathered to prevent the dwarves from taking revenge. After a long and tired night, he finally arrived at this place. Nonetheless, he did not intend to let fatigue prevent him from acquiring the airship.

He touched the amulet with his slender claws, and then hooked it with one of his long, slender fingers. He felt a surge of energy from the magic stone trapped in the amulet. He sent his thoughts along the delicate aura flowing from the amulet. It is gratifying to know that it still exists in some form, although it is far beyond any distance he ever imagined. Slowly, the prophet Tangul gathered his strength and extended his thoughts farther. He closed his eyes to concentrate, feeling like he was pulling farther and farther away in a certain abyss.

it's no use. At such a long distance, he could not get in touch without any help. He reached into his pocket, took out a handful of magic stone powder snuff, and took a greedy breath. This kind of thing helped him and brought him the magic he needed. So far, in a distant area, in a large area, he felt the poor and frightened existence of that poor Luck. The triumphant smile made Tangul reveal his fangs. He immediately knew the distance and direction of the airship. He can find it again when he needs it. Now he needs more specific information.

Luck, listen to me! This is an order for you!

Yes, the greatest host!

The reply is back.

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