The Legend of Fatality

Chapter 838: Mountain climbing

The Grund-Big Nose of the Broken Nose tribe looked down on the village where dwarves and humans lived together. This village seems to be the only village left on this avenue. His eyes that belong to Goblin are much sharper than anyone, even in the two rounds of dim moonlight, he can see everything he needs to pay attention to.

From his vantage point, he could see the carriage in the yard. It told him that someone would soon leave this heavily guarded little outpost. That means human flesh, iron and steel weapons, and perhaps gold and inferior liquor. He slipped back from the cliff and walked towards the path.

He felt that there was no need to tell Yugrek-Skinner about this. This is just a small group of people, and the loot is not enough for him and his boys. He will summon his combat troops and make sure that everything in the carriage is his before the starlight shines the next night.

Bai En was awakened by the sound of metal collision outside the hotel. He opened the blinds and looked out what happened. From the noise, he vaguely felt that he would see the orcs and the Templars fighting in the courtyard, but the source of the sound was not very obvious. He looked at it for a while and noticed that the rear of Mackason's carriage bumped up and down, and all the sound came from the covered carriage.

"What's wrong, Brian?" Angelica asked back.

"I don't know," he returned. "But it looks like Mackason is doing something."

"If this matter is important, we will know it soon. Now go back to bed," she said. He glanced back at her body, and he thought it was unnecessary for her to say it a second time.

Bai En's legs felt sore as he kept walking towards the top of the mountain. His feet stomped heavily on the hard rock on the avenue, and the pain was unbearable. He draped the black wool cloak tightly on his shoulder, and he was very happy. Although the sun is bright, it is still cold on these high mountains, and it is getting colder and colder. A cold wind blew through the valley, messing his hair with invisible fingers.

He smiled at Angelica. They are much better today, as they often do after sleeping together for a few nights. She also gave a warm smile. Bai En can see that she is as tired as he is, maybe more tired, but she decides not to show it.

Bai En has some sympathy for her. She grew up on the flat plains of Kaslov and has even less experience in mountaineering than him. At least before he met Guerrerogan, he had traveled several times in these similar peaks.

The reaction of Oleg and Standa was quite obvious. Their breathing was very fast, and from time to time, one of them would bend down, stretch out his legs, put his hands on the thighs, lower his head, trying to control their breathing.

Bai En can understand this. In this high mountain, not only the fatigue of muscles, but also the difficulty of breathing caused by lack of oxygen. Especially when one is used to breathing in the plains, it is difficult to change quickly after coming to the mountains.

Of all the people, Eisenheim-Schneider showed the slightest signs of fatigue, which surprised Bian. He was used to treating this magician from the Marnus Imperial Academy of Magic as a sitting scholar, yet he liked going to the mountains as if he was born here.

He leaned on his staff and said a few words to Oleg with encouragement, and then placed his hand on the shoulder of Mrs. Casler. Bai En can swear that he saw a spark between them, so Oleg stood up and walked up again.

Perhaps this is the secret of Eisenheim-Schneider, and Bane concluded that maybe he was using his magic to give him strength, maybe he used it to lend his strength to Oleg.

No matter what it is, it is effective, Bai En thought. He was curious why he had never seen such strange magic before, to supplement the energy he spent on climbing mountains? It was also a hint that Oleg could believe that he could face the mountains.

Eisenheim-Schneider behaved like a dwarf, like here at home, and until today, Bane still thinks this is impossible for any human being.

The dwarves were incredibly happy because they were all oath-takers, and the mission they shouldered probably meant their death. They strode tirelessly and walked the steepest slopes effortlessly, sometimes deviating from the path, and easily climbed the vertical slopes, obviously only for pure pleasure.

Only Mackason did not do this. He has always been with his carriage, when his pony hesitates on a steep slope, he will drive them with a horse-driving stick, he will observe the surrounding environment with sharp eyes, especially when theft When the suspect approaches the carriage, he will pay special attention to Steiger.

Gray Logan and Snowry led the way. Bai En saw them standing at the front of the column, climbing the nearest ridge, and the path went higher and higher, and steeper. Somehow, Bai En suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?" Angelica said suddenly.

Bai En looked around and understood what she meant. There is a peculiar and desolate beauty in the mountains, which seems to be a reward for those who work hard in it. There are faint gray mountains on both sides, and green woods and shrubs can be seen everywhere. The snow line above them shone, and the chilling mountain peak stood proudly. The boulder rose from the mountainside, occasionally blocking the road. Bai En guessed that this was where the stone was removed and rolled down the slope.

Far below them, he could see the village of Gert. The path winds through a narrow pass between two nearby mountains, winding down to a clear and cold lake.

"Yes," Bai En nodded. "Although not as pretty as you."

Angelica shook her head. "You are a shameless flatterer, Brian Fatalin."

"This is not flattery. This is just the fact ~ ~ Bai En shook his head and smiled and denied it.

She turned around and looked away for a moment, her smile with a strange sad expression. "What should I do without you?" She asked quietly in a low voice.

"What do you mean?" Bai En felt a sudden pain, not only because of Angelica's words, but something that seemed to have been buried in his heart was touched.

"I've never met someone like you who makes me feel."

Bai En knew she meant praise, but still embarrassed. "Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

"I don't know," Angelica still looked at Bai En with that strange sad look and shook her head gently. "I know this is confusing."

Bai En struggled to give an answer, but couldn't find the right words to express his feelings. It seemed that all the language had escaped from his mind. Just as he desperately wanted to spit out a certain word, he was almost happy to hear Guerrerogan's growl.

"It seems trouble is coming!" Guerrerogan shouted.

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