The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 736: Long Room Banquet

Angelica Mogorova's father was burly, at least one taller than Baien, as strong as a bear, and even wearing thick clothes could see the tight muscles under the clothes. His beard was long and white, and he turned into a thick braid like a dwarf at the end, but most of his hair was shaved, leaving only a top bun.

His eyes are astonishingly blue as his daughter's, and his teeth are slightly yellow. He was wrapped in a thick leather coat, and the fur turned out at the collar, which seemed to be mink. The lower body was wrapped in coarse trousers, and the riding boots were on the feet. Although the shine was very bright, it can be seen that it is a bit old, but it does fit well. His thick leather belt hung a long sword and a short sword, and Bai En could see that they were also forged by dwarf craftsmanship. At least a dozen amulets jingled on the chain around his neck.

But the thing that attracted Bai En most was the rune giant sword that he embraced behind him. The giant sword was about the same length as Bai En. The sword handle was long enough for people to hold it with both hands, and the hand guard was bone. Qualitative, it seems to be the huge teeth of some kind of beast, nearly one foot long. The blade is extremely wide, almost two-thirds the width of the hand guard. In the center of the sword body are dense runes around an ancient language-‘I will survive, I will always survive. ’

Bai En can understand the idea of ​​dual-armed weapons combat. Compared with the one-handed shield and one-handed weapon, this method is more inclined to attack and will not be blocked by the shield. However, this type of combat requires a high degree of personal agility, and the control of both hands is the same. When Bai En was a child, using agility to attack with short arms can maximize his advantage. After all, he did n’t have enough strength at that time. .

However, it is rare for such a tall person to choose dual-armed combat, unless he has any special skills, even if Bai En finds his height and strength change in adulthood, he has seriously considered replacing the weapons he uses. If it was not because the sacrificial knife was his medium of casting, he might have replaced some more convenient weapons. However, considering that his daughter Angelica also carried the swords around her waist, or that this was a special way of playing for their family.

And that rune giant sword, Bai En suspected that it was not a real weapon, but a ceremonial weapon. It ’s just for display, not for combat. After all, a weapon of that size is likely to be about the same weight as Bai En ’s own. It ’s hard to imagine a human waving another human, is n’t it?

Even the weapons of the two-handed swordsmen of the Marnus Empire will not exceed ten pounds, and most of the weapons are basically between two or three pounds, and more than four pounds are extremely rare. Of course, if it weren't for the huge sword, Guerrerogan could swing it.

But the traces left on the giant sword indicate that Bai En's guess may be wrong. There are too many traces of obvious use of it.

As Bai En thought about the significance of this great sword, Angelica ’s father strode to the place where the dwarves were waiting at the bottom of the tower. Behind him, a row of warriors displayed their weapons in a ceremonial form. He leaned over to look at Angelica, hugged her tightly in his arms, and then threw her out, turning her around like a child.

"Welcome home, my sweetheart baby!"

"It ’s nice to be back here, Dad. Now put me down and say hello to your guests."

The old man made a deep laugh sound, and then he stomped to the place where the crew on the airship stood waiting. He didn't hug the dwarf. Instead, he bowed in a salute posture, showing the amazing flexibility of his age and man with a huge waist.

"Boreke-Fokker Beard! Nice to meet you. Please believe you will find everything you want here."

"I believe I will." The old dwarf said and bowed deeply.

"Grey Logan Mahal, I welcome you too. It has been a long time since you came to my hall. I am very happy to see you still holding that axe."

"I'm very happy to be back, Ivan Petronovich Mogorova." Bion guessed that Grerogan seemed happy to see the Lady Casler.

"Look, who is this? Snowry-thorn horn? I must make sure you have a barrel of vodka on your table. Welcome!"

"Snowry thinks this is a good idea." The dwarves were welcomed or introduced one by one, and then Angelica led her father to where Bane and the former imperial magician waited.

"And, Dad, this is Bain Fatalin from Fatalin."

"Nice to meet you," Bai En said, extending his hand. Instead of ignoring Baie's hand, Mogorova approached Baie, hugged him and welcomed him, and then kissed his cheeks. "Welcome! Welcome!" He shouted at Bai En's ear, loud enough to deafen his ear. Before Bai En answered, he was thrown away, and the old man did the same to Schneider.

"I thank you for your warm welcome, sir." The magician said breathlessly.

Bai En and Angelica exchanged glances, and then looked at the row of warriors walking in the hall with surprise. Ivan Petronovich Mogorova may look and act like a barbarian, but there is no doubt that he is a powerful warlord in his own land. Three hundred riders stood aside as an honor guard. All of them have a cold face and a pair of cold eyes. It seems that they are using the well-polished weapons that the dwarves gave them.

According to Angelica, there are more than two thousand riders who have sworn allegiance to her father. Boyar is clearly an important position. Because it commands the first line of defense against the invasion of evil forces, at least Bai En guesses it should be.

"Now let's go to eat!" Ivan Mogorova announced loudly, "And drinking!"

Several large tables have been set up in the wall of the mansion. Officials from all directions seemed to be invited to the banquet and were also amazed by the dwarf airship. The reindeer are roasted on a grill fork on the fire pit. The plate was filled with rough black bread and cheese. Next to each plate was a large bottle of hard liquor, which Snowry thought was vodka. Sure enough, a bucket of this kind of thing was placed next to Snowy.

The owner briefly introduced this wine, saying that it was a rare thing that was obtained by a special channel. Under the warm invitation of the owner, Bai En learned the locals and sipped the wine in the glass. It felt like he was swallowing molten metal. A ball of acid seemed to burn his throat, rushing into his nostrils, irritating and making him tearful. He felt that he should be able to spout fire, all he could do was not to let himself spew out the wine. He guessed that this behavior was not appropriate here.

He was glad that he had n’t done so. At this time, he noticed that all his eyes were watching him to see how he reacted to the taste of this wine for the first time.

"You drink like a wing cavalry!" Ivan Mogorova roared, and everyone knocked the cup on the table to agree. The host insisted that everyone fill up the glass, and then shouted: "To Bain Fatalin, he is from the land of our friends-Fatalin Island!"

Bai En frowned slightly imperceptibly ~ ~ He never said that Fatalin was an island. Then he suddenly thought that the wine had a subtle familiarity, so he took advantage of the inattention and lifted Snowry's vodka and looked at its bottom. Unsurprisingly, it was found that there were three towers at the bottom of the barrel. Damn, Bai En cursed, he should have thought about it.

Of course, Bai En can only toast to ensure a new friendship between his compatriots and Kaslov's compatriots. Soon, the dwarves also joined in. Bai En noticed a pleasant warmth in his stomach, and his fingers felt a little numb. The more vodka was drunk, the easier it was for him to drink it, and soon he no longer felt it was burning his throat. However, if Bai En chooses, he would rather drink beer or ale, even if the wine is good, he is not willing to drink this kind of wine which is no different from alcohol.

A lot of food was eaten up. After solving the toast. People gave warm welcomes and speeches about friendship until nightfall. But as early as sometime in the afternoon, Bai En forgot what happened. His head fainted under the influence of vodka, but he vaguely realized that he had eaten too much, drank too much, and sang together songs he did not know the lyrics. For a while in the evening, he was sure that he danced with Angelica, and then Angelica turned to dance with Eisenheim-Schneider.

After that, his mind was completely blank, and a lot of memory disappeared in vodka and Kaslov-style hospitality. For the rest of his life, he was not sure who he had spoken to, what he said, or how he entered the room assigned to him. However, since then, he has been thankful that he did so.

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