The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 825: Iriyama

Bai En marched tiredly along the mountain road. His chain mail chain shirts felt heavy and strange under half-body armor, because this was the first time he had worn them in a few days. But he was still very happy to have it. There are orcs in these mountains, and he wants all the protection he can get. The dwarf provided him with quite good protection for this half-length plate armor.

In front of him are Oleg and Standa. They stood beside Angelica, and Angelica obviously ignored him. She has accepted his apology for his alcoholism, but now she is angry with him again. Well, at least she decided to walk with him to the fork in the Dnieper River. All three Mrs. Kasler were wearing leather armor and holding bows.

Although the road on the top of the mountain was considered a safe zone, they carefully scanned the mountainside nonstop. He guessed they would feel nervous just in the mountains. After all, their home is a flat plain in Kaslov, and they are more used to riding rather than walking.

Eisenheim-Schneider was walking behind them, leaning on a heavy oak cane. Bai En didn't know that the staff he had ever obtained. Before, he seemed to cast spells out of nothing. Eisenheim-Schneider looked very energetic in his new golden brocade custom-made robe in the city.

However, he seemed uneasy here and continued to observe the road as if he thought they might be ambushed at any time. Bai En understood his fear very well. The rumors circulating in the Grey Dwarf's Slaughterhouse mentioned not only dragons, but also the orcs, half-orcs, and goblins in the mountains. Bai En had fought these orcs before, and he didn't like to meet them again.

He glanced back, trying to dispel the doubts in his heart. When they left the city, not only a large number of dwarf people gathered, but also strange new companions. Four new oath takers joined the team. The dwarf thief Steiger also joined them, and as he said, he would wait outside the gate. Before they left, he kept lurking at the gate of the killing fort.

Wuli, the bragging young oath-breaker, has taken hundreds of steps with them on the road. An ugly dwarf named Bijoni-Jorson threw a wink at Angelica and asked to join them. When no one answered, he seemed to take it for granted and followed. After a while, the dwarf wielding the hammer that Brian saw in the Temple of Dular caught up with them. He seemed to know who they were, so he increased his pace to keep up with the team.

Guerrerogan strode, his face sullen. With his axe on his shoulder, he seemed to be trying his best to ignore his colleagues. When Bjorney-Jorson sang out the ninth seventy-seventh part of an obscene song, Snowry giggled. There was an oath taker, a troll, and a prestige in the song. Monastery of the nuns of Lia.

Bijoni-Jorson has been singing in common language so that everyone can benefit from his humor. Bai En was surprised by his imagination in the lyrics. He doubted that half of what the oathsman sang was true.

Mackason followed them. He drove a cart full of mysterious equipment, with thick waterproof canvas hanging from it, so that no one could see it. The carriage was bumping up and down on the bumpy road, and Bane could hear the sound of metal collisions, so he knew that the dwarf engineer had made something in the days of the blacksmith's shop, although he didn't know what it was. Mackason pulled the reins from time to time to force the heavy carriage of the two little horses.

Bai En smiled bitterly. He previously suggested that Kaslov try to ride this kind of dwarf stallion on Fatalin Island, which is the only horse in the killing fort, and it was this suggestion that made him completely disfavored in front of Angelica. She didn't want to see this joke.

He guessed that she was already embarrassed enough to have to be with the dwarves who seemed completely unreliable, and his advice only aroused her anger. It's a pity that his insight came too late and didn't help him at all.

Behind the carriage was Steger, and whenever they stopped, Bai En occasionally saw him sneaking a peek at the carriage, seeming to be extremely curious about what was on the carriage. It was only because of the presence of the last two dwarves, Uli and the silent newcomer, that he did not investigate. Bai En didn't know if it was worse than Yoni's singing, or Wuli's endless bragging. At least the last nameless dwarf was quiet. This is a thankful point.

He thinks there are other things to be appreciated. This is a beautiful day. The air on the mountain is fresh and pure. The sky is clear and blue, and no cloud is visible. Mountain flowers bloom along the mountain pass. If it were not for their final destination, Bai En could almost enjoy the journey. In his career as a recorder of Grerogan's great death, he has been far less attractive than here.

Here, the mountain pass is wide and easy to pass. It extends all the way to the eastern plains of the Marnus Empire and joins the trade route through Oster Province. The road is also very wide, and the pavement is covered with cracked stone slabs, which shows that the dwarves have been walking on this road for a long time. Bai En wanted to return to human land along this road, but his oath to Grerogan and his desire to be with Angelica forced him to give up this road.

Soon, they will turn north and take the ancient road that leads to the dwarf city of Kengol. Most people call it the Digging Fort. Enter the valley where haunted dragons and orcs hate humans. He wanted to try his best to forget this and focus on his surroundings.

A cluster of pine trees obscured the hillside. Thick smoke came from the burning charcoal. Shepherds guard the flocks of goats and sheep everywhere along the higher paths. It was a miracle for Bai En to see such a secular career as a dwarf as an older race.

He always believed that dwarves were races with only occupations such as warriors, oathbreakers, engineers, and tunnel diggers. For him, just like most humans, dwarves are miners, living in deep tunnels and making excellent weapons.

Now, although he saw it with his own eyes, it is difficult to eliminate this impression. Nevertheless, he still believes that, like everyone else, older races have to eat, and there must be dwarf winemakers, butchers and bakers. He witnessed it all in person at the Slaughterhouse.

He suspected that his own experience with dwarves so far has been limited to those types of occupations that are considered strange enough among the inhabitants of the mountains: oathbreakers, scholars, engineers, pastors. He has never been to a fully functional dwarf city, only to a small colony, which is located in the ruins of Shifeng Fort, and there is a huge, desolate, maze-like lost fortress-Gunterg Rem.

He knew that at the collapsed black tower, the huge industrial complex that could breed the ‘Glennell ’s Will’ was by no means special. But this is a secret, even for most dwarves themselves.

He shrugged, making his backpack more comfortable. He had considered asking whether Mackason could put it in the car, but for two reasons, he decided not to do so. First, at this moment, the oathbreaker engineer is sensitive enough. Secondly, if for some reason he left the team, he wanted to bring all his things on his body. In many years of adventure, he has learned enough things, knowing that he will always make the worst plan.

He shook his head, realizing that he was thinking about it, just to distract himself from Angelica. He knew that if she did n’t make sense, he did n’t make sense, and he tried to find any reason to explain, then he was over.

He just seemed too sensitive to her behavior. As if everything she did had a magnified effect. If you change to someone else, he will think that this is a minor problem, but somehow, this has become a big disadvantage for her. What others said was originally a joke, but now it has become a subtle insult and belittle, which requires careful consideration and in-depth analysis.

Eisenheim-Schneider walked closer to her, which became a threat that made him jealous for no reason. On the one hand, he knew that this excessive sensitivity was because he was in love, and maybe her weird behavior was for the same reason. But no matter what, he still wanted to act on his unreasonable impulse. This was never mentioned by love poets, and he was troubled by it. Maybe it means he didn't really fall in love with her.

Perhaps the love poet simplified things, made them more concise, and turned them into better stories. Maybe they are not dishonest. This is just a trick for memory. Just as most people miss the farther away, people always think that life in earlier times is better.

He diligently recalled his days in the Black Tower, forgot most of the bad things, and admired the good things. However, he knew he had an unpleasant time in the Black Tower ~ ~ is not just arguing or not wanting to talk to each other, but really wants to kill each other, and he did.

But now, it seems that life in the Black Tower is also very good. If it is not to struggle with certain things, then for him, it may not be the kind of bad memory that is very painful when it is mentioned.

Maybe this is a person. Although some bad things will happen in their lifetime, when they recall, especially when they keep talking about these bad things, it seems that these things have become less important. It will make you feel that there are more and better things in life. After all, there are only so many bad things you can tell.

Bai En believes that it is indeed, after all, he can edit his memories, just like he used to weave his magic, pick the good parts, and polish them. The good part will make people feel better and better, while the bad part, the more you wipe it, it seems to be able to wipe it off. The follow-up will still leave some traces, but it does not look as bad as it happened at the time.

However, reality is always flawed. When you and your lover are in bed, your stomach will growl. Sometimes what I should say, I never say. Real people are contradictory, annoying, sometimes selfish, and sometimes selfless. He reminded himself as he used to.

He knew that Angelica was making trouble for no reason. He knew he was right. He knew he should wait for her to apologize. His self-esteem requires him to do this, and this near-subconscious anger also requires him to do so. However, somehow, he found his leg stretched forward to her side, murmured an apology in his mouth, reached out to hold her hand, and pinched her finger.

As strange as all the other things he had ever done, he found that even if he was not happy, he was at least satisfied.

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